Incredulous at my words,they both snarl at me. "What sort of package?" Her mother as they both stand on their feet beside each other. Nelly is beginning to shake.
"Nothing much. Just some garbage that is making my hose stink!" I say.
"And you think my daughter is a dumping site?" Her dangerous demeanor never me ever. Beside her, her miniature is almost peeing on her pants. She is to her bones.
"Isn't she?" I challenge, and she looks at her daughter questionably. I tap my feet on floor and walk over to my father's study before he starts interrogating me and
Nelly about our dispute.
"Isn't there any chance that you three will ever try to get along?" My father implores he closes the door to his study and walks to the adjacent swivel chair.
"I am the only child you will ever have, and my mother is gone as far as I know.
Those witches are not my family, Papa. They will never be. Nonetheless, just for you, only they can stop behaving like witches, I might consider getting off their necks,” I the bitter truth.
"My dear, you constantly set them off, and that's why they act so defensive and around you. You constantly telling them that they don't belong here makes feel so insecure. Insecurity is what brings about their reaction and attitudes,”
Father explains
I smirk slightly. "I never say anything that isn’t true. They ought to understand their place in this family." I slur.
He shakes his head. "And what is with you and Nelly today? Those are not your picky-picky games,” he asks.
So he noticed, huh! "I accidentally bumped into her with her fake mask off,” I say, my words carefully. It is not time for him to know what his stepdaughter did . “Papa, the sooner you understand how detrimental these people are to your , the better. That aside, though,. I am aware that I don’t have the authority to decisions for you.” He gives me a dubious glance, and I return it with a serious that reads, "My honest opinion.”
"Back to business. so..."
"My decision is final, Papa,” I cut him off boldly, “I am not marrying him."
I furiously stand up while he crosses his hands across his chest and leans back to his chair. He says, “Neither you nor I have a choice. You must do what needs to done.”
I glare at him. "You don't feel sorry for me, Papa? Not even sympathy for your own can make you change this."
"I have told you from the start, Ellie, and you have always known that this was bound happen. We cannot do anything. You have to do this."
"Well, I do not want to. I am not going to.” I stand my ground, unbended and , unwilling to bow to this absurdity.
"My dear, Ellie,” His voice detonates, his gaze fierce on me, “don't rile me up. I beg , don't make this any more difficult for me; everything is on the line."
"I know. But tell me, Pa. What is more important to you? Your daughter's life or your and company?" I challenge. I know he has a choice here. There is always a in everything. He can do something if he wants to.
"You know that if I had to choose, Ellie, you would be the one I would choose.
However, that is not the case here. This is about me keeping my word and fulfilling pledge to a unique person." He stands up and walks to me. "Damian Riccaforte is good man, and I can bet my life and wealth on that. At some point, you will come to him."
Ooh, wow! Do we really train our hearts to love, or do we love what our hearts ? "How could you possibly have such faith in someone you know nothing , Pa? What if he turns out to be a psycho, a crazy maniac, a drug addict, or a ? What then?" I argue.
"I know the Riccarfortes way from childhood, dear. What you are thinking of them is insult,” he says.
As usual, there is no chance of me winning this battle against my father. There is no in begging or arguing. It will all be just a waste of time and energy in the end.
"I suppose there is no other way to go about this, Papa?" I ask.
The irony is that only I have the final say on this one. Only I have the answer to this .
"Sweetheart, there is none. My hands are tied."
However, mine are not, Papa. My hands are not tied, nor am I caged, nor will I let be forced into this cage. I will do whatever I possibly can to save my ass.
There is no way I am risking my life merely because of a ridiculous agreement. If you 't end this absurdity, then I will, Papa.
My heart is racing as I collapse into his arms for a hug, launching a plan for my next . I savor as much affection as I can from his warm embrace because I can’t tell I will again be in his arms like this. Something is about to change tomorrow, I can’t tell where the change will leave us. "I'll leave to get ready. Papa, I'll see then!" I say as we pull away.
"Alright. Be careful on the road, my dear. See you. I love you," he says, rubbing my gently.
"I love you too, Pa," I say from the bottom of my heart, because what I am about to do,
I love him so much. I still respect him so much. But sometimes, we ought to put and our interests before anyone else. Selfishness is sometimes not a crime.
And this time, I am choosing myself and my happiness.
I turn my back to him, tap my feet on the floor, and walk out.
Someday, Papa, I hope you will be able to forgive me for what I am about to do. It's hands that are tied, not mine! It is my life and happiness in the gamble here, not . I need to help myself before I succumb to the beats of ‘I wish I knew’.
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