The Billionaire Princeton Brothers and I - Chapter #5 - Free To Read

Darcy Princeton, Prince of Darkness

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Darcy Princeton, Prince of Darkness

Sakura knew she had a fifty-fifty chance of living or dying once she saw the car heading straight at her. Before she had time to react, she felt herself crazing against hard metal and falling back, landing on the road. She had a moment of sheer panic, wondering if she’d live when Toby ran to her and started barking at her and licking her hand with concern. Laying there motionless, she stared dazedly up at the sky through her hair covering her face, wondering if she was dead already.

She closed her eyes and concentrated on her breathing. Toby was still barking at her to get her attention, but she had no strength to respond. She needed to clear her head and get her bearing back first.

Before her, the brothers rushed out of the car, their stomachs flipping in dread as they wondered what the heck had just happened. Sebastian, being the one responsible, had assumed the worst and wondered if he had just killed the girl even though he knew in his gut he’d stopped the car just in time. It was probably only slightly if he hit her at all, which would have caused her to fall back like so. When he saw the slender body lying there motionless as if she was really dead, his adrenaline went into overdrive, and at lightning speed, he rushed to her, his mind buzzing with concern.

“Oh shit!” Conrad shrieked in dismay, his eyes intense on the girl before them. “You hit a girl, Sebastian. You freaked and hit a girl.”

“I’m calling the ambulance.” Nicolas dug into his backpack, searching for his cell phone.

Sebastian, who was now kneeling beside Sakura, called out to her, his voice hoarse “Are you all right? Hey, can you hear me? Are you all right?”

When Sakura didn’t respond, Darcy growled as he rushed over to them. “What do you think? You bloody hit her, for Christ’s sake! She’s probably unconscious.”

Just then the other car drew up behind them, followed by, “Hey, what’s the holdup?” from Tristan.

“Accident!” Conrad shouted back.

“What the hell!” Logan muttered as they all got out of the car.

On the other side, Sakura, still oblivious to Sebastian's presence beside her, stroked her hair back from her face and managed to sit up. Toby jumped into her lap and whimpered.

“I’m fine, Toby,” she said, patting his head in reassurance.

Sebastian sighed in relief when he heard she spoke, not to him but to the dog. “Are you all right?” he asked again, knowing she hadn’t heard him the first time. When she didn’t respond again, he assumed she still couldn’t hear him and wrapped his hand around her arm to get her attention. “Are you hurt anywhere?”

What the hell do you think? She wanted to shout at him. You nearly killed me with your reckless driving.

“I’m fine,” she replied none too gently.

At this point, Darcy was by Sakura’s side opposite Sebastian. He said, “Hey, how bad are you hurt?”

Sakura held her breath the moment Darcy demanded her attention. The voice! Oh gosh! The voice! She had the feeling she’d heard that voice before. Only now it was deeper and manlier and caused her stomach to flip in dead.

She finally lifted her head and came face-to-face with a gorgeous man with raven hair and mauve-gray eyes. She held her breath as she stared at Darcy, drowning herself in the depth of the unique eye color that once had looked at her with affection.

Darcy felt his heart skip a beat the moment he saw the beauty that was their victim. To say she was beautiful was an understatement. Suddenly he felt something deep within him stirred, inching its way from within the locked chains that kept it imprisoned, preventing it from ever escaping.

Under his intense gaze, Sakura felt the heat rising steadily within her. Involuntarily, she quickly glanced away—only to meet Sebastian’s eyes. Instantly, she was lost in the azure color.

Sebastian too was staring at her. Holy shit! was his thought the moment he had seen her face fully for the first time. She is a beautiful creature, all right.

“Sebastian!” Nicolas called out. “Is she all right?”

Sebastian finally managed to get his wits back and uttered, “I think so.”

Sakura drew her arm away from Sebastian’s grasp and looked away, feeling his intense stare was beginning to unnerve her. She was hoping he’d walk away and leave her alone when the man wouldn’t. He was in fact closer to her now. She could feel his warm breath against her skin and the heat of his masculine body against her.

She brushed his hand away and was about to get up when Darcy asked, “Are you hurt anywhere? No broken bones?”

Sakura turned her attention to Darcy and instantly felt her heart do another somersault. Any moment now, he’d recognized her. Any moment now, he’d remember who she was. The thought didn’t sit well with her.

“How’s that ambulance going, Nicolas?” Conrad asked his eldest brother, who was apparently still searching for his cell phone.

“It’s in here somewhere,” Nicolas muttered under his breath.

“If it were a serious accident,” Conrad said, “she would have died by now.”

Nicolas frowned. “What about your cell phone?”

“I’m fine. No need to call for an ambulance,” Sakura said loudly.

“Are you sure?” Sebastian asked, moving his face even closer to her. Shit! He could smell her—wildflowers and honeysuckle and something else. Something sweet. It tickled something nice and warm within his being. He loved it.

“Yes. I’m fine, thanks,” she said firmly.

“No, I don’t think you’re fine until you’re checked thoroughly,” Sebastian said and then scooped her into his arms.

Sakura gasped. “What are you doing?”

Sebastian was so taken aback by her sharp tone that he didn’t know what to do. The other brothers, who had gathered behind Sebastian, looked at one another. This was new, all right. Any other girl would have been over the moon if Sebastian were to pick her up like that. But not this one. What was even more odd was the fact that Sebastian had willingly scooped her into his arm, which of course made the brothers suspicious—especially Tristan. They moved around to get a better look at their victim.

Sebastian let go of her and stood up. He didn’t know what to do since she had rejected his offer to help. He didn’t want to touch her without her permission, nor did he want to walk away and leave her sitting there. Then he sensed his brothers gathering around him, and when their victim finally raised her face to them, he heard Tristan suck in his breath and say, “Holy smokes!”

As moths were attracted to a flame, the rest of the brothers saw the most enticing image they’d ever seen.

Sakura didn’t like the fact that she had not only two of the Princeton brothers but all seven of them to deal with. Sebastian was still staring at her as if God himself had just descended from heaven. Nicolas looked so shocked to see a woman and a dog in the middle of nowhere that he couldn’t speak. Tristan, Logan, Hayden, and Conrad just gawked at her as though they were watching an interesting movie. And Darcy? Those eyes—so intense—were on her.

Sebastian bent down to help her, his hand touching her arm once again. She brushed him away, again.

The brothers watched in shocked surprise because no female had ever brushed Sebastian away. Girls flocked to him—as they did to all his brothers. It was the Princeton charm, not to mention the mere fact that they were beautiful. So, it was odd indeed that this young woman was pushing Sebastian away. Did she not find him attractive? Or any of them for that matter?

Toby chose that moment to bark a friendly greeting to the intruders, sensing the seven men were only trying to help his poor master. Then, without ever consulting with Sakura, he jumped out of her arms and into Sebastian’s.

“Hey.” Sebastian chuckled. “You’re a friendly one, aren’t you?” He eyed Sakura, who looked quite upset about the whole thing. “Unlike your owner.”

Noting that his eyes were glinting at her, Sakura looked away and began to gather the things that had flown out of her bag. Nicolas, Darcy, and Conrad help, and once completed, she says, “Thanks.”











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