Chapter 4
Nolan looked up at her immediately, his face mixed with different emotions, shock, disbelief, surprise and finally anger.
Anger flashed in his eyes.
"What the hell? What was that for?" he snarled, rubbing his cheek.
He walked closer in anger, his long frame covering hers.
Daisy stood on her toes, squaring up to him, she wasn’t the kind of woman to back down from anyone.
"You could've killed me, or any passerby be it a little child you drunk idiot!"
“Do you know who I am?!” He asked, shouting.
“Do you also know who I am?!” Daisy asked, returning the energy.
The man looked away, his face flushed to a bright pink, as he shook his head in anger and surprise.
“Do you fucking know who you’re talking to?” He asked, his voice shaking with anger.
“I don’t fucking care.” Daisy shouted back.
“You insolent little….
Before he could complete the sentence, her hand struck against his face again.
Nolan staggered back in shock, his eyes two times wider than they initially were, his mouth parted in surprise.
“You…. You homesleas drunk woman! What do you think you’re doing?!” He shouted, shaking his anger.
He could taste blood in his mouth, he looked towards his car’s mirror, he could see her hand had left a muddy trail on his face.
He looked at her in anger.
“Oh… better believe you’re going to pay…” He said as he balled his hands into a fist, ready to fight her.
Did he know how to fight?
No. When he was younger and his father insisted he join his friends and take lessons, he never agreed, he loved music, art and food, fighting and sports felt too rough for him.
He stared at the woman in anger, he could see a few people had gathered, ready to video them.
Nolan looked back at the woman, she had also balled her fists up.
What if she beat him? What if he lost the fight and it was caught on video? It would go viral.
His grandfather and his mother wouldn’t like it, he would lose all his reputation.
Nolan slowly put his hand down, he quickly stormed back to his car in anger, and started the engine.
The beast roared to life.
He slowly smiled as he prepared to drive away, he saw the woman standing beside the puddle, he made sure to drive into the puddle, making sure his tires kick up a wave of muddy water from the puddle, drenching the woman again.
He grinned wickedly, accelerating away before she could run after him.
Talk about getting off on the wrong foot.
He didn’t know what was wrong with the women here, back in France he had it easy, but here everybody was always angry about one thing or the other.
Just then his phone rang and he grabbed the phone, his eyes widened as he stared at the screen.
Fifteen missed calls from Lance.
He quickly placed a call through to him.
Lance picked up on the first ring.
“Young Master! Where have you been? I’ve been calling your phone!” Lance shouted from the other end of the line.
Nolan stared at his reflection in the rear view mirror, squeezing his face in disgust as he saw her muddy finger prints on his face.
He prayed never to encounter a woman like that again, and if by chance he did then he would get his payback.
“Master? Master are you there?” Lance asked, distracting him from his thoughts.
“Yes.. yes.. I had a little trouble, but I’m okay now.. where are you?” Nolan asked.
“I’m still at the wedding hall, almost everyone has gone home and I’m the only one left.” Lance complained.
“I’m on my way, I’ll be there soon.” Nolan said, as he dropped the phone and stepped on the accelerator, the car speeding away.
Daisy stood there, trembling in anger, her body dripping with mud.
She looked towards the car filled with rage, as the car disappeared around the corner of the street.
She couldn’t believe that man.
“Such a coward.” She muttered underneath her breath.
If she ever crossed paths with him, she would make him pay.
She dreadfully looked down at her soaked, muddy clothes and groaned.
This was not how she'd planned to start her evening.
With a sigh, she glanced at her watch, cursing under her breath.
The party would be starting soon, and here she was, looking like a drowned rat.
If Amanda found out that she had spent almost 3 hours at the liquor store and still proceeded to have spent almost an hour walking she would give her a piece of her mind, and Daisy wasn’t sure she was ready for that.
Shaking her head, she took off running towards her apartment, she was a little greatful for the accident, it had shaken her a bit, washing away the alcohol and everything.
Now all that was on her mind was to go to the party with Amanda, have fun, drink, dance and forget about Ethan, she was going to make sure she did that over and over again, till she was sure she had forgotten about him.
Daisy ran through the front door of her mansion, panting heavily.
She could hear Amanda's voice drifting from her spare room, chatting happily on the phone.
Knowing her friend's impatience, Daisy tiptoes past the spare room, before hurrying towards her bedroom and gently locking the door, hoping Amanda hadn’t heard her.
She had to move fast if she was going to avoid another talking to from Amanda.
She slowly stripped off her wet clothes, gingerly stepping out of them and tossing them in a heap on the floor.
Daisy quickly got changed into a pair of comfortable house clothes before racing towards her closet, rummaging through the closet, before grabbing the first decent outfit she found.
It was a gown, gowns looked good on her and she was sure Amanda would also pick a gown, atleast both of them would twin in them.
She heaved a sigh of relief as she placed her clothes on the dresser.
She was a little tired.
It had been quite the day for her.
From Ethan’s wedding to the liquor store to the asshole who had hit her with his car.
She walked towards her bed, collapsing onto it.
She let out a sigh of relief as she sank into the soft king sized bed.
As she laid on the bed, her mind wandered back to earlier that day, her infuriating encounter with the asshole hit her with his car.
Now that she was thinking clearly, there was something about him that felt familiar, she knew she had seen him somewhere before but she couldn’t place her hand on where.
His eyes, his jawline, the way he talked.
He seemed familiar.
Daisy quickly shook her head, pushing the thoughts away, she was just getting over one asshole and here she was thinking about another one.
She squeezed her eyes shut hoping to get some sleep before Amanda came to drag her out.
As she closed her eyes, Ethan’s face flashed through her mind, making her scowl loudly.
She didn’t want to think of anyone, all she wanted to do was sleep and party later.
Tonight for her was about moving on and having fun, enough fun to make her forget everything and she planned on doing just that.
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