His - Chapter #28 - Free To Read


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A Date to Remember.

"Where are we going?" I probably asked for the hundredth time.

"Just wait." Ian answered with the same two words again. I growled in frustration. Ian had blindfolded me, and not knowing where we going was killing me.

"Ian!" I growled in frustration.

"I never noticed how impatient you are," Ian remarked, chuckling.

"You are so dead when I get my hands on you."

"Then maybe I should keep the blindfold on," Ian teased.

I didn't say anything, but I was annoyed. I didn't know what Ian was upto, and I really hoped that it wasn't some dangerous thing.

"We're here," Ian finally announced. I heard him get out and he opened my door. His fingers brushed against my collarbone as he took off the seatbelt, making goosebumps erupt all over.

"Can I take off the blindfold?" I asked, pretending to be annoyed.

"Just a minute," Ian drawled out. He took my hand in his, guiding me. "Step." I stepped up, slowly, hoping that I wouldn't fall down the stairs.

"Okay, now, move to your right," Ian ordered. I moved, feeling a hard surface as I extended my hand.

"Here we go," Ian spoke softly. The blindfold came off, and I opened my eyes. A gasp escaped my lips. We were in a penthouse. The living room was filled with candles. In the middle of the room sat a couch, and a large television set in front of it.

Two boxes were on the table, a bottle of red wine and some bottles of coke. I turned to Ian, grinning at him. The joy I felt was reflected on his face. I pulled him into a hug, loving the gesture.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I was pretty much overjoyed.

This may not seem like anything to anyone else, but this was me. This was what I preferred. I didn't like fancy dinners, I didn't want fancy and expensive gifts, I wanted the love. I want to feel wanted. That is the best feeling in the world, and nothing goes beyond it.

The feeling of being understood by someone, and knowing that they would go through hurdles for you is a great one. I had always something like this. I wanted to just sit, eat some pizza, and watch a movie. That was my perfect date.

And Ian had made it more romantic by adding all these flowers and candles and a penthouse. I pulled back, grinning at him.

"Let's go, milady," Ian said in the fakest British accent, making me laugh.

"Of course, Sir," I played along, biting my lip. We sat down, and Ian turned on the television, surprising me with Harry Potter.

"I don't think anything can surpass this date." I said, as Harry Potter started playing. That was my favorite series, and the number of times I had made Ian sit through the movies with me was uncountable.

"No pizza, but I got pasta, garlic sticks and fries."

"I love it," I murmured, actually meaning it. We sat in silence, watching the movie and eating. Once we were done, Ian insisted on cleaning up, so I could continue with the movie. I think I fell for him even more.

"Dessert!" Ian announced, making me look up. He held one tub of ice cream, and I grinned.

"Have I told you I love you?"

Ian smiled shyly, "I don't think I'll ever tire of hear it."

"I love you, Ian."

"More than Harry Potter?"

I pretended to think, making Ian's face fall. "Of course! Harry doesn't bring me ice cream."

Ian chuckled. "I should feel violated."

"Yeah, yeah. Now give me the ice cream. It's calling out to me."

Ian raises his eyebrows. "Weirdo."

I pulled him next to me, planting a wet, sloppy kiss on his lips. "Your weirdo."


"Don't you have work?" Ian asked, running his fingers along my bare back.

"Mmhh," I had most definitely reached a state of non coherence.

 "Khlo, get up. I'll ask Parker to get some clothes for you."

I turned around and looked at him, pouting. "But I don't want to go."

Ian raised his eyebrows. "This isn't school, sweetheart. You cannot just not go. Now go shower, while I make some breakfast for you."

"Oh, whose place is this?" I suddenly realized that you couldn't just rent a penthouse. Could you?

"It's," Ian stilled. His eyes went into plead mode. "I bought it."

I was sure that my eyes were the size of saucers. "You what?"

"I bought it. I knew I wanted to stay here for the rest of my life. And I wanted a place big enough for the both of us."

"It's for us?" And the bombshells kept coming. "B-But--"

Ian pressed a soft kiss on my lips, successfully shutting me up. "Don't think too much, Khlo. Just go with the flow."

"Which is probably your way of saying that I should get the hell out of bed, and go to work?"

"You know it, babe," Ian smirked.

"Fine," I mumbled.

"By the way, just in case you forgot, today would have been our probably eighth anniversary."

That comment made me stop. "What's the date?"

Ian frowned, but answered anyways. "It's 26th?"

I sank down to the floor. "Fuck."

Ian was beside me in an instant. "Khloe? What happened? Are you okay?"

I couldn't speak. Air got stuck in my throat, like a lump which refused to go away. It became hard to breath, my vision becoming black. I took in short breaths, blinking.

"Khloe!" Ian's voice was far away. I felt warmth on my cheek, before I was suddenly woken up by coldness. I looked up at Ian, who was holding a glass in his hand.

"What happened?"

"I'm one week late."

"It doesn't matter," Ian said. "We can manage a baby."

I shook my head, getting up. "We cannot!"

Ian looked at me as if I was stupid. "We can."

Tears ran down my face. "Maybe you can, but I cannot!"

"Why the fuck not?"

"I can't, Ian! I don't want a baby!" I was screaming by now.

"You can! We can!" Ian shouted back. "We aren't stupid teenagers, Khlo."

"I can't," I was panicking. "We can't. We should get this baby abo--"

"Don't you dare say it," Ian shouted. "Why the fuck can't you?"

"Because I killed our child, Ian! All those years ago, I killed our baby!"












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