Christmas Eve
“This is lovely, Kristoff!” Lora squeals, her eyes wide-eyed at her surroundings. “This is better than I expected.”
The Sebastian family house features contemporary architecture. It is well-lit from the exterior to the interior—with enormous chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, a large event hall just below the twin grand staircases, towering windows, and carpeted pristine marble floors. And the guests are dressed to impress in designer gowns and suits.
Lora’s family is well-off too, but seeing how she appreciates fancy social events like this makes me believe the Sebastians are even more impressive. They’ve gathered New York’s wealthiest and most respected people in one place. That’s already something else.
Whenever Kristoff and Lora returned to their homes for the holidays, I always spent them alone in the apartment. I had nowhere to go and no one to celebrate with. So I look forward to this year.
My friends look stunning in their own designer outfits tonight. Lora is dressed in a matching platinum Dior cocktail dress that partially exposes her back, a silver mask, and stylish messy plaits for her blonde hair. In addition, my gorgeous boyfriend is draped in a tux and black masquerade mask covering half his face.
Lora has styled my wavy, shoulder-length brown hair into curls and matched it to my white half-masquerade, ice blue evening dress from Burberry, and a pair of white stilettos. They were sent to me by Mr. Melnard two days after my email.
“Listen.” Kristoff catches our attention. “My parents are already here, but so they don’t try to intimidate us, we’ll meet them first, okay? They hate being ignored, especially after I told them I was bringing you two.”
“Seriously, Kristoff. I don’t like to meet your mother right now. Can we skip that? I’m sure Anya doesn’t want to meet them, too,” Lora asserts.
“We can’t exactly avoid them, Lora,” I say.
“Really, you too?” With a sigh, she rolls her eyes. “Fine, but the last time we were at his parents’ house, she treated us like we were flies.”
“She doesn’t particularly dislike you. It’s likely just me,” I imply. Lora’s brother is the captain of the Princeton soccer team, her sister is attending a prestigious music school in Berlin, and her parents own a few estates in Manhattan. Me? I don’t have anything.
Kristoff sighs. “Look, I don’t like them too, but it’s not like I can change my parents overnight. Please, I really don’t want them to bother us, so let’s beat them to it.”
Lora’s shoulders slump. “I just hope Anya’s fine with it.”
I smile at her. “That’s really thoughtful, but I’m okay. I promise.”
Kristoff takes my hand and then pulls me along with him. But as if he already knows where they will be, we find his family flocking together in a crowd at one corner.
His young-looking mother in an all-black evening dress and a red mask, Phillis Stevens, who is a replica of him, and his sister, America.
Kristoff takes my hand and then pulls me along with him. But as if he already knows where they will be, we find them flocking together in a crowd at one corner: her young-looking mother in an all-black evening dress and a red mask, Phillis Stevens, who is a replica of him, and his sister, America.
“Ew. What is she doing here?” America blurts out as if I’m not there. She lowers her pink mask. Honestly, she isn’t any better.
“Fuck off, America, or I’ll tell Bernard I saw his best friend leave your room last week,” Kristoff fires back.
Her chin drops, and her nostrils flare up. “What? What are you, twelve?”
“Then shut up.” Kristoff tightens his grasp on my hand and looks over at his parents. “Before you say anything, we’re here to meet Julian. He will be our professor next semester, so please stay away from us for the rest of the night. Would that be too much to ask?”
Oh my God. I didn’t expect him to say it like that.
“Kristoff!” Phillis reacts. Kristoff is just as tall as his father, so I’m not sure who’s intimidating who anymore.
Melissa’s face reddens. “I’m telling you, Phil. This is what he’s learned by acquainting with beggars.”
“Excuse me?” Lora’s voice rises.
“Not you, sweetheart,” she tells Lora and then throws a malicious gaze my way. She means I am the beggar.
“That’s enough,” Phillis chastises in a deep voice. “Kristoff, you know I’ve never cared who your friends are, but that’s rude. Ladies...
“No problem, Mr. Stevens,” Lora responds simply.
“Let’s go, girls.” Kristoff pulls us away.
