The Mafia Boss' S*x Maid - Chapter #7 - Free To Read

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


It had been six weeks since their mother's death.

Since the funeral so far Jason had stuck to his word and he had committed to trying to be a better brother and taken care of Lilly. He now worked full time instead of part-time since his mother was no longer here to need taken care of and since it was just him bringing in a wage. He worked long Sixty hour weeks, six days a week to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table but he always took a Sunday off to spend it with Lilly. They spent Sundays baking together like Lilly and their mum used too do and getting to know each other better.

Lilly however still felt alone at times as she missed her mother greatly and she knew Jason was trying his best but he still felt like a stranger to her - although admittedly a kind one, she liked him she still felt disconnected to him. She told herself to just keep trying and hoped one day they would break through the awkwardness and stiffness between them and form a natural bond.

They had formed a routine and worked as a team, Jason would get up early in the morning and make Lilly breakfast, pack her lunch and then walk her to school, which she just went back to last week. Jason would then go to work and work his 10-hour shift 8.30 am to 6.30 pm, whilst Lilly either stayed at a free after school club two nights a week or got walked home by a neighbor and Jason would pick her up from the after school club buying her dinner on the way home from a local restaurant or meet her at home and then he would cook one of the only three meals he could make, whilst Lilly sat at the kitchen table and did her homework. Then Lilly cleared up after dinner letting Jason rest. At night time they would have a movie night or play board games since Lilly was still not feeling up to socializing with her friends- it was a perfectly normal family routine to have despite them now being orphans and missing half a family.

Sundays were Lilly's favorite day however as Jason and Lilly would bake cakes together and then they would walk to the local homeless shelter and they would distribute the cakes amongst the residents and staff before helping in the soup kitchen for an hour or two, just like Lilly and their mum used to do together.

Lilly loved helping the homeless it gave her a sense of purpose and made her feel connected to her mum, she also likes spending time with Jason and trying to teach him to bake- he was true as awful at baking as he joked he would be and there were a few cakes he baked that not even Lilly, using her now expert baking knowledge could save. Despite Jason being an awful baker Lilly always had fun baking with him as it was always a good laugh when something went wrong - which it always did and she really appreciated her brother putting the effort in.

They had six weeks of harmony and were functioning relatively normally despite still grieving that was until Lilly's mother's solicitors called and asked them to go in the following weekend for a belated reading of her will.

" Ah Mr. Thompson and Miss Thompson, thank you for coming in today. May we offer our deepest condolences for your loss and our apologies for the belated will reading, I am afraid we recently had a severe flood in the kitchen and we had to shut the office for repairs ."

" Thank you and that's okay," Jason said as he and Lilly followed the lawyer into the office and took the seats offered.

" May I offer you both any refreshments before we begin? " The lawyer asked and both Jason and Lilly shook their heads no wanting to get this over with quickly.

" Very well. We are gathered here to read the will of Mrs. Caroline Ann Thompson, who passed on the 22nd of May 2010, this reading is of her last wishes and division of any assets. " The lawyer said pausing to take a sip of water

. " I Caroline Ann Thompson record this as my final will and testament and do so in the sound of mind, to my children who I want to know I love you with all my heart I leave each a personal letter i wrote that is to be given to each of you individually after the reading for to read in privacy, I not have many assets to leave you but I leave you each a small sum for your future of £3000 each, Jason is to be given him straight away and Lilly's is to go into a fund until she is Eighteen. Next, I have a box for my precious boy Jason containing two watches that belonged to your father. One watch has been passed down the generations of your fathers family to the eldest male on his Thirtieth birthday and was entrusted to me to be given to you on yours and the other I bought your father for a wedding present and he wore on his wedding day, I hope someday you will do the same." The lawyer paused and handed Jason a beautifully carved wooden box.

" I also have family heirlooms to pass to my daughter. To you my sweet Lilly I leave you my wedding ring and wedding dress, I do not expect you to wear the monstrous now out of fashion 80's style wedding dress but perhaps if you find a good seamstress you could use some of the lace or silk from the dress on your wedding dress or veil or just keep it safe in the knowledge I wore it on the day I made the best decision of my life.. to marry your father which led you and your brother - the best accomplishment of my life and my greatest joy. I deeply hope you meet a man or a woman who loves you as much as your father and I loved each other. " The lawyer signaled to his receptionist who carried in a heavy-looking white box and Lilly stroked the outside of it remembering the look of her mother's wedding dress that lay within.

" I do not have many finical assets I am afraid apart from the house, which I leave to Jason with the condition it is not to be sold at least until Lilly has grown up enough to move out and if sold the money from the sale is to be spilled evenly between both of my children." The lawyer handed Jason the deed to their mother's house and Lilly and Jason began to cry as the fact that their mum was never coming home finally felt real.

" Finally I have small sentimental things to give each of you, Lilly I leave all of my clothes, makeup, baking tins and books which I know you would put to good use. And my son I leave the boxes in the attic that contain your father's clothes and a box containing all the letters you sent your father and me every year from summer camp from the age of six right up until eleven. I want you both to know I love you with all my heart, I may not have had the chance to see you both grow up but I know you both will do great things and I want you to

remember no matter what you're family and all the family each of you have left so take care of each other. I love you always and forever my babies, love mum."

The lawyer handed them each the letters their mum left and left them in privacy for a while.

Lilly and Jason ran into each other's arms and sobbed hysterically for a long time as soon as the lawyer left before a car their mother had arranged came to pick them up and took them home.

Their mothers will reading helped Lilly and Jason bond further over their grief and they spent the next few months leaning on each other for emotional support and became very close.

Their new bond however would soon be tested.











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