Chapter 3 – Training
Friday Morning, up bright and early for our sparing session. We stood on the training grounds, stretching our limbs when the instructor walked up, his voice booming across the open field and sparing rings, rattling us out of our thoughts and to attention.
"Right cadets! Today we will be going over hand-to-hand combat skills. We will start with sparing in pairs. We will then be grouping you together and working on handling multiple attacks. NO kill shots! We are not looking to maim your opponents! NO shifting! You must keep control of your wolf at all times. When you hear the whistle, the attack stops. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?"
We all said in unison. This was my favorite part of training and I had been looking forward to it all week. I could almost smell my victory.
"If you manage to win your fight, you will then go into a second round of one-on-one fighting. You win your fight if you one: do not tap out, two: take down all your attackers, or three: your fight is not stopped by the whistle. Your fight will only be stopped by the whistle and instructor if we feel you cannot carry on with the fight."
The instructor finished speaking and we all went to line up for some light sparring. I was giddy and excited. Raring to go. I was wearing a navy athletic crop top and black shorts with my hair tied in a braid and then knotted. I didn't want any of these boys grabbing my hair and using it to swing me around.
I looked up and down the line of Alphas; there were almost 30 men and only 4 women, including me. The girls were all dressed similarly to me since it made moving easier, and it was harder for people to grab clothes and use them to their advantage. I looked at Kel who was across and a few guys down. He winked one of his ocean blue eyes at me and gave me a 'you got this' smirk. I returned it with an 'I know' look.
After about thirty minutes of light hand to hand sparring, the instructor's voice rang out again. Halting us and we lined up.
"When I read your name and number, please step over to that ring." The instructor bellowed at us, and he started reading off his list. I looked down the line again and caught Mike's eye.
Almost all the guys were just in shorts or sweats, no tops, and Mike was not an exception. His broad muscular chest and stocky shoulders made him look like a force to be reckoned with. Even though he was a Beta, he looked like an Alpha and had the strength of one too. My eyes moved down from his chest to his torso, sporting a well-defined six-pack. His shorts were hanging a little low so you could see the v shape that went deep down.
I licked my lips and ran my eyes back up. So many yummy guys here, but for some reason Mike always had me blushing. I hadn't really noticed him or been that into guys until I turned seventeen. And even then, it took me a couple of months to really appreciate his body. I found it fascinating how I grew up with this hunk of a guy but never really paid any attention to him in that way until we came here and started training more.
He had gone from a lean and tall kid to a bulky, muscular man. Mike was a little older than Kellen and me, but only by a few months. He would be hitting eighteen in two months and Kel and I would be eighteen four months later. I knew what a man whore Mike had already become, but still, as my eyes traveled back up to his, I lingered on his hard strong jaw, his sharp nose, and beautiful hazel eyes.
"Like what you see?" He called out to me.
Shit! He caught me staring!
"Just admiring that ass I'm gonna kick!" I hissed playfully, narrowing my eyes. He grinned widely and could swear I saw his eyes darken with lust before the instructor called out his name and he went to his respective ring. I flicked my eyes back over to Kellen who was glaring at Mike, and I could just make out a low rumble of a growl from him. I smirked, Kellen - always the protector. He hated guys hitting on me and hated it even more if a guy caught my attention.
I was glad to find myself in a circle close to Kellen; I didn't like to be too far away from him and I could keep an eye on him from here. That was the problem with being next in line for the throne; somebody always wanted a piece of him, to test him, to prove themselves, but not on my watch. Being closer to him meant I could watch out for anything these soon-to-be Alpha boys tried on him. It wouldn't be the first time someone tried a dirty move on him.
I was also happy to see I had not been paired with any of the females and we had been split up into different rings. We were given straws to pick and the person with the shortest straw would be the defender. The others in each group would work together to attack.
I drew the short straw and smiled, looking at my opponents. I loved a challenge when it came to fighting. Three soon-to-be Alphas against me might be a challenge, but I was sure it would be a quick fight. My father had trained me well, along with the Royal Beta and the Royal Guard. I had just as much training as Kel, if not more, and was a powerful wolf.
However, for whatever reason, the Goddess had decided to bless me with extraordinary strength, speed, skill, and a kick-ass wolf and it did not go unnoticed.
Inanna, my wolf, hummed inside my head as we took up our fighting stance. My wolf was fierce and strong. She's smart too. She was possessive like a dominant Alpha wolf but also held compassion in her heart. And she was so beautiful and big!
'I love you too, Lamia. Now let's kick their sorry asses' She said, waking from the back of my mind. Our connection was close, and she was a more active wolf than most.
I sized up my opponents as the three sweaty and topless guys began to circle and taunt me.
"I'm going to enjoy having you under me, little wolf" one said with a smirk.
Another chimed in "I wouldn't mind having her on top." The three guys laughed at that comment.
Idiots, didn't they know I was going to annihilate them, or did they somehow think the three of them could take me down easier than one on one?
I straightened my back up and shook my hands, preparing for their attack, watching each one of their postures and feet to gauge their next move. I then slightly crouched and put my fists up, using my right hand to extend my fingers and wave them on.
"Bring it on boys, bring it on," I smirked.
The first one who made a comment lunged at me, throwing a right hook. I spun out of the way and cracked him with a back-handed fist, making his head shoot to the side and him stumble. I then lifted my right leg and threw a kick into his stomach, forcing him to fly back and land on the dirt.