“You shouldn’t have said that,” I say after taking us far from them. “You provoked them.”
“Believe me, Dad’s just playing along, but he’s just like Mom. A civilized conversation is useless to them.” Kristoff snatches two champagne flutes from the roving waiter, hands them to us, and then takes another for himself.
“Especially America. What is her problem?” Lora questions, annoyed.
“She’s the
“Wait. You call our new professor by his first name?” I inquire.
Kristoff’s demeanor changes from upset to excited. He must be ecstatic to meet the professor again after such a long time.
“I know you can’t wait to see him, but can we eat first?” Lora suggests.
“I’m sorry.” My boyfriend gives me a tender gaze. “Sure, I’ll find a table.”
“Maybe you could tell us a little more about the professor.” I propose.
Then we sit at a cocktail table next to the buffet and relish various world-class dishes I’ve only ever tasted in school formals.
“Why do you suppose he suddenly left the limelight?” Lora asks. It’s the most intriguing question that crossed my mind too.
“Yes, he went from being a top composer to being a college professor,” I say.
“No one really knows,” Kristoff claims. “He’s great, but he’s secretive. He hates being under so much attention.”
I ponder a question while I sip my drink. “If he hates this place so much, why do you think he’ll come?”
“He’ll show up. Trust me. He never misses this event.”
“That’s right.” A dark-haired man wearing an ornate brown mask approaches Kristoff and drapes an arm over his shoulder.
A smile spread across my boyfriend’s face. “Adam! Holy crap. It’s good to see you!”
They exchange a brief hug. “What’s up?”
“Adam, this is my girlfriend, Anya Scott, and our friend, Lora McQueen,” Kristoff says. “This is Adam Sebastian. He’s Julian’s brother.”
My mouth forms an O. I remember seeing his picture alongside his other four siblings on the internet.
“Hello, ladies. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Especially you
I grin, taking his hand. “I... um... It’s a pleasure to meet you too. Thank you for having us.”
“Welcome.” He returns the grin and then taps Kristoff’s shoulder. “Julian’s already here if you’re looking for him. He’s just arrived with Rafe.”
“Where is he? We’ll be his students next term. I just want to introduce them,” Kristoff explains.
“Oh, right.” He pointed a finger. “You guys go to Whitlock. Julian could be an authoritarian, but he’s cool. You’ll definitely learn from him. But don’t tell him I said that.”
“Are you saying that because he’s your bro?” Lora says with a smirk.
“Absolutely not. We used to fight a lot as kids. But in terms of music, he is hands down a great mentor.”
Wow. Adam is surprisingly spontaneous. His eagerness makes me chuckle. I’d never met another Sebastian before. I expected they’d be like the Stevens, but Adam seems really approachable...
“I don’t see him now.” Adam scans the crowd. “But if I do, I’ll tell him you’re looking for him. Hey, there’s a game later. I’m your host.”
“What game?” Kristoff grins, clearly interested.
“It’s a surprise, so stay here till then.” Adam winks at Lora. “Anyway, I’d like to ask your friend for a dance. It’s Lora, is it?”
“Yes, absolutely. Isn’t that what we’re here for?” Lora wiggles her shoulder and casually extends her hand to him. Adam then takes Lora and leads her to the dance floor.
“Well, Isn’t she having fun?” I comment as I watch Lora squeeze onto the dance floor.
“Do you want to dance?” He slips his arm around my waist and pulls me to him, making me squirm.
I giggle. “Hey!”
He nuzzles my hair. “I’d rather not owe you one tonight.”
“I’m not sure. Maybe later. I’m still getting used to walking around in these high heels.”
Kristoff looks at my feet. “They look exquisite on you.”
“Thank you. Mr. Pitch sent them to me. I should thank him again in another email tonight.”
“I should thank him too.” He spins me around and fastens the fluffy white fur coat around me. “How about we go outside for a bit? You love snow, and they warmed up the porch.”
Outside alone with my boyfriend? Under a winter moon and a picturesque front view of the house? I’m in.
I give him a sweet smile. “I’d love to.”
Chapter auto-unlock