The Last Dragon Rider - Chapter #1 - Free To Read


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In every generation, a handful of elves were born with the ability to commune with dragons. These few became the dragon riders.

For millennia, dragons and elves lived in a harmonious balance, until the war began.

For one hundred years, the dragon wars raged. Legions of the Revenir, undead corpses, walked the lands of Thril-Garëw, commanded by the Necromancer’s Wilderling zealots. However, in the final days, everything would change.


“Tell me a story…” the child begged, staring out from beneath waves of ash blonde hair, framing delicate features. Clear violet eyes, blind eyes, pleaded with the woman.

The girl’s guardian brushed a long strand back from the child’s brow. Clicking her tongue as she did so.

“’Tis time for bed.” The woman tried to tuck the child in, but the little girl, determined to have her story, slipped out of bed to wrap her arms around the woman in a tight embrace.

“Just one, please, then I will go right to sleep. I promise.”

The woman looked down at the smiling child—all teeth and dimples, and her shoulders sagged as she relented with a heavy sigh.

“All right, but only one.”

The little girl squealed with delight, hugging the woman tighter for a moment more before diving back beneath the bedcovers.

“Which story would you like?”

“The Ballad of the Last Dragon Rider,” the child announced. Dimples forming at the corners of her mouth. Who could resist such adorable dimples? But the woman sighed regardless of the child’s charm.

“That is hardly an appropriate bedtime story, do you not think?”

“Oh, but it is my most favorite one of all. Please will you tell it to me?” The child jutted out her lip and peered out from underneath her lashes. For a child who could not see, she certainly knew how to guilt a person into doing what she wished with those sad eyes.

“Very well.” The woman huffed and dragged a chair up close to the bed, settling a woven blanket over her lap and dousing all but one candle. She would have to omit quite a lot. “Well, as you know,” she started slowly. “Our story begins back two hundred years ago…”











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