The Shy Beauty and the Billionaire Beast - Chapter #2 - Free To Read

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Ana's pnt of view*

I gasped, and frantically reached for the napkin box on the table, as I tried to dry away the coffee that soiled his clothes. The stain grew larger, and the liquid was scolding hot on the napkin, yet the man hardly flinched.

"I am so sorry. I- I d-didn't. I'm sorry.." I muttered, my hands shaking.

His hand suddenly shot out, and grabbed onto my hand, he stood up, towering a good few feet above my height. Looking up at his deadly glare made me feel so inferior. My heart was racing, and my breathing felt limited.

"Jaxon, dude just let it go, let her go." Said Stewart, all smiles disappeared.

The man, Jaxon, kept his eyes on me, and he only said one thing. He turned me to face the door, then ordered "walk." But my feet were frozen.
"Gentlemen is everything alright?" Came Tony as he approached us carefully.

I silently begged him with my eyes to help me out.

"Nothing to see here, just mind your damn business." Said Stewart, with a warning tone.

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to harm one of my employees." Said Tony as he took a step forward, but he was suddenly stopped in his tracks, when the large bald man, made a move to his waist, causing the handle of a gun to come into view.

Tony cleared his throat and took a step back realizing the seriousness of the situation, "Now," smiled Stewart, "everyone please get back to your afternoon, we will be departing." Said Stewart, as he began making his way towards the door.

I was suddenly shoved by the bald man and was forced to walk to the door.

"And where do you think you're taking her?" Spoke Lisa, as she stood in front of the door, between Stewart and I.

"Sweetheart," sighed Stewart as he turned her around, "you're a pretty girl, and I really wouldn't want to do any permanent damage to such pretty face, so I suggest you go wait on a customer, and let us go about our day." His smile no longer friendly.

"Sure, you gentlemen can step right out of that door, but you're not taking Ana with you." Declared Lisa.

I loved my best friend, but she was such an idiot sometimes.

I mean they had guns for heaven's sake!

It all happened so quick.

Stewart's motions were so fluid, it wasn't until he had his arm wrapped around her neck, with her back to his chest, and a knife to her throat, that I caught up to what happened.

"Now now, Honey, I really don't think you're in a position to make any choices here, it seems that the boss has made up his mind about how to deal with your friend, and we don't want any trouble, so be a good girl, and let us go in peace." Cooed Stewart, as my eyes began to water.

I made a move to free Lisa, but I was suddenly pulled back by an iron grip, then shoved out the door.

The second we stepped out, a limo with dark tinted windows pulled up, I was pushed inside none-too-kindly and when I turned, Lisa was pushed into Tony' s arms, as Stewart and the bald guy made their way out.

"LISA!" I yelled, as the bald guy closed the Limo door.

"ANA!" Yelled Lisa as she tried to get out of Tony's grip.

The limo sped off, as Stewart and the bald guy followed closely behind in another car.

I quickly turned from the window, aware of the dark figure that sat facing me.

His eyes were gazing down at me, and I could feel my fear of him growing.

"You owe me." He simply stated in a calm tone.

"O-owe you what?" I asked, trying to call myself.

"This was a very expensive shirt." He explained casually, as he began removing his vest.

"B-by the looks of it, I- I think you can af-f-fford another one." I stuttered out before I could catch myself.

He narrowed his eyes at me, as if silently scolding me, but then smirked.

"You're right, I can. But see, you still have to pay me back, I can't take pity on you just because of a shirt, or else, my reputation could be tainted." He explained, as he began to unbutton his shirt.

"W-what are you doing? What d-do you want?" My stuttering voice spoke out, as his delectable upper body came into view.

"I want you to pay me back, for what you did." He simply stated, as he fully removed his shirt, leaving him completely shirtless and vulnerable to the naked eye.

He made a move towards me, and my blood ran cold.


Not this.

Not like this.

"I am not going to sleep with you!" I declared faintly, as I noticed his eyes taking me in.

He seemed taken aback by my outburst for a second, before he broke into laughter.

The laugh sounded more teasing than amused, as he said "oh angel, don't flatter yourself. You're not my type. Nevertheless, you're going to have to pay me back." He said, as he reached to a compartment next to me, and pulled out another shirt.

I sighed in relief, as I placed some distance between us.

"Okay, n-name your price and give m-me a time limit. I'll get your money." I said, trying to calm my stutter.

"$5000, 3 months." He spoke, his tone flat and final.

And my mouth ran dry.

"Wha- you're kidding me right? You're speaking as if I have that kind of money lying around!" I exclaimed, my shyness turning to shock.

With the way I'm living there's no way, I'd be able to get that kind of money.

"I- I'm going to need more time." I tried to reason.


"My job doesn't pay me enough for that." I tried to explain.

"Then get another job" he said with a shrug.

"In three months? Oh like it's that easy." I sighed, my panic swallowing my stutter and shyness.

"It could be." He simply stated, shrugging his shoulders.

"What are you getting at?" I wondered suspiciously.

"Well you're in luck because I am in need of a secretary. 3 months, you work off your debt, then, you're good to go." He said so casually.

"You're crazy. This is ridiculous. All of this drama over a ruined shirt?" I began to go on a nervous rant.

"Its either that, or I take you here and now." He said without a hint of teasing in his voice.

"Take me where?" I asked, and he raised an eyebrow, and that's when it registered in my mind, "Oh, no, no, definitely not! What do you want?" I said exasperated, and a bit afraid.

"Either accept my deal, or I f*** you here and now, and we can both move on with our lives." He stated all business like.

"What about my job at Luigi's?" I asked, already considering his deal.

"Quit." Was all he ordered.

I sighed, shaking my head and looking away.

This was not happening to me. All this over spilled coffee?

"I don't like to be waiting hun, what is your choice?" He rushed.

I sighed and shrugged then I said "fine. When do I begin?"











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