The Mafia Boss' S*x Maid - Chapter #6 - Free To Read

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


They stood in the rain dressed all in black.

Friends from the restaurant including the owners, staff from the homeless shelter, and all of the residents of the shelter that Lilly and her mum volunteered at, neighbors and a lot of the staff from the hospital including Caroline's cancer nurses came to say goodbye.

Everyone was dressed and groomed presentably, even Jason who in the last few months had changed into a son his mum could be proud of, he had gone to counseling to deal with his grief properly and had sought help over his drinking, he even got a job in a retail outlet and helped contribute to the house both physically in the form of maintenance and financially and he was a better brother to Lilly.

It seemed like time had gone far too quickly over the last six months and now they were here at the church attending the Funeral of their friend, neighbor, and mother.

During the last six months, their mother had thanks to the doctors managed to live a decent quality of life with minimal suffering. She had spent lots of time with Lilly doing things a mother and daughter would normally do that Lilly would miss the opportunity to do with her such as going prom and wedding dress shopping to look at dresses, doing girly makeovers and Lilly got to shave off what was left of her mum's hair then choose her mum a wig and her mum gave her the talk about boys.

Caroline also got to spend lots of quality time with her son reforming their once close bond and she took her last breath happy in the knowledge her son was finally on the right path and she was proud of him.

The ceremony had gone quickly Jason had said a few words about how much he loved her and how he was sorry that for a long time he was a bad son and treated her badly but he promised he would be a better person and try to look after Lilly like his mother wanted and Lilly read a poem she had written, the service was very moving.

Now the service was over and their mother had been put to rest, the mourners had given Jason and Lilly their condolences and gone to the wake, leaving them by their mother's graveside to say their goodbyes privately.

Jason and Lilly were sat on the wet ground each saying their goodbyes as the rain poured over them.

Lilly was crying hysterically and sobbing her goodbyes out loud and Jason was saying his goodbyes inside his head trying to stay strong despite the tears flowing from his eyes and blurring his vision.

They sat on the wet grass in the cold rain for a good half an hour before Jason noticed Lilly shivering.

Seeing his sister shivering her was reminded of his promise to his mum to look after her so he took off his coat and placed it on his little sister's shoulders and Lilly automatically flinched in response.

Jason sighed disappointed that a gesture of kindness towards his own sister would be met with fear and knowing he only had himself to blame. " Lilly .." He said gently turning her to face him and wrapping her tighter in his coat to get her warm. " I know you don't trust me right now... and I understand why and don't blame you... it's my own fault but I promised mum I would take care of you and I am going to try my best to keep that promise. I have been a terrible brother I know that Lilly and .. I am sorry, I was grieving and as a child, I wrongly blamed you for dad's death and I was if I am being honest .. jealous of mum giving attention to you when I needed her and that jealousy only

grew as you did as you and mum grew closer and developed a special bond.. a bond I used to have with dad and I resented you for it. It was wrong of me to blame you or to resent you as you were an innocent child just like I was and because I let my jealousy get the better of me I missed out on bonding with you and I wasn't the big brother you deserved and I am truly very sorry Lilly .. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you I swear, and I know you feel alone right now but I promise I am here for you and I will try my best to look after you and......................................................................................................... love you ." Jason said

emotionally apologizing for all his past sins and silently vowing to his mum he would try to do better.

Lilly lifted her lowered gaze and saw the sincerity and emotion in her brother's eyes and expressions and she instantly forgave him for his abuse and hatred over the years, after all, he was family and all she had left.

Jason stood and reached out his hand and after a brief hesitation, Lilly also stood and took it.

" What do you say we skip the wake and go and get pizza from Joey's mum's favorite pizza place and then we can go home get dried and have a pajama party all night and watch all of mum's favorite movies. if you want to we can bake some cupcakes for our movie night like you and mum used to

do and I can be your apprentice like you started off as mums? Although I doubt I inherited mum's baking skills like you did and you will have to make sure I don't burn the kitchen down. " Jason said trying to spare Lilly from having to attend their mother's sad wake and having memories of today being all about sadness like he had over his dad's wake that he was forced to go too when he was about Lilly's age.

Lilly smiled at Jason gratefully, today had been so overwhelming as much as she knew everyone who attended the funeral loved her mother and came to pay their respects, it was so tiring having to thank them all for coming and replying to them when they came to speak to Lilly and her brother.

She knew they meant well but all Lilly wanted to do was to have privacy to cry and be at home surrounded by her mother's things so she can feel close to her. " Please .. Jason, today has been so tiring and I just want to go home. " Lilly said trying not to cry.

Jason wrapped Lilly in his arms and held her and this time instead of automatically flinching Lilly welcomed his embrace and cried freely into his chest whilst he picked up his little sister and carried her towards the car soothing her as he walked by humming their mother's favorite song.











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