The Billionaire's Ex wife - Chapter #3 - Free To Read

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Daisy staggered out of the liquor store, her eyes spinning as she staggered forward, everything around seemed weird, the road looked funny, like the kind of squiggly roads that Daniel always drew in his drawing books, the cars all looked like they were made out of jelly, she looked around shaking her head hoping to get the alcohol out, everyone around her looked like they were twins.
She looked at her empty hands, she couldn’t remember if came with her car keys or not.

“Damn.” She muttered under her breath.

She would have to walk home.

She staggered towards the road, almost running into a large man.
“Excuse me.” The man said, as he gently shoved her aside.

Daisy turned around to stare at the man.
He was with his wife and son.

A little family.
It reminded her of what she had always dreamt her life would be like with Ethan.

Just the three of them, a small family filled with love.

But that asshole had decided to leave as he pleased, he had decided to cast her out and treat her like trash and with everything he did to her, he was still getting married today.

Daisy cursed under her breath.
“Was the bride blind? Couldn’t she see who she was marrying? Couldn’t she see the type of man he was?”

Daisy staggered forward, lost in thought, cursing loudly as she walked, a few mothers and children on the road had proceeded to cover their kids ears, while eyeing her in disgust.

Daisy smiled, they must all see her as some drunk homeless woman.
It wasn’t her fault.
It was Ethan’s.

Why did he appear out of nowhere, just when she thought she was done with him for good, just when she had begun to heal and forget him.
Yet there he was, on the alter, looking happy as hell.

“Curse you Ethan!” She screamed drunkenly as she stumbled down the street, barely aware of her surroundings.

Just then.
A sleek Lamborghini aventador sportscar burst around the corner at crazy speed, the driver distracted by his phone.

Daisy raised her head, her eyes widening in alarm as the car sped towards her.
She tried to move but her body was rooted to the ground in shock, she opened her mouth to scream as just as she did, the driver raised his head, looking away from his phone, his eyes widened in horror.

He swerved the car to the left but it was a second to the late as the car slammed into Daisy, sending Daisy sprawling across the pavement.

She laid still, unmoving.

Nolan Van-Louvre was a little heartbroken, his ex-girlfriend was getting married today to some chump.

He wasn’t heartbroken because he didn’t want his ex, to get married or because he was jealous, he was heartbroken because they had been hooking up for a long time, and he could say he had begun to develop a soft spot for her.
She never even told him she was seeing someone, he had always suspected she loved girls, because of the look he always saw in her eyes when she was around other women, but he never expected to hear that she was getting married.
He suspected she was seeing someone because she had been a little distant this past month, but she never told him that was why.

Nolan stepped on the accelerator, his Lamborghini aventador surging forward, tearing through the road at an alarming speed.
He was headed to her wedding, not to see her but to see the chump she was getting married to, and why she wanted to throw away everything they together had for the chump.
  Just then, his phone beeped as a message entered.
He quickly grabbed his phone, it was a message from Lance, his personal assistant.
He had send lance ahead of him, to attend the wedding and tell him exactly how it went, Incase he didn’t make it, because he didn’t want to attend earlier, he hated going to places that he wasn’t invited, but his pride had gotten the better out of him, he wanted to see this person for himself, he wanted to see who exactly she chose over him.
He hadn’t told Lance why he sent him to the wedding, instead he had told him that it was for business purposes, even though he suspected that lance knew he was lying because he had seen him with Becky multiple times.

Nolan opened Lance’s mesaage.
“An emergency occurred sir and the wedding was canceled, the bride ran out, leaving the groom on the alter after the wedding was interrupted by two women.” He read.

A smile broke on his face, as he dropped the phone, he slowly looked up at the road ahead.
His eyes widened in horror, he could feel his blood run cold.
A girl stood in the middle of the road.
Nolan swerved the car at the last moment, the side of the car brushing against the girl as the car went crashing into the side of the road.

He quickly lept out of the car, rushing to the woman's side.
His heart racing as he stared at her.
Was she dead?
Had he just killed someone?

He stared at her silently, her body and clothes were covered in mud from the puddle she had fallen into before she rolled onto the pavement.

He carefully rolled up the sleeeved of his shirt before grabbing her in his arms, ready to take her to his car to drive her to the hospital.

When her eyes slowly fluttered open, as she weakly stared at him.

She was beautiful, her eyes were like emeralds, green, glowing under the sun, her lashes long and beautiful.

Nolan held his breathe as he stared at her, she was beautiful but that wasn’t also why he was holding his breathe.
She had this strong stench on her.
It smelt of alcohol, cheap alcohol.
He stared at the woman again, who in their right mind would be drinking this early afternoon when the sun was still up?

Was she an homeless woman?
She seemed like it because he was sure no normal woman would be standing in the middle of the street on a afternoon.
He looked at her again, she was too beautiful to be an homeless woman but he was sure she was one.

The homeless woman groaned as she attempted to roll out of his arms.

Nolan quickly grabbed her, helping her to her feet, and steadying her gently.

“Are you alright?” He asked, gently.

Daisy stared at the man, frowning in anger.
He had just hit her with his car almost killing her and he had the nerves to ask if she was alright?
Why was he driving at such speed in a residential area? What if it had been a kid he hit.
She slowly raised her head in anger staring at him.
He was tall and lean, she worked with models a lot so she could guess he was around six foot four inches, he had long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, with dark eye brows, his jawline was beautiful carved, giving him a distinctive look, he wore a white flannel shirt, designer pant trousers and expensive shoes.
She knew all the brands and from the look of them, they were all original, she looked towards his car, she could guess he was one of those rich spoiled kids who did whatever they liked.
The thought of her son Daniel playing on the road and an asshole like this driving recklessly and risking the lives of people on the road made her mad.
What if she had been with Daniel and the both of them had gotten hit?

“Are you okay?” The man asked again.

In a swift motion, she struck her hand against his face, slapping him in anger, delivering a
stinging slap to his face.











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