Twin Obsessions - Chapter #3 - Free To Read

Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"F*ck man, she's even more beautiful than I thought she would be," Jax said softly as he stood in his brother’s office, staring at Jesse from the small opening of the shutters which overlooked her desk. She was busy talking to someone over the telephone. Her expression was open and friendly while her long slender fingers flew over the computer's keyboard.

Dev had spoken about her often.

In the beginning, it had been small comments during their daily catchups, but those comments quickly became stories. And with those stories came observations and eager speculations as Jax felt his brother's feelings grow.

"I told you. There's something about her that just . . . "

"Hits like a kick to the chest?"

"Yeah, from the first moment I met her." Devon agreed. "You felt it too?"

"Oh yeah, I felt it. I always thought the dads were exaggerating that instant connection they had with mom but, damn Dev. I've never felt anything like it. Not even close."

The relationships they managed in the past, the few that there were, now felt childish and lackluster. Nothing compared to what he felt in those few quick moments with Jesse.

Devon nodded and leaned back in his chair.

"I've been both dreading and looking forward to her contract finishing out with us."

"You haven't approached her yet?"

"No. No, I decided it would be best to wait for you to get back. Something also tells me that she would have run as far as she could if I had even hinted at being interested in her."


"Not exactly." Devon tapped the rim of his cup thoughtfully as he thought of how to word his observation. "She seems to keep everything here strictly professional. Friendly, but professional. The only person I have seen her really connect with is one of the ladies in the accounts department. Redhead. You'll always see them together in the courtyard during lunch. She apparently told her about the contract opening with us."

"I hope you're giving her a bonus this year."

"I'm hoping to give her a wedding invite this year."

Jax gave Dev a considering look.

"You know I want to take a little time with her, right? I know the project ran a bit longer than we had planned, but I need to make sure -"

"I know, Jax." Dev cut him off. "I promise. I know. That's why I'll be taking off from Wednesday until the last day her contract ends. That will give you a week with her."

"And outside of work? How are we going to convince her to get to know us outside of work?"

"F*ck if I know. I was hoping you would have some ideas by then."

Jax chuckled.

"Poor old man. She's really got you tangled up, eh?"

"Like you wouldn't believe. It's been six longest months of my life and I - I just can't anymore." Devon admitted softly to his brother as he ran a hand roughly through his hair.

"I know." And did he ever.

Even though there had been thousands of miles separating them, Jax still felt all the wild, intense feelings his brother felt towards his temporary secretary. It had been what had made Jax rush his last project. He wanted to meet the woman that had his brother feeling like she was ‘the one’. That, and the increasing desperation that had quickly followed those feelings.

Devon was on the verge of breaking.

There was a soft knock on the door, and both men tensed slightly when Jesse walked into the room.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Mr. Monroe but your 3 pm is here." She said as she looked at Devon.

"Damn, is it that time already? Thank you, Jesse." He said and both brothers quickly gulped down the last of their coffee and reached for the remaining cookie. Dev glared at his brother when he got the last one on the plate, thus having more than him.

It was the oldest competition between them.

"You've had six months to eat these mouth-watering cookies. I think it’s only fair that I have the last one,” Jax said mischievously, taking a too-big bite.

“Not to worry, Mr Monroe,” Jesse looked at Devon as she cleared up his desk. “I have two left that I’ll be happy to share with you. I’ll bring them through after your meeting.”

Jax spluttered an indignant response.

Jesse nodded to him as she passed him.

"She has a bit of a feisty streak in her, doesn't she?" Jax mused once she was out of earshot.

"You have no idea but she doesn't show it much," Devon said, staring at Jesse as she walked away, his eyes helplessly drawn to her legs.

He loved the way they looked in her dainty heels. Devon always looked forward to seeing what shoes she wore each day to work. Wondering, as he lay in bed at night, if she would go with something flirty and sleek, sweet and dainty, or maybe even sexy and daring.

"I like it," Jax said, making his brother chuckle lightly, pulling his eyes away from the lovely sight outside his window.

"I thought you might. Listen, I've had one of the rooms fixed up for you to use as an office while you’re here. It’s two doors down from mine. You can look it over and decide if there’s anything else you might need."

"Sure, but can I take your secretary with me?"

“Only if you bring her back."

"No problem." He replied with confidence that Devon knew wasn't misplaced. Jax was probably the most persuasive person Devon knew, and he also knew that they were going to need that skill to get the woman of their dreams.

Because there was no doubt in Devon’s mind that she was it.

Jax flicked a two-fingered salute at Dev and walked out.

"Hey Jax,” Devon called and waited until Jax turned to him. "I’m glad you’re here.”

“Nowhere I’d rather be, old man”











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