The New Age - Chapter #1 - Free To Read

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"This is a test. You will not fail." I bowed, "Yes my lord."

I had to murder a village, without Lord Goreum.

I had to"purify" the planet of Jakku. Kill all those who made me sense they were "unworthy" to the dark side.

That meant pretty much the entire population.

I had done this before, but I had never led my own team alone.

He was testing me, to see if I was worth my lifetime of training, to see if the training would end my existence, or grant me my victory. To see if I let emotions impact my goal. To prove that I had not an ounce of light inside of me, that the light had died, and so had everything else. I was to prove that I was with the dark side, that the dark had consumed whatever little light I had, and to prove that I will forever remain...loyal.

We weren't First order, and we were the opposite of Jedi. They called us Shadows. The most feared in the galaxy.

The first order was no match.

"You succeed with this, and you will no longer be my Sith Apprentice. You will be Lord Drakon, my colleague, associate, comrade. You will be my teammate."

A smile almost threatened to cross my face.

Lord Goreum stood, his impeccable stance. His masked face unreadable. "Yes my Lord, thank you."

He turned around, "Go, you know what is to come if you do not succeed." My face turned to stone, as I bowed once more, and left his presence.

I pulled my mask on, fastening it onto my suit, and I slowly lost my composure. The suit was my save haven, a shield.

I would not be hurt, or judged from inside this suit.

No one knew I was a girl, and with that, I had my respect.

"Miss Drakon. We have entered the Western reach, our ships are ready to deploy into Jakku. On your word."

Captain Solius said to me. He was a trooper captain, dressed in the same black suits as all the other troopers. The only reason I knew he was the captain, was because of the red stripe he had upon his helmet.

I straightened, "We will leave now Captain." He nodded and turned to leave.

"Oh and Solius?"

He froze and turned slowly. I sensed his fear rising and I smirked.

"It's Sir. Not Miss. When we get down to Jakku. If you, or any of your men refer to me other wise, I will kill you, and not think otherwise."

His hands twitched at his sides, "Yes sir."

My head tilted up, "Ready your men. We will leave immediately."


"Lord Ren. Word has spread and the accusations are true. Jakku has been attacked, led by a Sith apprentice."

My head tilted up, "Drakon?"

The storm trooper nodded hesitantly, "The Drakon character, has gotten stronger. Him and his few men have wiped out The Goazon badlands, Feressee's Point, and The Kelvin Ravine Tuanul populations." He took a small step back at my rigid stance.

I took in a breath to calm my rising rage, "Anything else?" He slowly nodded, his helmet shaking.

"W-word has it that t-this...apprentice is now...a S-Sith Lord, and tomorrow h-he will be going after Basteel located on the Outer Rim Territories in the C-Corva sector." The bubbling bàstard stuttered.

He is pathetic.

I raised my hand and using the force I snapped the useless storm troopers neck. His body fell to my feet, and I kicked his lifeless form with rage.

You must be wondering why this bothers me, why the rising stance of the Drakon character, and the information of the newly planned attack pissed me off.

The answer is clear, the shadows are spreading word of their accomplishments, and murdered towns, and that is rising fear out of everyone. Fear is the key to

unlocking power, and right now, Lord Goreum, and his new Lord

Drakon are implementing a world of fear upon everyone. Now they have power.

The door to the room opened, and General Hux stepped in, following a few storm trooper's.

He looked at the dead trooper at my feet, and rolled his eyes. "Had another temper tantrum, did we now?" He teased. "Don't you test me." I seethed.

He sighed, "Leader Snoke has given you full reigns on the ordeals for the attack on Jakku. Against my wishes." He added.

I paused.

"Set a course for Basteel. We're going to take this Lord Drakon down."











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