Twin Obsessions - Chapter #2 - Free To Read

Chapter One

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Chapter One

You could bounce quarters off an ass like that, Jesse thought for the nth time while covertly watching the company CEO through the boardroom window.

He had gotten rid of his suit jacket when the meeting started. So she had a prime view when he leaned over to point at the various building plans spread across the boardroom table. His pants tightened just the way she liked.

She's never struggled so hard to keep her attention on her work, but Devon had a nice ass, sturdy thighs, powerful forearms, and a suit that fit just right; which were some of Jesse’s secret pleasures. Added to that, he had a bit of a broody demeanor, a rare but killer smile, and a voice that tugged at the seams of her panties. All of that was tied together with a brilliant spank-you bow of light blue eyes, dark brown hair, and such an intense presence you could feel when he entered a room.

Big d*ck energy, as her salacious friend Lou, would tease with a suggestive wag of her brow.

Jesse was thankful, but also slightly disappointed that her temporary contract as his secretary was coming to an end. She enjoyed working for him. He was a brilliant boss, hardworking, involved without micromanaging, and decisive in what he did. The way he spoke drew people in and made them feel heard. He also didn't mind the occasional 'happy hour' at work on a Friday, especially after an intense week.

She just couldn't deal with the NSFW thoughts anymore.

She felt like a terrible employee every time

It really wasn't her fault though, Jesse thought with a frown, stapling the pages she was sorting through together with a rather aggressive snap.

If he didn't want people thinking such devilish thoughts of him, he shouldn't be - he shouldn't be - Jesse floundered with a suitable reason. Well! He shouldn't be wearing pants that sit so tight, she decided firmly, with another aggressive snap of her stapler.

“Good morning, Jesse.”

Jesse squeaked in fright and lost her hold on the stapler.

“Mr. Monroe!” Jesse gasped her cheeks a blaze of color.

"Did I get you at a bad time?" Devon asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"No! No, my mind was just - on something else." Unable to look him in the eye, Jesse focused on the bridge of his nose and cleared her throat. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

There was a brief pause before he answered.

"I'm expecting my brother to arrive in the next few minutes. Could you show him to my office when he gets here?”

“Of course! Absolutely. Would you like me to bring you a coffee then, sir?”

“Yes, two cups and make them both the same.” He moved to leave but paused briefly. Her eyes finally met his. “How many times have I asked you to call me by my given name? Or at least Dev?"

“At least one more time,” she answered as usual, her lips curled in a slight smile.

But probably not in this lifetime, she thought when he chuckled and walked away with a slight shake of his head.

She knew it would only be in the privacy of her mind that she called him by his name.

The thought of calling him Devon conjured up all sorts of naughty thoughts.

Devilish thoughts.

"Oh, and Jesse" Dev called from his office door, "Please don't forget to bring a plate of those cookies you make. I'm sure my brother will want to snack on something before lunch."

"I'll make sure to bring some through," she confirmed.

Jesse sighed in relief and her shoulder slumped forward slightly when his door closed behind him. Something about that man wound her up every time he got near her. It made her hands shake and her palms sweat. She also could never seem to meet the man's eyes. They just speared straight through her. Right to her soul. It's been like that ever since she had walked into his office to introduce herself as his temporary secretary.

F*ck, the first time their eyes met and his hand slid against hers in a quick handshake, Jesse thought she was going to have a damned heart attack.

Her inability to shrug off those feelings frustrated her.

It definitely went into the cons column of working at his company.

She was a professional.


It was a point of pride for her and the reason why she was so popular, not only with the agencies she used for her temporary posts but also with the previous companies that she had worked for. Companies that, eighty percent of the time, offered her a permanent post within their companies because Jesse had a way of seamlessly fitting in. Of finding a niche for herself and making herself invaluable.

And here one man had her as nervous as a teenager ordering a beer for the first time.

Get yourself together, girl, Jesse thought to herself again, her new personal mantra of sorts.

