The Mafia Boss' S*x Maid - Chapter #8 - Free To Read

Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


The front door slammed and Lilly lay in bed curled up under the covers praying Jason didn't come in her room tonight to scream abuse at her and beat her in his drunken state.

Things had quickly gone downhill since Jason lost his retail job last month due to the company going bankrupt and in the current recession the only job he could find was at a bar.

Not a family pub with a bar or a classy cocktailwine bar but a dive bar that attracted dodgy punters.

The bar was a stereotypical dive bar; With sticky floors, chewing gum covered seats, the bathrooms far from hygienic with urine drenched floors and dirty glasses with watered- down drinks.

It was no wonder the bar attracted the type of punters it did like the bar itself it was just as rough as the punters were and the bar was a local hot spot for criminal activity.

Still, it wouldn't really of mattered if it was a classy place or the dump that it was .. working around alcohol was not a great option for a recovering alcoholic but Jason unable to get any other job due to the lack of qualifications and lack of long term experience was forced to take the job, as the bills started to pile up and the fridge got emptier and emptier. If it wasn't for the rough punters, most of who were Jason's old mates maybe he could have resisted the temptation to drink again long enough to get enough experience to successfully apply for another job but unfortunately, with his 'friends' hanging around he only lasted a month before he fell off the wagon and started drinking again.

Lilly heard a loud smash followed by a loud grunt of pain as her brother staggered around downstairs knocking things over. She however learned the hard way not to go downstairs to see if he was okay and help.

The first time he came home drunk from his shift he slammed the front door so loud and fell into the hallway knocking over the hall table that Lilly woke up in sheer terror thinking they were being burgled, she released there was no phone upstairs she could use to call for help so she hid under her bed waiting on the noises to stop before she went downstairs to investigate. Once she slowly crept silently downstairs she found her brother lying unconscious on the kitchen floor with his head bleeding, she ran to him and leaned down to check his pulse and that's when it happened.

As she fearful for her brother's safety leaned down to check he was still breathing was suddenly hit by the strong stench of alcohol coming from Jason's breath and suddenly froze in fear as Jason's eyes snapped open and made eye contact with her- his eyes looking crazed with anger.

" Don't look at me like that you judgemental bitch! " Jason shouted angry and drunk mistaking Lilly's frighten stare for a stare of judgment in his drunken state.

" J..aaason, no your mistaken... I am not judging you .. I just heard a noise and then I saw you and was scared you were hurt... I am not judging I am just worried. I promise." Lilly said slowly trying to reach out and put a tea towel she found on the wound on his head to stop the bleeding.

Jason quickly swatted her hand away " WORRIED ?! What have you got to be worried about? Your not the one getting debt letters through the door threatening to turn off the water and electricity... your not the one working long shifts on minimum fucking wage trying to make ends meet knowing it's fucking hopeless. You're not the one spending hours applying for different jobs because you feel yourself losing your battle with temptation and you know you're close to breaking the vow you made to your dying mother but despite your efforts, you get nothing but rejection letters back... your not the one who can't sleep at night with stress !! " Jason screamed as he tried to get up and stumbled forward.

Lilly reached out to help him and Jason embarrassed that his younger sister saw him so weak and pathetic lashed out and slapped her sending her flying across the room where she fell and landed in the pile of broken glass from the vase that smashed when Jason knocked over the table and screamed as shards of glass embedded themselves into her arms and palms of her hands.

" Look what you made me do !!! You stupid bitch what if you got seriously hurt are you trying to make me fail in my promise to mum? You would like that though wouldn't you as it means you can be the only good one and you can have her love all to yourself .. just like you used to try and do when she was alive! " Jason sneered as he managed to get up and staggered to her and grabbed her hands to check if she was seriously hurt, not that he could check properly with his blurred vision.

" Jason you are making no sense, please Jason let me make sure you get to bed, okay and we can talk tomorrow and sort this out," Lilly begged not caring about her own pain but worried for her brother.

" Always the martyr aren't you Lilly? God, your goody-two-shoes act makes me sick ... acting like your a good sister and you love me .. please I know you hate me just like I hate you! " Jason spat venomously.

" Jaaasson please.." Lilly began to cry and Jason pushed past her heading for the stairs leaving her downstairs to clean up and treat her own wounds.

Lilly learned that night that when Jason came home drunk which was every night he had bothered to come home, not to go downstairs no matter what she heard and most the time Jason fell asleep on the couch and left her alone but a few times a week he would stagger upstairs to shout abuse at Lilly and slap her around a bit angry when Lilly began to cry from his cruel words.

Lilly spends the nights he came home drunk hiding under the covers reciting the saying her mum taught her over and over in her head ' when life gives you lemons turn them into lemonade,' trying her best to stay positive.

Her hopefulness however soon started to run out as quick as their money did, as Jason's drinking became heavier leading to him being ironically sacked from his job that triggered his downwards spiral in the first place and just as Lilly thought things couldn't get worse they did ... when Jason got a new job working for the Mafia as a drug dealer!











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