The Finish Line - Chapter #4 - Free To Read

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

“Should’ve hit that third button, son,” he said to Devin as he turned away from me.

Devin bristled, his body going rigid.

“When are you racing again?” I broke in before Devin could respond.

Devin latched on to the interruption with a quick grin. “This weekend. I’m running Hunter East.”

I raised a brow. I’d dated Hunter East in high school. Mostly to annoy Jordan. If there was a street racer in Arkadia who rivaled Jordan it was and had always been Hunter.

“Taking it out for a couple of test passes later.” Finished with the tire, Vic stood and wiped his hands on his jeans. “Your brother was supposed to ride out with us.”

“Yeah, that probably won’t happen.” I cringed. Aiden had been on the phone arguing with the white- trash wicked witch during the ride home. “He was arguing with Wendy when he dropped me off.” None of them were surprised. I rubbed the tension from my neck. “It makes me sad.”

“Why’s that? Married people argue.” Jordan leaned a hip on the Malibu, his eyes hidden by the ball cap.

“It’s not the arguing, though that sucks, it’s that he’s not here.” I chose my words carefully. “I missed all of you, together, when I was gone. I missed all of this.”

“Then why’d you leave?” Jordan folded his arms across his chest and made an important study of his sneakers. He knew exactly why I’d left. This was some sort of trap that I wasn’t going to fall for.

“I had to.” I took the honest route and fought to keep the bitterness from the verbal barb.

I had to see for myself what else was out there. What I’d always wanted here was unattainable. That reminder, from him, was a blow to my ego.

“Had to?” Devin’s eyes clouded with confusion.

I opened my mouth but snapped it shut. This wasn’t the time or the place for that conversation.

“I don’t care why you left, I’m just glad you’re back.” Devin gave me an easy out.

“Me too.” When he tossed his arm over my shoulders Jordan spun back into the shop. Did I imagine the stiffness in his back?

“You know…” Vic lit a cigarette. “I miss how it used to be with Aiden before he got married. But that little dude, Aiden’s oldest, he’s pretty awesome.”

“Luke really is.” I couldn’t help but smile when I thought of the chubby little cheeks I’d spent the day kissing. The best part of coming home had been my niece and nephew, even if my nephew wore me out.

“Good things come from change, too.” Vic wiped his hands on a shop towel and smiled at me.

“Well played, Socrates.” Jordan snorted and lowered the hood on the Malibu.

“Was he that Chinese guy?” Devin piped up. “No!” The three of us answered him at once.

The air lightened. If I didn’t know better I’d think the tension brewing between Jordan and I had only been in my imagination.

“I’m exhausted after chasing around after Luke all day. I can’t imagine how they must feel doing it all the time.” The conversation was far safer if I kept it focused on my brother.

“Like parents?” Devin quirked a brow.

“Smartass.” I socked his shoulder none too gently. His playful wink was a reminder of why girls seemed to line up for a date with him.

“Take his place tonight.” Vic leaned against Devin’s car and took a pull from his cigarette. “You know you missed us.”

I did and I wanted to. At the college, we hadn’t had any real car guys. No real gear heads, no races.

I loved the track. The sights and smells, the lights and the fans. Being there today wasn’t the rush I got when two cars flew down the street with only their taillights gleaming in the darkness.

Even leaned back against the car, Jordan was taller than the other two guys. To many, the sheer size of him was intimidating. To me, it had always been thrilling. There were drivers who chased the thrill of racing, illegally, on the street, and drivers who were intimidated by it.

I got a thrill from the man and from the way he raced.

“I did.” I picked at the strings fraying off my shorts again, “But I should really wait on Bree to get home. I haven’t spent enough time with her since I’ve been back.”

I gave Devin a quick squeeze. “I just wanted to come over to say hi.”

“Chicken.” Jordan’s deep voice stopped me in my tracks. Much like the classic time traveling teen, I hated being called a chicken and he knew it.

“I am not a chicken.”

“Sure, you’re not.” Vic was all too agreeable. “Not at all.” Devin’s grin was sly.

I pouted, knowing what they were doing to me. I hated it, feeling like a little kid. I’d spent too long around people who didn’t know me. I’d forgotten how quickly people who did could push my buttons.

I spun on my heels and walked out of the shop, only mildly surprised when Jordan followed me and clucked.

“Seriously?” Exasperation tainted the core of my being.


“What time?” A girl could growl.

Vic took his place beside Jordan. “We’ll roll out about two.”

“I’ll be here.”











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