Chapter Four
Chapter Four
Lying in his queen-sized bed, Drew couldn’t sleep. She’d said yes—to an actual date. His mind crawled with plans for the morning, the perfect spot, a meal. Other questions loomed. Sex? Did she hike? What kind of sex? How much sex? His brain finally surrendered well after midnight.
Morning arrived too soon, his alarm like a red-alert shattering the quiet. Blinking, he shut it off and headed for the bathroom on autopilot. He stopped short at his reflection in the medicine cabinet. The shaggy blond hair and lack of beard reminded him he planned to play hooky from work today.
Humming, he marched out of the tiny bathroom, found his phone, and left a message for his assistant.
“Hey, Donna. It’s Andy. Obviously.” He laughed. “I won’t be in today or probably tomorrow either. Cancel my appointments. There’s the one with Charlie, and I’ll catch him by phone later. And don’t worry. I’ll call the old man and tell him too. I won’t leave you holding the bag. See you Wednesday.”
Ending the call, he chewed his lip a bit. Would Dad be in already? He glanced at the clock. Nah, too early for him, even with the project nearing phase two. Besides, Drew’s part had wrapped two weeks ago. Jimmy needed to polish the report due to the old man on Friday. A two-day vacation seemed acceptable, given his innumerable hours of overtime in the last six months.
Even his dad, the original work-a-holic, would grant him that.
Tossing the phone on the charger, Drew took stock. Email Jimmy and Charlie, call Dad, review Jimmy’s report for Friday. He glanced at the clock and grinned. It could wait though. He had a date today at noon, plenty of time for a nap. He crashed into his comfy bed and slept like a baby.
Terese retied her hiking boots, again. She twitched back the curtain, checking the street below her apartment. Again. Why was she so nervous about a college guy and a hike? They probably wouldn’t make it one foot out her door. They’d end up in bed for six or seven glorious hours, using up her day off. Then she’d have to throw him out.
Sighing, she leaned against the window frame and tugged her braid. What was she doing? Going on a picnic? She needed to talk to Alan, examine her finances, and put the application in with Drake. Not play around in the woods with some baby-faced hottie. His grin, his impulsiveness—almost like he was jailbait. But he did drink a beer at the tavern so twenty-one at least…she hoped.
Closing her eyes, she drew in a long breath. Focus. After eight years of sitting on her ass and playing hostess of the year, the future called. She wasn’t ready. The citywide project to revitalize Iverton was her best shot, yet her application still sat on the countertop. Shuffling over, she perused the paper again.
Her degree in Hospitality qualified her as an ideal candidate for The Center. Add to it her years of experience working at the bar/restaurant/nightclub, and she was a stellar pick for the event coordinator position. She loved the Tavern, but if it closed, she needed a job, a good one. Her bills wouldn’t wait for unemployment checks.
But working without Alan? Never. He was the perfect balance of hard ass and father figure. He’d offered her a job when she was desperate, ignoring the fact she was too young to work in a bar. Without him, she’d never have finished her first semester at State, much less earned her degree. The bar had been home for the past eight years, but there comes a time in every woman’s life when the party is over. The last call bell echoed.
The new conference center built by Drake Industries held dozens of possibilities. The place was a career builder with its huge, new business center, conference hall, and four-star hotel. She only needed to apply but hadn’t in the past few months.
Here she was, fretting over a guy like some freshman, changing her outfit multiple times, including her undies, and not completing the task at hand. Her shortsightedness always screwed up her long-term plans. But she liked Drew so far. Yet she knew nothing about him. And she was going off into the woods with him alone. How could she be so stupid?
Huffing, she flopped down on the couch, reaching for her boot laces to untie them again when the door buzzer rang. Moment of truth. Did she trust this semi-stalker on a real date, or should she ignore the doorbell and get her resume out? She gulped as sweat trickled her neck.
In the end, the answer appeared without effort. One peek out the window where his grinning face beamed, and she dashed to the door, apprehension forgotten. What a sucker, but never turn your nose up to good sex.
And he excelled.
Opening the door, Terese scanned Drew from his smiling face to his well-worn hiking boots. Damn, he actually liked the outdoors. Fuck.
“Ready?” he asked. Fake it to make it for one date? Sure. It might end with another evening of mind-blowing sex, balancing the hike nicely.
“Let’s go.” She sauntered past him, down the steps scanning for an unfamiliar car. Her place wasn’t far from the mountains but distant enough to make both walking and hiking a rough afternoon.
“Your carriage awaits, m’lady,” he said, scooping up her arm in his and gesturing with his free hand to the bus stop at the end of the block.
She froze in her tracks. “The bus?” Exasperation filled her voice as she realized her mistake. She should be inside right now—job hunting, working on her resume, looking for bank loans.
From behind her, Drew wrapped his arms around her, his mouth centimeters from her ear. “It’ll be worth it, I promise.”
Her legs practically buckled as his breathy voice tickled her ear, reminding her exactly why she’d chosen him over her resume. Trying to recover her dignity, she wiggled away from him, strutting down the sidewalk a few steps. She glanced over her shoulder. “It better be.”
