The Mafia Boss' S*x Maid - Chapter #3 - Free To Read

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


It had now been 7 months since their mum had told them she had cancer and she was starting to get better.

Her Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy ( Chemotherapy used to shrink cancer before surgery or radiotherapy) had worked and the cancer cells had shrunk enough so she could have Breast- conserving surgery ( when cancer and some surrounding normal breast tissue is removed ) instead of a mastectomy ( removing the breast and cancerous cells from armpit ) and she was a little weak from the chemotherapy and sore from the surgery but other than that she was doing okay- she would however as part of her after surgery care have to have a mammogram (a low dose X-ray of the breast tissue) every year for five years to see if cancer has come back but apart from that understandable worry she was starting to feel optimistic about her future and grateful she would have the opportunity to see her kids grow up.

Lilly had been so incredibly brave during the last few months and had really taken care of her when the chemotherapy made her so ill. She was incredibly proud of Lilly and so grateful to have such a kind and wonderful daughter but at the same time she felt so guilty about burdening her daughter with caring for her, she, after all, was the parent and it was meant to be her caring for her children not the other way around and her daughter was so young, too young to have to act so grown up.

As for her son she was very disappointed in him. Even though he was nineteen and old enough too she didn't expect her children to take care of her ( even though if she was being honest she really did need their help ) but she did expect him to act like a good older brother and take care of his little sister and show he can be a responsible adult, it would have helped put her mind at ease if she saw he took care of his sister that if she didn't survive cancer that Lilly would be taken care of and not grow up in the abusive foster care system she did as a child. But sadly her son never changed and what would happen to Lilly if she died therefore was another stress she had when she was undergoing treatment.

Thankful everything was okay and she would focus on cherishing every moment life offered her now, spend more time with her amazing daughter and she would try one last time to get her son to stop wasting his potential and hanging around with bad influences.

She was just getting out the nurses car, who kindly insisted on giving her a lift home after being horrified to learn she was going to walk the 5 miles home from her aftercare nurses check-up when Lilly who was waiting for her at the window saw her and ran out the house excited.

" MUM !! WHAT DID THEY SAY? IS IT STILL GONE? " Lilly shouted as she squeezed her mum in a tight and loving embrace.

" Hey sweetheart, yes the nurses check everything and I am perfectly fine, cancer-free still. " Her mum replied hugging her daughter who she loved more than anything in the world tightly.

" That's great mum, I am so happy for you! If your feeling better perhaps we can do some baking tomorrow and since you not being sick from the chemotherapy anymore you can actually eat some cakes this time rather than just help decorate them! I have got really good at baking now and I am good at decorating them too, not as good as you yet though but if I keep practicing I might be one day !! " Lilly asked excitedly.

" That sounds amazing sweetheart and I am sure you'll be even better than me one day at decorating them. Let me just say goodbye and thank you to Susan and we will go inside and we can plan what we are going to bake tomorrow, okay? " Her mum asked happily that her daughter could act like a carefree kid again.

Lilly doubted her cakes would ever be as nicely decorated as her mum's. Her mum could make any flavor you could think of and her decorations were expertly carried out. Her mum could make tasty cakes into any form of castles, cars, etc she even made a few wedding cakes for friends. Her mum's cakes were often mistaken for professionally made cakes when she baked them for functions such as Lilly's school bake sale or the local homeless shelter Sunday lunch that her mum used to volunteer at every week and took Lilly with her to teach her to be kind and help those less fortunate. Despite Lilly's doubts about her abilities to ever be as good of a baker as her mum, she nodded at her mum's question anyway.

" Good girl Lilly. Thank you so much for taking me home Susan, it was very kind of you and much appreciated. " Lilly's mum said reaching out to hold Lilly's hand and smiling at her nurse.

" You're welcome, Caroline. Like I said at the clinic it's no trouble at all. Your house is on the way home both for me and Jackie and we can book your check-up if it's convenient for you, just before our shift change so whichever one of us who is coming in to start work can pick you up and then the time you've had your check up the other one would have finished and we can give you a lift home? " Susan said kindly as she smiled warmly at Lilly.

" That's so kind of you but I wouldn't want to inconvenience you both.." Lilly's mum tried to protest.

" Honestly it's no inconvenience at all Caroline it's on the way and Jackie and I both don't mind at all in fact we would be glad of the company and even with your amazing little helper there .." She said looking at Lilly " the treatment you've just had has taken a lot out of you, light exercise is great but walking 10 miles total to and from your appointments is too much, you will need to rest as much as possible for the next 12 weeks to build back up your strength, the chemotherapy you had before surgery targeted your cancerous cells but it also targeted your healthy ones which means you need to take care of yourself. Don't overdo it, make sure you eat healthily, stay hydrated, and rest. Remember if you need us between now and your next clinic check-up next month just give us a call and we will help any way we can okay? " The nurse said in a tone as kind as her nature.

" Thank you so much, everyone, at the hospital and clinic have been amazing from the very beginning of my diagnoses to now. I honestly don't know what I would have done without you all. " Caroline said trying not to cry in front of her daughter.

" There's no need to thank us, it's our job and it's our pleasure to help however we can. I better let you go and rest it sounds like you and your little helper have a busy day tomorrow, take care and call us if you need us any time. " The nurse said as she waved and then drove off.

Lilly and her mum cuddled and waved goodbye to the nurse as she drove off, then they went inside where Lilly cooked her signature cheese on toast and her mum spent the night thinking how lucky she was to be on the mend and how grateful she was that she would see her kids grow up - unaware that sadly that wouldn't happen.











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