With a determined shake of her head, Jesse forced herself to focus on her tasks for the day.

Quickly worked through the documents she was sorting before moving on to answering emails and setting up numerous meetings between various departments and clients.

The shake of her chair as someone stopped next to her brought her out of her work daze.

"Girl, I think I've died and that man right there has been sent to deliver me to the Pearly Gates." Sasha breathed. Her eyes fixed on the front entrance.

Jesse turned and almost swallowed her tongue.

The man who stalked through the office like he owned the place was yet another wet dream come to life. Instant sploosh material. A messy tousle of dark smoothed away from his face, a light growth of beard along his cheeks, and jeans that sat perfectly, if a bit low, on his slender hips. His white shirt showed off every golden muscle to perfection.

The term 'sun-kissed' came to mind.

"Oh, God." Came a barely audible whimper from Jesse's far right.

"Amen sister, amen," Jesse said softly before she could catch herself, her eyes on the defined lines of his arms.

What she wouldn’t do to feel those muscles underneath her fingertips . . .

"What I wouldn't do to lick me some of that all night long," Sasha whispered and Jesse felt her jerk in surprise when Mr. Sun-Kissed turned to look in their direction, a half smile playing on his lips.

With a firm tug of Sasha's arm, Jesse turned her attention away from him, yet another blush staining her too-pale complexion.

"You'll do enough to keep you out of those 'pearly gates,'" Jesse teased her friend.

Sasha threw her head back and let out a loud laugh. "Ha! Darling, I assure you that all of this” a smooth gesture down her body" needs more than one man to handle. Even a man like that. I’m sure if you -"

"That would be my cue to leave."

Jesse grinned to herself. Sasha was outrageous and so visual at the best of times that she often had Jesse blushing at the most inappropriate times. Not something that usually took much but Sasha took perverse pleasure in watching Jesse blush and squirm. But she was fiercely loyal to those she claimed as friends and once you were claimed there was no way out of it.

Jesse hadn't expected much once Sasha told her that they were going to be fast friends. She didn't put much faith in what others saw as 'friendship' and had often tried to put Sasha off but the redhead had quickly shown her what true friendship actually looked like.

In the six years they'd been friends, Jesse had never regretted letting the woman close.

"Excuse me."

"Yes?" she asked with her professional smile firmly in place as she turned around to face Mr. Sun-Kissed, who looked like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.

"I'm here to see Devon."

"I see, and you have an appointment?"

"I would hope I wouldn’t need one,” He replied with a boyish grin. “I’m Jax. His brother."

"Oh! Mr. Monroe, how wonderful. He’s expecting you.”

"Jax?" Devon said behind her and Jesse turned to see him standing at his now open door, a rare smile on his face as he stared at his brother. Moments later, he was moving towards Jesse and Jax, stopping just behind her.

Jesse tried not to shiver when she found herself suddenly sandwiched between the two men. Her mind automatically conjured all sorts of images.

Naughty images.

Devilish images.

God, the things she wouldn't mind them doing to her.

It was all there in her mind.

He was taunting her with the possibilities.

"Jesse?" Devon called and Jesse realized they were looking at her like they were waiting for a reply to a question they had asked when she had been focused on the naked tangle of limbs in her mind.

Where was that hole in the ground when you needed it?

"Yes, Mr. Monroe?" She asked, struggling not to fidget under their bright stares. She licked her lips nervously, drawing Devon’s gaze to it. A feather-light touch on her arm caused goose bumps to spread in its wake and heat to pool from deep within her belly. Devon’s eyes brightened and something on his face had her realizing how she must look staring at them like she was.

"I’ll just go get that coffee started then, Mr. Monroe," Jesse said with a forced smile and stepped away from the brothers.

A soft chuckle followed her and Jesse closed her eyes and pressed a trembling hand to her belly as she fought to calm her racing heart.

Luke would probably be laughing his ass off if he had been here.











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