He was next to her like a shot, his hands on the side of her face, his lips pressed to hers in a kiss that tore the floor out from under her. For such a sweet thing, his kisses were demanding, hot, sensual. Crushing her against him, he gathered up her braid and tugged it lightly. The rest of the strength drained from her limbs.
Reveling in his deliciousness, she curled against his shoulder. “Why don’t we go back to my place?”
His lips pressed against her ear. “Later.”
Regret seared her enough to scooch away from him. “This hike better be spectacular.” She tried to put some stone in her expression.
“I promise not to disappoint.”
Drew breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn’t realized how badly he wanted the date. The past two nights topped out at eleven, but if he hoped to hang on to Terese for the long run, the relationship needed to be more than sex. Granted, the sex was beyond anything he’d ever dreamed. He’d play the cool guy for a bit longer until she was hooked. Maybe then he’d show her the lovesick introvert he really was.
Ten minutes from the park and the pent-up tension about the date melted away, for him at least. He glanced over at Terese who smiled quickly but couldn’t hide her discomfort. Her eyebrows furrowed, her mouth set in a straight line, and her fingers twitched. His hand slipped into hers for the rest of the trip. Her shoulders dropped, and she actually leaned into him. Cool, another point in his favor.
The bus had been a calculated choice. He wanted to keep her guessing a little longer. Not that his beater car revealed much. But she’d called him frat boy and college guy a couple times. She obviously thought she was robbing the cradle. It’d be fun to keep the fantasy alive for a few days. Later he’d tell her the truth—he was older than she. Keeping the illusion was key until she became completely and thoroughly his.
When they arrived at Ballston Park, Drew kept her hand in his, guiding her out of the bus. She complied, but he didn’t push his luck. Terese was no follower.
“Have you been here before?” he asked.
Rolling her eyes, she scoffed, “Duh.” Essentially saying, “Who in Iverton hadn’t spent a sunny Saturday at one of a dozen parks around town?” He followed her gaze up at the trees, from the red-orange oaks to the deep green of the pines. The forest opened like a theater stage, leafy curtains opening to either side of a gravel path, a tall waterfall towering center stage.
Her smile seemed genuine though reserved. Maybe she wasn’t an outdoors person, but they would overcome that. The cool, crisp air filled his lungs, carrying the scent of old leaves and fresh moss. If he strained, he could hear the jangle of the falls the whisper of the wind through the fall leaves, and a smattering of late season tourists enjoying the view. Terese glanced at him from the corner of her eye. Her smile turned dour, though her eyes still glittered. He tried not to laugh.
He shrugged. “I didn’t know if you’d been here. Maybe you hate waterfalls.” She socked him in the arm.
Heading down the path, hands still clasped, something he could easily get used to, he watched the Ballston Falls come into view. The hundred-foot expanse, about a mile away, glistened and roared as thousands of gallons of water poured over the cliff. Terese’s grip tightened. He grinned.
“So,” he began. “I thought we’d start by heading down the tourist path to the bottom. I know some great trails to climb up to the top of the falls.” She glared at him. “All legal and marked, I promise. I wouldn’t take you some place too dangerous on a first date.”
“First date, huh?” Skepticism tainted her voice, the first real words she uttered since climbing on the bus.
He cleared his throat. “Do you hike much? Rock climb?” Please say yes. If she said yes, then they’d have something in common.
“No, not much.” She gazed around the park. “I’m more of a walker. You know, elevator rider. I’m good at that.” He snorted, and she finally cracked a grin.
“So not a star athlete under the red dress?”
She smirked. “You already know what’s under the red dress. Show me the hike-path thingy. We’re not climbing any sheer cliffs.”
“Nah, a little ways up the path there.” He pointed. “Then onto another that’s a bit more of a challenge.”
She halted, pulling her hand from his. Her pose was classic Terese, something she did in the bar all the time. One hand on her raised hip, head down as if she were peering over glasses, her eyes flashed under her bangs.
“There better be something good at the end,” she said in mock seriousness.
He stopped himself from cackling like a loon. Damn, she revved him up, but no way he’d skip out on the hike now. “Oh, there is.” He wiggled his eyebrow. Swinging his backpack around in front of him, he unzipped it. “I have sandwiches, real potato chips, iced tea, a bottle of Riesling, and extra water. And if you’re really good, I have Oreos.”
She snorted. “What am I? Six?”
He wagged a finger. “Oh, trust me. Those Oreos are going to taste pretty good when we get to the top. You’ll be begging me for some.”
She tilted her head. “And if I don’t like Oreos?”
He closed the bag, his expression hard. “I don’t think either of us wanna go there.”
She laughed and swatted him. He grabbed her hand and tugged her close, the backpack between them. He kissed her, long, slow, and wet, until a crinkling sound caught his attention. Peering into his bag, he said, “Damn, we crushed the chips.” She giggled and pulled at his hand, taking him toward the path to the falls.
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