The Mafia Boss' S*x Maid - Chapter #9 - Free To Read

Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Jason's job at the bar may have been bad but his job in the Mafia as a drug dealer was worse.

His bar job may have started him down a bad path and made him relapse back into an alcoholic but his new job as a drug dealer turned him into a completely different person- and not in a good way.

He had no personality anymore, he barely ate or slept the only things he thought about of cared about were drinking and money.

He rarely came home nowadays, which may have meant Lilly did not need to fear his cruel words or drunken beatings but it also meant she was completely alone and as horrible and cruel as he was the only family she had left and she had a desperate need to be with him, no matter how badly he treated her.

Jason would spend his days sleeping all morning, meeting his so-called friends in the afternoon where he would spend the rest of the day with them drinking and getting into trouble, then at night, he would sell drugs to his regular clients then go clubbing to find more victims to sell his poison too.

On an average night Jason would make about £20,000 - £35,000 in sales and when he delivered the money to the strip club ' Tease' which was a front for the London Mafia's head office, they would give him his 5% cut. However, despite making £1000 minimum a night Jason would spend the large majority of his 'wages' ( if you can call money earned by criminal activity wages) on alcohol and partying threw out the night bringing home if Lilly was lucky about £20 and whatever change Lilly could find in his pockets. It wasn't a lot of money and since Jason often forgot to pay the bills it meant sometimes the electric got turned off and Lilly would have to wash clothes by hand, eat cold foods such as sandwiches for dinner and sleep with a jumper on to keep warm since the heating was not working. It was far from an easy childhood but the thing that hurt the most was not the physical neglect but the emotional neglect- she just wanted so badly to have her brother who she grew close to since their mother's death back.

Sadly Jason never managed to get out of his downwards spiral or get help for his alcoholism, and over the last six years Jason's neglect continued and Lilly was starved of affection at home and became extremely shy and timid because of the neglect. The only place she felt happy was at school, where she got to be around her friends, her happiness however was taken away from her when she turned sixteen.

It was Lilly's sixteenth birthday today and it was a pretty good day despite a sad beginning. What Lilly didn't know yet was that it would end terribly.

She had woken up hoping that when she went downstairs that by some miracle her brother had changed and he would be sitting at the breakfast table waiting to wish her a happy birthday. She knew deep down that her hopes were unrealistic but she despite knowing nothing would have changed was still sad when she went downstairs and saw the house in its usual disgusting state of takeaway pizza boxes, fag butts and beer cans and alcohol bottles all over the floor and her brother nowhere in sight.

Her dirty and empty house was a far cry from the sweet sixteen birthday every teen girl dreamed off, but unlike other teens, she didn't dream of mountains of presents, a car or her favorite boy band magically appearing to whisk her off on a romantic date- her wish was a lot less high maintenance as the only thing she wished for was to spend the day in the kitchen with her mum and brother baking. Although not high maintenance her wish was just as unrealistic since her mum was dead and her brother could be dead at this very moment for all she knew since she hadn't seen him in about four days. Lilly wiped away her tears and checking the fridge to see if any food had magically appeared and sighing finding none she left the house to walk to school.

When she got to school she was overjoyed when at lunchtime her friends surprised her with a birthday picnic, one because it was truly very thoughtful and a nice feeling to have someone care about her for a change and two because that was the first food she had eaten in nearly a week.

Lilly was starving but managed to control herself and eat the food with some sort of decorum, she didn't after all want to alarm her friends, who she hadn't told about her circumstances at home as she was too embarrassed to admit what a messed up family she had. After school her friends insisted on taking her to the movies to celebrate her birthday, Lilly tried to refuse but they insisted on taking her as their treat for her birthday, and eventually, Lilly gave in.

Lilly hadn't been to the movies six she was six and went with her mum.

She had forgotten how amazing it was relaxing in the oversized comfy seats and immersing yourself into a fantasy world where you could for a few hours forget the problems in your own life. The cinema was an amazing experience and she enjoyed it greatly but when the film ended she panicked looking at the time and made her excuses to leave.

It was after dinner time and although Jason rarely came home Lilly was still expected to be at home straight after school in case he was so she can make him dinner- despite the fact, there was never

any food in the house. She should have been home hours ago but since she hadn't seen him in days she was lulled into a false sense of security and let her guard down and broke the rules to celebrate her birthday, a decision she would regret as soon as she got home.

The time Lilly had walked the seven miles home it was near 8 pm, she walked in the front door humming happy birthday to herself in a happy mood for the first time in a long time but her happy mood vanished as she opened her bedroom door and saw her brother sitting on her bed smiling cruelly at her and reeking of whiskey.

" Yes, happy birthday indeed sis, out celebrating were we? " Jason said looking at the clock.

" Jason you're back ." Lilly stupidly said in shock.

" Of course I am and why wouldn't I be it is my house after all and I live here !! " Jason snapped.

" I am sorry, I didn't mean it like that I just haven't seen you in a few days and I wasn't expecting you

.. that's all," Lilly replied in what she hoped was a respectful sounding tone as she fearfully began to slowly walk into the corner to get as much space between them as possible.

" Don't act like such a timid little mouse Lilly, I came to wish you a happy birthday and give you your present." The tone in which he said present made Lilly shudder it was clear whatever he was about to give her was not something she would appreciate.

" Here .. open it! " Jason said as he chucked her a gift-wrapped box

Lilly opened the box and looked at Jason in confusion.

Inside the box were two outfits, one was a short black dress that looked low cut and the other was a waitress apron.

" I don't understand .. " Lilly finally said confused and Jason sighed at her like she was stupid before he explained.

" Your sixteen now Lilly, an adult legally in the UK and it's time you stopped leeching off me and earned your keep. You need to get a job and pay your own way and contribute to the house, I have found you two jobs and you can choose whichever one you want. The first is a stripper in the club Tease now your sixteen it's legal and you can make great money there being young and a virgin and you'll only need to work a few hours a week for easy money. The second is a waitress job at a customer of mines, Tommy's restaurant he needs a new girl from Monday, you will work seven days a week twelve-hour shifts and for minimum wage but you'll get to keep your clothes on......................................................................................................... at least if

Tommy doesn't take a shine to you. Which is it ?" Jason asked calmly.

" Are you being serious? You are asking your baby sister to work either at a strip club taking her clothes off for perverts or work for someone who sounds like a pervert Jason if you are forcing me

to get a job please give me a few weeks and I will find a night time one to fit around school and one that doesn't mean I work around perverts... a safer job .. please. " Lilly begged.

" I knew you would be ungrateful !! You know there's a recession on and people are desperate for work and you ungrateful bitch can't thank me for finding you two jobs! You're not going back to school Lilly from Monday you're working in one of those jobs and I don't give a fuck which one.. choose or I will choose for you! " Jason screamed walking towards her and Lilly acting out of instinct and screamed " The Restaurant !! "

" I thought you would be too stuck up and prude to choose the club so I told Tommy already you will gratefully accept his offer and you'll see him Monday. Since it's your Birthday I will give you the rest of the weekend off to say goodbye to your school friends since you won't be seeing them again." Jason smirked as he staggered towards her bedroom door.

" Oh and happy birthday sis, make sure you wear something short or that can be unbuttoned to show a little cleavage on Monday, it will make you more tips and keep your boss happy. " Jason said as he staggered out her room and went to get another drink and Lilly collapsed on the floor crying

her heart out that the one thing she had, that made her life worth living was about to be taken away from her - her friends.











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