Chapter Three
Immersed in the dark past, unable to escape the black time. However, in the depths of my heart engulfed by darkness, in such a dirty place, there is incredible brightness.
I stood on the edge of the darkness, silently watching your accompanying figures. At that moment, I slowly stretched out my waiting hands to touch, but was isolated by the transparent film. If I could call again, I could only sink into the darkness and gradually be swallowed up, until I completely disappeared and fell into hell.
In this world, some roads must be faced alone, and one must trudge alone. No matter how long the road is, no matter how dark the night is, one must walk alone and silently
I was told to attend to the King during lunch by my brother. Our special client my brother refers to is none other than the King. It turns out his spoiled son could not attend. Then again, he probably is a womanizer. I have been appointed as the King's security adviser and is tasked with determining how much security he needs for the moonlight ball.
One of the most bizarre things that happens during our lunch is that Catherine the Wolf dances around crazily. It is not possible for the King to be our mate since he has a mate. My wolf is worried now that she will go crazy. Okay, I thought to myself, fantastic. It's possible the Moon Goddess enjoys annoying me on purpose by giving my wolf a "C" name.
Upon entering the upper echelon restaurant, my brother and I find the King in a private room with one of the pack omegas. I see The Omega handing him the wine list as I enter the room. Getting a werewolf even tipsy takes a lot of alcohol, so he orders six bottles of the finest wine for us each.
Thanking him for the wine, I sit down and exclaim professionally how much I love that wine, thanking him once again for the pleasure of tasting it. The king is pleased and glances at the appetizer menu.
As I swirl the glass of wine, the aroma fills the air, and it is heavenly. I have a drink, with my wolf still acting psychotic. All I do is ignore Catherine and continue to enjoy my wine.
After we have eaten our appetizers and our meals, we begin discussing what the King would need in security for the Moon Light Ball. By the end of the discussion, I have planned on visiting the castle grounds to see what he might require in terms of security for that night. Then I would come back with my own thoughts and analysis of what they require for security.
In an uncomfortable turn of events, the conversation turns to why the King hasn't seen me at any of the Moon Ball dances for the unmated. Under the table, I kick my brother, not wanting him to tell anyone that I don't want a mate.
I turn the discussion around by explaining that I have recently graduated from the University, and I now have my masters. I have not been in the area for the balls, so I have not attended.
This is partly true. When I was sixteen years old, I graduated high school, and I just finished my university studies. In my case, I would have tried to stay away from such events had I been here.
My explanation is accepted by the King, who nods his head in agreement. My brother raises a question. "Your highness, I don't seem to recall your son attending these either. Maybe I missed him somehow?"
The King looks melancholy, maybe because he has drunk the two bottles like Kool-Aid. The king's eyes look far away, as if he was reliving a painful memory. "No, my son has not gone for years." he admits. "He is now 26 years old and still hasn't found his soul mate. That's not to say he is looking for her. The last moon ball my son attended was over five years ago. It is like he has cursed at the Moon Goddess by rejecting her gift of a true mate before he has even met her. However, this year, everything is different. I'm not backing down. He will not be King unless he finds his mate. Attendance at this year's ball is mandatory for all unmated wolves. "
Curiosity takes over. My mouth always seems to get me in trouble. "What if he rejects her, or she rejects him?" The King looked aghast at such a thing could happen. "I assure you Ms. my son will not be King unless he accepts his mate." Pushing the conversation, a little further, "Let's say I am his mate and reject him. What then?" The King looks angry and stands up, his eyes turning black. I immediately stand and explain to the King, "I am not rejecting his son. We probably are not even mates.
I am just curious, and I apologize for offending you, your highness." The King sits back down, calmer now. "And to answer your question, Clair, I will keep her at the castle until the bond sets in, once that happens she will not want to reject the bond."
My brother could feel my anger surfacing. In a mind link my brother scolds me, "Clair get your anger under control, the King can and would put you in a dungeon and forget about you for a very long time." I take a deep breath and smile at the King. Lifting my glass, I toast the Moon Ball.
The King excuses himself and asks when I would come to the Castle. I surprise him when I state right now. My brother has mind linked me and asked if I am bringing my other brothers? I laugh, "You mean Beavis and Butthead? Absolutely not! Do, Alpha!" The King has already left in his well-armed SUV.
My brother states, "You know I am a very busy Alpha!"
I laugh and give him the pouty lips and the puppy dog eyes. "Please? You are my most favorite brother." He laughs, Alright I will come with you, but remember you said I am your most favorite brother." I laugh and pinch his cheek. His wolf growls at the disrespect. I laugh. "Oh Wolfie, you know I love you too." With that, Wolfie huffs and is silent.
Driving up to the castle, the gates open upon our arrival. It is like they are expecting us. We drive up the long drive until we are in a half circular driveway and there are parking attendants to park our car for us.
I get out of the car stating, "rough life they have here."
My brother seems annoyed. "What do you think the King does? He doesn't just have one pack to run, he has the headache of hundreds of packs to run. Do you realize how many vampires, Rogues, and other supernatural beings constantly try to assassinate him? I think we can allow him the luxury of a parking attendant. "
I laugh, "Peace, my brother." Holding up a peace sign instead of a white flag.
In front of the castle doors, there is a Maserati parked with a She-wolf leaning into the window showing her cleavage. I whisper to my brother, "I know she is throwing herself at whomever is in the car. However, it is the reason she is doing it. Many girls like her feel insecure and think they can only get a man through sex. It's like they feel obligated to do so. It makes sense. In school, it is always the popular girls who put out that get the popular guys. These girls just don't realize that there is not happily ever after for them. Like any feeling creature, these girls are heartbroken when they are thrown away like trash."
My brother grimaces remembering his younger days, my brother is one of those guys who uses women for his sexual desires without considering the consequences.
The Guy in the car is more than likely the spoiled prince, I think to myself. The prince looks away from the girl towards me; I hurry and pretend I wasn't just psychoanalyzing them.
Prince Xander -
I look over at the girl walking up the stairs towards the castle doors; She is hot! Well, at least her back side is, she turned too fast for me to see her face or her eyes. I have my best friend Zach sitting next to me, noticing who I am watching. "Man, she is not in your league!"
The prince laughs, "I am the prince, if anything she is not in my league!"
Exasperated, Zach sighs, "Dude, you see Alpha right there? That is her oldest brother, and she has six older brothers, all ALPHA'S. Her brothers are overprotective, and it is almost impossible to get near her. Besides Xander, she is a geek, she doesn't date, and loves reading. "
Xander laughs, "Let me guess, you need colored pictures in your books to understand what you just read?"
"Dude, I am telling you to let that little fishy go. She is in trouble with a capital,"T".
Xander rolls up his window, forgetting that the sexy she-wolf is still leaning on the window. He hears a screeching sound of her voice and stops the car as soon as he starts it. She pulls her head from the window as Xander rolls the window up, taking off.
Xander scoffs at his friend, "Have I ever let a challenge go?" Zach sighed, "Dude you are going to get hurt with this chick, I guarantee it."
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