The Mafia Boss' S*x Maid - Chapter #5 - Free To Read

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


" Mrs. Thompson .. did you hear me? " The doctor asked kindly

Caroline took a deep shaky breath, this can't be happening .. it was just tiredness from working too much.

She had beat cancer and she was better.

She was going to see her children grow up.

" Mrs. Thompson... I know this is a huge shock and very upsetting but I need to know when your ready to talk that you understand what I am saying. " The doctor prompted again in a kind voice.

" I don't understand... I know what you said but .. I don't understand .. I beat it .. how? " Caroline let out a loud sob thinking about how she would tell her children and then breaking down.

The doctor came around the desk and took her into his arms and hugged her comfortingly and simply held her for a few minutes allowing Caroline to process the news as best as she could.

" I am sorry doctor .. " Caroline whispered after a good fifteen minutes of crying as she gently pushed the doctor away and saw the state of his tear-drenched lab coat.

" It's alright Mrs. Thompson there is no need to apologize... shall we sit and I will answer any questions you may have .. when you're ready. " The Doctor said pulling back out the chair for Caroline, he poured her a glass of water and handed her a box of tissues before he took a seat next to her and waited for her to be ready to continue.

" Please doctor tell me .. how long do I have? " Caroline was finally able to ask after composing herself as best as she could.

" Mrs. Thompson as I diagnosed, you have Metastatic breast cancer (also called stage IV) it is breast cancer that has spread to another part of the body, in your case your lungs and bones. Breast cancer can come back in another part or parts of the body months or years after the original diagnosis and treatment. Nearly 30% of women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer will develop metastatic While metastatic breast cancer may not go away completely, treatment may control it for a number of years. The best we can do Mrs. Thompson is trying different treatments to see what is most effective for you to slow the spread of your cancer and help ease the pain. If we find the right treatment or combination of treatments you may have anywhere between three months to a few years. " The doctor said giving Caroline time to process the information.

" I see, so it is terminal definitely? " Caroline asked already knowing the answer.

" I am deeply sorry Mrs. Thompson but yes, I am afraid so. " The doctor said compassionately.

" I see well, I guess the best I can hope for is to live as long as possible to make as many memories with my children as I can and to see them grow up for as long as possible. " Caroline said accepting her fate with a strange calmness.

" We will certainly do everything we can to make sure we help you live as long as life and the best quality of life you can. " The doctor vowed as he reached out to squeeze her shaking hand supportively.

" Thank you, doctor ... so what happens now? "

" Well Mrs. Thompson now we discuss side effects of metastatic breast cancer and Palliative care options, then we make a treatment plan. Palliative care describes treatments that reduce pain and other symptoms but doesn't fight the disease. Palliative care works to help you feel as comfortable as possible. These treatments can be given at home or in the hospital. The goal is to reduce pain and discomfort and increase the quality of life for as long as possible. We can make another appointment to discuss this in full tomorrow or a few days and I can give you some information to read over n the meantime if you need some time to process or we can discuss this now? " The doctor said giving Caroline as much control as he could.

" Thank you doctor but I would prefer to discuss the symptoms now and the palliative care options so I know what to expect and so I know what to tell my children when they ask questions .. after I tell them. " Caroline said as tears began to fall again at the thought of having to tell her children.

" Of course Mrs. Thompson, we will discuss them right away there are a few leaflets in reception about your options with your permission I will go and get them? They will be handy for you to look

at when you go home to help make your decision and we have ones designed for children too that may help explain everything to your children. Of course, we have cancer nurses who are trained to help inform families of patients and they prove to be great support and help to patients when trying to inform their family and can be a great help answering any questions family of patients may have especially children. Perhaps after our appointment, if you like we can go and speak to a trained cancer nurse, maybe Susan or Jackie, or both if you wish? " The doctor asked and Caroline despite her own sadness managed to smile at the doctor for his kindness before giving her permission for him to leave.

There meeting went on for about an hour and they discussed all the possible side effects of her cancer and how best to treat them if they occur and they produced a care plan where Caroline requested to be cared for at home right up until the end so she could spend as much time with her children as possible.

