Chapter 6B
I wake with a jump, dreaming I was falling, my heart racing as I bump back to reality. Jake's arms tighten around me and hold me still.
"It's okay," he mumbles, sleepily, not fully coherent, bringing my cheek to his mouth and kissing me lightly. His warm breath giving me tingles and soothing my racing heart. "I'm here." His voice is gravelly, he's half-asleep, and I'm still held in his arms on the soft leather couch, only now there's a warm fur throw over us, and the room is so dark it's almost impossible to see. The only lights on show are coming from New York's sparkling glow through the long, wide window behind us, and I guess we must've slept for hours as it's the middle of the night. His comfort pains me how he can be asleep and still try to reassure me.
"I'm okay. It wasn't one of those dreams. I dreamed I was falling, and it gave me a fright." I try not to move, knowing I won't stay here if I turn to him. I'll leave. I don't want to face reality and do this right now or give up being in his embrace just yet.
"Do you want to get up?" He squeezes me a little, clearing his throat to sound more awake, a huge lump hitting me in the stomach. The surge of emotion at his closeness and all his Jake mannerisms. He sounds unsure, wondering if I will ask to go home. I can feel it in the tense way he's holding onto me, and my heart bleeds a little.
"Don't ever do that to me again," I cry, suddenly letting all the emotion break loose at his tenderness. He freezes, his body going stiff, a slight ripple of his muscles against me.
"Do what?" His voice is hoarse as I unleash this burst of crazy Emma who has pounced out in the dark. There's a mild hint of confusion in his voice as he tries to understand what he's done to me while lying here next to me.
"Don't ever hurt me again … Don't ever do that to me again! Don't kiss another person, shut me out, or make me feel like I don't matter! Don't make me feel like you don't love me any more or don't give a shit about how you make me feel." The sobs overtake me, and I can't say anymore. He crushes me to him, wrapping those arms tightly around me, pulling me into his body, so we're almost one.
"Emma …" The pain in his voice matches mine, grabbing me so close that he's squeezing me. "You think I would ever be that stupid again? This last week has destroyed me. Do you know how often I drove to Queens and sat a block away from your apartment, stopping myself from coming for you?.... About three times a day, every day…. I had to stop myself because I knew you didn't want to see me, and it killed me…. I was right there, baby, when flowers were rejected and gifts thrown back. Because I hoped one of them might make you call me, and I wanted to be there as soon as you did. I swear I'll never, ever hurt you, never betray you again…. I'm sorry, sorrier than I can ever find the words to tell you…. No one hates what I did more than me…. Please, Emma, give me one chance, and I promise you I'll never give you another reason to leave me for the rest of our lives…. I love you. You're all that matters to me. Nothing else is worth anything if you're not a part of it. How you feel is everything. You're inside of me; you're a part of me. My heart doesn't beat without you, baby. I need you," he says it all, barely taking a breath, clinging to me fiercely.
I turn in his arms and throw myself around him, taking comfort from the person I need most in the world. I still ache, and I'm still grieving for what he's done, but I need to be here with him to heal. The wracking pain from being away from him is more unbearable than facing the pain of what he's done to us. It's crazy and messed up; maybe it makes me weak, but it's the only way I can function.
"I don't want to leave," I whimper, with my head buried in his neck.
"No one is making you go, Emma. They're going to have to fight me to the death to try to get you out of my arms. I won't let you go." The hoarseness in his voice betrays his emotion, close to breaking down, yet with a hint of stubborn Carrero.
"I want to come home." I sniff quietly, my heart wrenching through my chest painfully.
"I want you home. I need you home." He presses his mouth to my forehead and inhales me heavily.
I sound like a broken child, wrapped in my security blanket, longing for him to take all my decisions away and take care of me. I can be angry and sort out the mess of what we have left tomorrow. Then, when I'm more able to, we can face this together, whatever 'this' is or will be.
"I still don't know if I can …" I hesitate, screwing my eyes shut against his chest, breathing in his scent.
"I told you, I'll do whatever you need, baby. As much space as you need … As much time as you need. Come home. I'll sleep somewhere else in here if that's what you need. I'm begging you." His voice is rough and low, his arms holding me tight, and I know he'll never let anyone take me.
My Jake. My security. My tormentor.
"Can we go to bed?" I whisper. I'm still so exhausted, I want to stop thinking, just for one moment, and forget any of this, forget everything but what he feels like. I'm not ready to be free of his arms around me, giving me much-needed serenity. I sniff back the last of my tears and lift my chin to him.
"Together? Same bed?" He's wary and gentle. He doesn't want to presume anything, so I nod and bring my eyes to his in the dim light.
"Don't do anything more than hold me … I can't … I can't do anything more than that. I don't even know if we can even do this."
Even though I know I need this.
I close my eyes and rest against him, trying to calm all the inner protests and voices telling me how pathetic and weak I am.
"We'll take it one hour at a time. Adjust to what you need. Just being with you is enough, Neonata. It's always enough." He slides up and scoops me into his arms like a child, letting the throw slide from us to the floor almost gracefully.
He carries me, as though I'm fragile and ready to break, to the bedroom and lies me down gently on the bed before moving back to give me space. Then he turns his back, so I can have privacy to change.
Without hesitation, I pull off my clothes until only my underwear and the silk camisole remains, then I slide under the sheets. Being back in this room and this bed with him makes my heart lift a little, that empty hopelessness moving away just enough to let me breathe. When he hears me sliding into the sheets, he pulls off his clothes too, keeping only his boxers on, and slips in beside me. He waits hesitantly to see if I want his touch until I tug his hand toward me, and he relaxes, takes me back into his arms, holds me tight, and then begins to stroke my hair softly.
"I love you so much." His soft low huskiness makes me close my eyes, and I trace my hands along his powerful arms around me. My body is yearning for more than his embrace but is quietened by my emotions building inside. I can't bear to do more than this until I can push her out of my head, if I ever can. What he did with her, the confusion about what I wanted, and all the emotions swirling inside me, waiting for release.
There's a storm brewing inside of me, and she's not ready to give up the fight just yet, but she needs this for herself. She needs a break from the pain, and he's the only one capable of giving it to her. A lull in the storm to get my head straight with some much-needed rest and solitude from my own brain.
I snuggle down under the duvet and wrap my legs through his without thinking about what I'm doing like we have done a million times before. His deep, steady breathing calms me completely. The thoughts, aches, and pains, drift into numbness. I'm shocked at just how quickly I start dosing off again. Days of emotional insomnia are finally catching up with me.
Weak, pathetic girl. Mommy's little mirror image.
Shhhh, I'm nothing like her.
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