Chapter 1
Adrianna Rodriguez's Point of View:
You know that feeling that you get when you know that you've been betrayed but you just can't believe it. Well, that was me a year ago. I was betrayed by my ex-boyfriend who I thought loved me but it turns out that I was just being played.
It hurt a lot when I saw him making out with the school's whore. I mean cheating on me is one thing but to cheat on me with someone so cheap and loose, that's a whole different insult by itself.
I took a jab at the boxing bag in front of me, imagining that it was Jeremy's face instead. The thought of kicking his butt brought a smile to my face. I still remember the events of that day like they were yesterday.
When I saw Jeremy cheating on me it was at that exact moment I decided that everyone needs to see the real me. I ran all the way home ignoring the curious glances that I was getting. As soon as I reached my family's familiar driveway I breathed a sigh of relief.
I took my own sweet time to walk up the stairs cause honestly there was no need to rush. I wasn't sure if my parents were still home but I thought it would be a good idea to see if the door was open before I went through the trouble of finding my keys.
I placed my hand on the knob and slowly turned it. I had a smile on my face when the door opened. I headed straight for the kitchen but froze when I saw my parents, my mother sat on the counter while my father stood in between her legs, and to my disgust, they were making out.
"Ahhh my virgin eyes," I shrieked covering my eyes.
"I can't believe this," my dad grumbled.
I slowly removed my hands from my eyes. The look of pure frustration on my father's face and the blush on my mother's face was my undoing. I literally couldn't hold it anymore, I started laughing, not the five seconds laugh but the knee-buckling, rolling on the ground, brings tears to my eyes kind of laugh.
I slowly got off of the ground and dusted myself off. I was brought back to the present when I realized just how silent it was and that I was the only one laughing.
Trying to be brave I slowly looked up at my parents with what I hoped to be an innocent smile on my face. It worked so well with dad can't say the same about mom though, she's one tough cookie.
"What are you doing here?" mom asked expectantly waiting for an answer.
I simply blinked at her and then reality sunk in and I remembered why I left school in the first place. I tried to avoid her eyes because I just couldn't stand to look at her.
I know some people might be thinking that it wasn't her fault that the idiot cheated on me but it was her fault that I was hurt as she was the one that kept on encouraging me to give Jeremy a chance. I can honestly say that it was my worst decision ever. My prolonged silence signaled to my father that something was wrong. I believe that dad understands me more than anyone else.
He stepped closer to me and asked "what's wrong sweetheart?"
The concern in his voice was my undoing. The tears that I was holding back freely flowed down my cheeks.
"Honey what's wrong?" mom asked jumping off the counter.
I shook my head at her refusing to respond to her question. If anything I started crying even more.
My father wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a tight hug. I still didn't look up for fear that I would meet my mother's eye.
"Adrianna...look at me please," my mom pleaded with me but I simply shook my head holding on to dad tighter than before.
"I can't," I choked out wiping my tears.
"Why not? she asked rather brokenly.
I don't know what came over if it were the crying or the short emotional roller coaster ride that we're on. Whatever it was made me blurt out the first thing that came to mind.
"Jeremy cheated on me"
What happened next was not what I expected. I looked up just in time to see mom run out of the room with a hurt look on her face while dad stood still and incredibly tense. I looked up at dad to find him already watching me.
He kissed my forehead with a faraway look in his eyes. I pouted at him sticking out my bottom lip.
He looked down at me with a dangerous look in his eyes. I wasn't afraid because as far as I know my dad would never let anyone hurt me and get away with it, I was a daddy's girl after all.
"What's gonna happen now?" I asked dad giving him my puppy dog eyes.
As if reading my thoughts his smirk grew into a full-blown grin as he spoke, "we get revenge"
A self-satisfied smile settled on my face when I remembered the events of that day. It was that day that my dad told me that I should take a year and do some homeschooling with my aunt which wasn't a problem since I was a straight-A student.
During my stay at aunt Vivian, I exercised more and started to wear less baggy clothes. I felt good showing off the real me and it was a bonus that my friends treated me the same. Speaking of friends I stopped abusing the punching bag long enough to grab my phone and typed in Katy's number.
As always she answered in her usual bubbly voice " hey Anna", she chirped using her nickname for me "what's cooking?"
I burst out laughing at her silliness, after a minute her laughter could be heard.
"Guess what?" I asked her after I manage to stop laughing.
She gasped dramatically then started to squeal, You dyed your hair blue"
I tried to interrupt her but she just kept on going "how does it look? When can I see it? Awww I knew that you loved me!"
Needless to say blue is her favorite color and she has been begging me to dye my hair blue.
When I asked her why she doesn't just do it to her hair she just looks at me as if I'm crazy and starts laughing.
I warn you all now, she's crazy.
Interrupting her rant I shouted over the phone "Katy be quiet!"
It's a regular thing for her to go off in her world and so sometimes you just have to reel her back in.
"I'm back," I squealed not being able to contain my happiness.
"Oh my gosh!" she shouted "your back"
"Hell yeah I'm back," I shouted in return to her "and it's time to play"
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