Jackie Caroline's previous cancer nurse gave her a lift home and offered to come in to support Caroline tell her children but Caroline felt it would be best if she told them first and then at a later date when they were no longer in shock and ready she could take them to the hospital to ask any questions they may have had.

Caroline had been stood outside staring at the front door for the past twenty minutes trying to build up the courage to go in, the sounds of an argument coming from inside finally prompted her to go inside.

Opening the door she was greeted with Lilly crying and Jason screaming at her.

" You stupid bitch !! You ruined it! I was going to wear that tonight and now it's stained !! I HATE YOU !!!! " Jason screamed at Lilly as she cowered in the corner crying.

" THAT'S ENOUGH JASON SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP !!! It's time I did something I should of long ago give you a dose of tough love! " Caroline said her loving motherly voice replaced by that of strict authority that was intimidating.

" You need to grow the fuck up! I love you Jason I really do with all my heart never doubt or forget that but ever since your dad died you've changed into someone I don't recognize. I should have put my foot down when you were younger and maybe you wouldn't have turned out the way you have but every time I looked at you I was reminded how I nearly lost my beautiful baby boy as well as my soul mate and you were just a child grieving I allowed you to get away with too many things for too long because of your grief.. well no more! You will not speak to Lilly like that she's your sister and it's your job to love her and protect her when I can't! " Caroline shouted releasing years of her frustration.

" Don't talk about dad !! " Jason shouted back as tears fell down his dirty cheeks.

" I know you are still grieving for him a son and that's okay but the way you are is no longer accept you need to grow up and be a better brother and start being there for her like a good brother should be," Caroline responded not letting herself be manipulated by his grief as she had been for the past decade.

" I don't want to be there for her, I hate her! SHE'S THE REASON DAD'S DEAD !! " Jason screamed finally admitting why he hated her out loud and Lilly burst into tears and ran to her mum to seek comfort in her embrace.

" That's not true Jason, the man driving the car who hit yours was a drunk driver you know that .. it was his fault, Jason, only his. Your father would have gone to the shops anyway even if we didn't need nappies it was our wedding anniversary the next day Jason and he found his present hidden in the cupboard when he was changing Lilly. I know he found it because when you were in the car on the way to the supermarket I saw baby powder fingerprints on the wrapping paper and I knew he had found my hiding place, saw the wrapped gift and remembered it was our wedding anniversary and that he had forgotten again as he did every year. Remember Jason... you and I used to laugh about it every year that a few days before or the morning of our anniversary your dad would make an excuse to nip to the shops ?"

Jason shook his head in disbelief, he hated his sister with every fiber of his being but for the first time in his life, he stopped thinking about his own grief and started to hear the grief in his mother's voice.

He looked at her properly for the first time in a decade and noticed the grief on her face talking about his dad, he was just a boy when his dad died and then when he came home from the hospital his home didn't feel like his home anymore without his dad there who he was extremely close too and he needed his mum and although admittedly she tried her best to be there for him she gave the majority of her time to Lilly with her being a baby and him more independent and he resented both Lilly and his mother for that and it didn't help as Lilly grew she was their mum's little shadow just like he used to be with his dad .. he was jealous of her and he never made an effort to bond with Lilly but his mum.. he was close to her at one point in his life and he missed that.

" I am sorry mum," Jason said crying genuine tears sorry not for hating Lilly that would never change but for growing distant with his mum, causing her added stress, not being grateful for everything she did for him and not being a good son.

" I know you are a sweetheart and I love you but I need you to change and promise me you'll look after Lilly," Caroline said seeing love in her son's eyes for the first time in a decade.

Lilly whimpered into her mum's chest and Jason assessed his mum trying to figure out why she would ask that of him and why she sounded so desperate. " Mum .. what's going on? " Jason asked concerned.

Caroline led him to the table and held his hand as she cuddled Lilly on her lap.

" I wasn't at work in a meeting today, I was at the hospital. I wasn't feeling very well the last few weeks so finally made an appointment and had a few tests gone a few days ago.. I got the results back today. Cancer... it's back but this time it's terminal." Both Lilly and Jason let out deafening howls at the news and hugged their mum tightly.











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