Return of the Nerd - Chapter #3 - Free To Read

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Adrianna Rodriguez's Point of View:

Ding!!!! ding!!!! ding!!!!

I jumped out of my bed as soon as I heard my alarm go off. I refrained from picking up my phone and throwing it at the wall. I was generally not a happy morning person especially if I haven't eaten yet but today is the exception to that. Today is the day that I have been waiting for, for a whole year now. Today is the beginning of my senior year and the day that I will show my true self, setting into motion my plans for revenge.

It's a very simple plan. I plan on getting Jeremy infatuated with me and when I do I'm gonna leave him hopefully breaking his heart in the process. It was only fair that I do to him what he did to me not only would he be humiliated but he'd see what he lost, and he lost a gem when he dumped me. The best way for me to do this is by forming an alliance with his enemy. With his cocky and sleazy attitude, he was bound to have many. at As far as I see it, any enemy of Jeremy is a friend to me.

Snapping out of my evil thoughts I looked around my room. I moved back in last night and so I didn't really have the time to reminisce about everything in the room. The memories and just the way how the room is. With a deep sigh, I glanced around the room for one final time before I headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I had to get ready for the day.

After showering off I grabbed a towel from the towel stand, wrapping it around my body. I walked back into my room drying off and headed straight for my walk-in closet.

What to wear today?

A wide grin settled on my face when I thought of the perfect outfit. Securing the towel around me I pulled out black leggings, a white tank top, a black jacket, and white converse. I placed them on my bed and then picked out some underwear. I quickly slipped on my clothes and picked up my phone and backpack. I looked in the mirror pleased with myself. My outfit screamed that I was a bad bitch and I was loving it. Black was truly my favorite color.

I jogged down the stairs greeting my family as I saw them. I was surprised to see them all up so early, especially Michael.

"Morning mom and dad"

I looked at my brother before the perfect greeting came to mine. I must say it fits it perfectly.

"Hey idiot," I smirked placing my bag on the counter.

A laugh escaped my lips when I saw the glare that he sent me. I stuck my tongue out at him, flipping him the bird when he slapped my hand.

"So...are you ready to return to school?" my father asked.

"Yeah I have a lot of things planned," I replied to him a mischievous grin on my face.

"I bet," he said a smirk evident on his face "let me know if you need help with your...plans"

"I will"

I got up from my stool after eating my breakfast which consisted of chocolate-chipped pancakes and bacon, my favorite. Mom was really a great cook. It is actually surprising she didn't become a chef with how good she cooks.

"As delicious as always," I said to mom grabbing my backpack.

"Thanks, Anna," she smiled at me.

I kissed both my parents' cheeks mumbling a quick I love you to the both of them. I looked to Michael to see him still stuffing his mouth with food. Feeling my mischievous sidekick in I smacked the back of his head shouting at him and running out of the room.

"Later loser!"

I laughed out loud as I heard my parents laughing along with me. It was really good to be home. Even though I need the time away from everyone I still missed them dearly.

I walked out to the driveway to look at the love of my life. A year ago the I fell in love with my brother's black Lamborghini. I mean it just looked so sleek and sexy that I couldn't help myself but seeing as I couldn't be with it for an entire year I got a new love that is now all mine. You might be thinking that it's a car but it isn't. I got myself a black motorcycle or if you prefer to call it a bike.

Pulling out the keys I hopped on pulling on my helmet and putting the keys in the ignition. I looked across the street to where Jeremy lived a smirk on my face when I saw the curtain move from where I knew was his bedroom. Having him living so close to me would make this so much easier. Thank you Jeremy's parents for deciding to move. Or better yet thank you dad for giving them the push they needed to do so.

This senior year will be fun.











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