All at once, the other two surrounded and lunged at me, grabbing one arm each. Using their weight, I was able to propel my feet at the third guy who was in-coming, sending him flying back yet again. The two guys holding my arms tried to sweep my legs from under me.
I jumped up fast, throwing them off, and was guarding myself before the three had even got to their feet. The first two guys came at me, anger evident in their dark eyes and posture as they stalked toward me like true predators. I was done playing. These asshats thought they were all that and more. I needed to end this fight fast. I didn't feel like going out tonight and having bruises on my face.
As the two lunged toward me, one of them threw a punch which I was able to dodge and kicked him in the leg. Hard. I heard a crack and a whimper as he fell to the ground. I knew I had broken something but didn't pay too much mind to the pain I brought him. I was grabbed from behind and a pair of strong arms were holding me as the other came forward.
Shit. I flung my head back, hitting the one holding me right in the nose and his arms dropped from around me. As a fist came flying to my face, I caught it with my hand and twisted it, breaking his arm. That left one who I had not broken anything on yet.
As I was concentrating on the one standing in front of me, I neglected to see the guy with the bloody nose come up beside me until it was too late. I felt a heavy hand land on the side of my face and jerk my head to the side, making me fall to my knees. I spit the warm metallic blood from my mouth. I had gotten too cocky.
I felt Inanna push forward, giving me more strength as I jumped to my feet. A series of fists and feet were flying at me, some catching me but not doing too much damage. I was blocking most of it until I could finally grab one of the guys. I grabbed him by his neck and squeezed tightly, not enough to break his neck but enough for him to black out and allow me to throw him at the other two.
That's one knocked out. The one with a broken leg was staying down, he had submitted. The remaining one started to circle me; the one with the bloody nose was the guy who couldn't wait to have me on top of him, so I glared at him and pointed.
"I was saving you till last, and I'm going to make your dreams come true baby." I was mocking him, knowing I was going to straddle him just like he wanted and rain down punches on his beautiful face. He did not look amused.
He came straight for me and tried to fake me out. He leaned left but his feet said he was going right. I dodged his punch and flipped around, grabbing him by the back of the neck and kneeing him hard in his back, then forcing him to the ground. As he went down, I jumped on him and landed an elbow on the back of his head. He literally ate dirt. I smiled and flipped him over, straddling him. Ready to pummel him as I promised.
Right at that moment, I looked past him and saw Kellen in his ring holding his own easily.
I looked back down, sending a punch at the guy I was straddling. "How do you like me on top now asshole?" I seethed.
"Bitch." Was all he managed to breathe out as he started to lose consciousness and I heard a whistle from my instructor letting me know to release him. He was out.
'Haha, victory! They were no match for us.' Inanna was holding her nose up high, at taking out three Alphas. I smiled at her proud howl.
"TEN-MINUTE BREAK BEFORE WE START ROUND TWO! Victors to the right, everyone else to the left!" The head instructor shouted.
I walked over to the bleachers and took a seat next to Kellen, who handed me a water bottle.
"Looking good, Lamia, I would have thought you would have taken your time and played with them a little more though." He laughed at me, grinning his Colgate smile.
"Mmm, I thought about it, but I really didn't want a messed-up face for tonight's party." I laughed back. As werewolves we healed fast, but it took a little longer for broken bones or cuts to completely clear up. Bruises took a few hours.
Kellen and I both won our next two fights easily. It was then on to round three where the final two would face each other. Shit. It happened to be Kellen and me.
I had only ever seriously fought or spared against Kellen once back at the palace training grounds, but we were on our own, no one to see. I, of course, beat him. I was not thrilled to face Kellen in any match. He was my king and Alpha; I was his protector. I would not ever show power over him, especially not in front of people.
"Moon! Langley!" The instructor yelled. "You're up!"
Shit, shit, shit. I did not want to fight Kellen. I would not win, I would have to throw the fight
'No, we will NOT throw a fight.' Inanna insisted.
'But... Inanna, I will not fight my king. I will not hurt him.'
'Then you must take a knee. I will not hurt him either. As he is your king, Conri is mine.'
Conri was Kellen's wolf and he and Inanna had also formed a bond. Conri was the only one Inanna would submit to.
I walked into the ring and turned to face Kellen. His expression mirrored mine, his blue eyes held a look of hurt. He did not want to fight me either.
*I cannot fight you Kel* I said through our link.
*Come on Lam's, it's all good. We are expected to do this.* He sighed through the link.
I just nodded at him and as the instructor blew the whistle for the start of the match, I dropped my hands, dropped to my knees, and bowed my head, exposing my neck. I could not fight him and could not throw a match. I could only submit to him. As painful and humiliating as it was to submit to anyone, it would have been more painful to make Kellen submit to me.
The whistle blew "Langley! Get up or you will be disqualified!"
I watched Kellen step back and drop his arms. He knew I would not. I would rather be punished. I gained my composure and turned my head to face the instructor. Wilson was his name, and he looked livid!
"Sir, with all due respect, I cannot and will not strike my king. I have submitted in my match which is within the rules you stated."
Ha! Suck on that fucker. I laughed to myself.
"Get the hell up and give me 100 pushups Langley!" He growled and clenched his fist as he spat the words out. "In fact, make it 200!" He yelled as he went to walk away and handed his clipboard to someone else, whispering into their ear before he stormed off the training grounds.
Well, 200 pushups is better than having to show up Kellen, I guess.
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