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It's that hour! That awful hour marked the beginning of a new year in my life.

Today is not like other years when I delighted in the thrill and bliss of bringing in the year as I watched the clock tick by. Everything contradicts what I've experienced past birthdays. Everything seemed to have changed. Even the sound of the clock not capture today's mood. The sound of dread and nervousness is ticking inside.

That sound irritates my ears and causes me much distress. I am more convinced of the of the clock and everything else ringing around me, unlike Crystal Gyle, who unsure in her jazz version of Sounds of Goodbye, which is currently playing on . I love that jazz, but it's not helping me tonight.

With my troubled soul, I crouch down on the seat and reflect on my opulent yet existence. Apparently, money is not everything, as they claim. They freaking for fuck’s sake! If this freaking existence was all about money and power, if in life revolves around the wheel of money and lavishness, then there be absolutely no doubt that Ellie Marrie Riccaford would be the happiest goddess in the world. I'm swimming in luxury, but take a look at this shit I call . A freaking twenty-year-old who has never made even one decision regarding horrendous life. Heck! I am living my father's life, but not anymore!

Until moments ago, I used to have my every move imposed on me. But that has to now. My exciting and thrilling, long-awaited birthday brings everything to a . I'm optimistically welcoming this new dawn. This is the precise moment that I always been so afraid of. A fresh day. A brand-new beginning. And a freaking turn. I have had enough of being hoodwinked like a marionette. I don't care how this potentially catastrophic decision of mine will impact my relationship with father or how much of a blow it will be to his company and reputation. I will take the responsibility and deal with the consequences. Regardless of the curveballs that may throw my wayfor my sudden change of action, I shall swim through them till end.

I cast a quick glance at the satchel and the proof of the treachery I experienced a few ago that are both lying on the floor. They sure knew precisely where to hit me!

This stings like hell! May the devil screw them! I know I will never get over this any soon, but you know what? There is no way I will shed another teardrop over . They are not worth it. They are not worth my tears.

My focus is diverted by a soft knock on the door, and I get up to go get it. That must my only two partners in crime: Sherry and Rose.

"Hey!" I whisper in a very inaudible tone.

I beckoned them in and shut the door behind us. "Hi!" They chorus together as they in, worry and concern etched everywhere on their faces. And why wouldn’t you this worried? I called them up in the middle of the night, and that is so unlike me.

Before they say anything else or settle down, their attention quickly veers to the on the floor as I slouch back in my chair.

"Ellie, why are these here? Do you plan to discard them? This bed was only just a few months ago, and you were over the moon with it. What’s up?" They down alongside me while Rose speaks.

"They stink!" I sigh after responding, containing the tears that are about to spill out of eyes. That pair of blatant cheaters is not going to cause another drop of tears from . I hunch my head down upon realizing their concerned gazes at me.

"Hold on, Ellie!" Rose looks at my face while expressing concern. "What's wrong? It like you have cried your eyes out. What on earth happened?"

I swallow the bitter lump in my throat. "The worst, Rose. I found Leo pounding on a on that bed today," I say with so much pain.

A moment of screaming silence passes by, with their gazes being the only means of around us. They are perplexed. No. Thunderstruck! I anticipated that.

They are aware of how far Leo and I have come. They bear evidence of the love we had and the lovely dreams we shared together. And how much I my hope in him to help me fight my fate. And Sherry, I perceive the of awe and bemusement she is wearing. She is related to that dick, after all.

The jerk is her brother.

"No. No. Ellie, wait!" She wavers, her face growing drab with shock. It resembles from a while ago, when I entered that room and watched her brother's hard balls on that bitch. "What do you mean Leo was on your bed with another b*tch?

I don't think... no, I am sure my brother is not that kind of person."

I look at her, understanding her shock and denial. "Sherry, you heard it perfectly right.

I just learned, in the worst way possible, that your brother has been having an affair another bitch. That is not even all. Do you know the bitch he cheated on me ?" In contrast to Sherry, who is still a statue, Rose still has enough energy to shake her head and express her expectation of what I will say. Her attention is on me, as though I were saying something that was completely unbelievable.

"NELLY, my stepsister! That witch-whore my father brought into our home is the one

Leo has been screwing behind my back."

"What?" Both of them snap in unison. Their voices echo with a firm tinge of disbelief.

I can't even tell if it's a question or an exclamation.

"How?” Sherry begins, shaking her head uncontrollably. “You mean you found Leo, brother, and your sister screwing in your house and on your bed? That is absurd.

It's unbelievable! My brother?"

"Yes, Sherry. And they had the balls to wrap it around my face; it has been going on months,” I say.

"Ooh, bestie! I am so deeply sorry. Wait,” Rose wavers, diving into deep thoughts as continues. “I know Nelly is a shameless b*tch who will do anything to outdo you every single way possible, but Leo? When did he turn into a shameless, heartless, jerk? What got into him? Why the fuck would he do this to you?" Rose says as she rubs my shoulder.

"That is exactly what he is going to explain to me right now,” Sherry fumes, springing her feet. “I need that jerkass to look me in the eye and break down this nonsense to bit by bit. He must explain where he got such grilled balls to mess up with my best like this.”

She starts reaching for her bag, and knowing her, I know she is capable of the worst for me. I hold her hand, stopping her. "Sherry, it's not worth it."

"It isn't, Ellie?” She squeals, pain etched in her tone. “I don't freaking think so! Not did my brother have the balls to cheat on you, my best friend whom I introduced to, but he did it with your very own unworthy sister, for fuck's sake! And on your ? Who in hell does that? Ellie, he has a thousand things to explain, and he better a good explanation if he doesn't want me to have him castrated or have his balls off."

Ouch! Ouch! That pain, though! I can only imagine.











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