Chapter Three
Chapter Three
At the door, Drew glanced back one last time, locking his gaze with Terese’s in a long exchange. Whether she intended or not, her eyes pleaded, “Stay.” But he’d never mess with her job. Leaving was best. Dipping his head, he conceded, departing without another word, preserving the moment.
His brain worked overtime as he darted down the stairs. A one-night stand in the end? Did he blow it? He’d waited months to ask her out, hoping for more than a single time together. Hell, he’d even ditched his beard and bleached his hair, using the new style to stand out, catch her attention. Last night, she’d finally seen him.
He ambled up three blocks and retrieved his car—one of the few parked on the street. Most townies used the buses, walked, or rode their bikes, but not him. His day job demanded a polished wardrobe. Plus, his father frowned on wearing a suit while biking to work.
Cruising through the quiet streets, Drew took stock. She’d noticed him, even taken him home. The rest was more than he ever imagined and he’d thought about it, endlessly. In the end, reality had been much better. Hotter. Hell, even sweeter. Terese was a tour de force.
He must see her again. Be with her again. Win her over. Driving home, he formulated a plan to transform their single night together into a real relationship.
As usual, the brunch bustle demanded Terese’s undivided attention. Decked out in her forties-housewife attire—a blue silk dress with yellow flowers—she skated between tables, taking orders and schmoozing. Many of the city’s old-timers came out for Oakwood Tavern’s famous brunch buffet. Twelve hours after brash, party-happy college kids filled the bar, the seats now contained quiet senior couples munching on egg dishes. The serenity of it all warmed her heart.
After seating the thousandth group, she plopped down on a bar stool across from Eric. He shot her a questioning look, but her own withering stare prevented him from asking about her evening. Brunch was not the place to discuss nighttime escapades. He chewed his lip, probably biting back a laugh as he wandered along the bar, mixing mimosas and Bloody Marys.
“Ms. Brock?”
Two men in suits stood behind her, their faces corporate bland and serious. She narrowed her eyes. Usually, patrons didn’t ask for her by name. A sliver of worry settled in her stomach. Something was off.
Taking a deep breath and donning her savvy business smile, she said, “Yes, gentlemen. How can I help you?”
“Hello, ma’am.” Suit Number One stuck his hand out for a shake. No need to be so formal, guys. She glanced at Eric who’d wandered down the bar closer to her, squinting at the newcomers.
“We’re sorry to bother you on a Sunday. But…” He glanced at his partner. “This is a time-sensitive situation regarding the tavern. May we speak in your office?”
The sliver in her gut grew into a splinter, and she stepped back. Her mind whirled. What could it be? Missing inventory, a waitress with a problem, kitchen issues? Oh please, not kitchen issues. The tavern usually operated in the black, and the employees were stellar. She ensured that.
At a loss, she fell back on her jovial demeanor. “Let’s sit over here.” She motioned to an empty table near the bar, near Eric.
Suit Number Two leaned in. She stiffened, ready to play bouncer. “Ms. Brock, we need to ask some questions about Alan Reid, Conrad Bennett, and The Entertainment Group. Privately.” He flashed a government ID too quickly for her to read the fine print.
Her stomach clenched. She nodded, her smile hardening into plastic. “Of course, gentlemen. Right this way.” She glanced sidelong at Eric before heading to her tiny office.
Once inside, the two men settled into chairs while she situated herself behind the metal desk. Folding her hands on the desktop, she asked, “What can I do for you?”
The first man cleared his throat, placing his briefcase on his knees. “The situation is rather unusual and complicated, Ms. Brock.” Terese resisted drumming her fingers on the desk to hurry him along. Hungry people waited out in the tavern, drink orders needed to be delivered, and tips collected.
Instead, she dropped her head to her shoulder and fluttered her eyelashes demurely. “Oh?” she asked. “Can I see your ID again?”
The two men glanced at each other, and Number One dipped his head. “Of course.”
The second man spoke up. “I apologize, Ms. Brock. I’m Agent Harris and my partner, Agent Torres. We’re from the IRS.” He flipped open his wallet, presenting his credentials. Torres did the same. Her own money problems—college loans, enormous credit card bills, over-due rent—flashed in her mind.
Torres spoke up. “First of all, tell me about your relationship with the owners of this establishment, Alan Reid and Conrad Bennett.”
“My relationship? I work for Alan.” Although, the truth was so much more. Alan had taken her under his wing when she’d arrived in Iverton—given her a job, taught her everything about the restaurant business. He’d been like a father to her over the past five years. Lately, he’d been distant, but Terese had chalked it up to her success here at Oakwood Tavern. She didn’t require supervision any longer.
“Wait a minute,” she stuttered. “Alan’s in trouble?” Jesus, if Alan, king of responsibility, was in trouble, what could happen to her? Rumors flew around town, but she never took them seriously. It was Alan after all. “You don’t think I…?” She left the question hanging in the air, afraid of the answer. “Do I need a lawyer?”
The two men exchanged a look but didn’t answer. A shiver slithered down her spine. “Both Mr. Bennett and Mr. Reid are currently under investigation for tax fraud. And we will be examining your relationship to them as well as the financials at the tavern.” He opened his briefcase and removed a pile of papers.
Terese blinked as a cold sweat broke over her body. “You won’t close the bar, will you?”
“That’s not my decision, Ms. Brock,” Harris said in an icy, flat tone, meaning it totally was his decision. “The situation must be evaluated immediately.”
Her heart sank. Worry splintered in her stomach and morphed into a two-by-four. She wearily fell back in her chair. “But it’s brunch.” Neither man reacted, nor explained why the IRS investigated on a Sunday. But their IDs appeared legitimate. Crossing her arms over her chest, she refused to disclose any information about the bar without a warrant, lawyer, or Alan present.
Harris grumbled, and the men rose to leave. “Ms. Brock, in the future, we would appreciate your cooperation with the investigation.” Fear and suspicion danced in her belly at his words. Alan guilty? And she’d be guilty by association. She drew in a quick breath through her nose.
“We’ll be conducting audits on each of the Entertainment Group businesses this week. Please be prepared,” Torres said stonily.
“Wait, don’t you have to notify us in a letter before—?”
Harris cut her off. “Mr. Reid, as owner, has already been contacted.” His lips turned down for half a second as if to add, “And your boss didn’t tell you.”
She swallowed hard. Her legs shook as she forced herself to rise from the seat. Harris reached over to shake her hand. She gripped his fingers lightly, not finding the strength for a good shake. How could she? Her whole world turned on its ear. What the hell would she do if the Oakwood Tavern closed?
Terese sighed in relief when the clock struck two and most of the brunch crowd departed. Her bones ached with tiredness. Her mind too crowded with the idea of the bar closing, she blew past Eric and out the door without pause, sleep the only thought in her head. She shunted her one-night stand and the IRS visit to the side. She needed more functioning brain cells to deal with them.
At home, her exhaustion seeped deeper, making opening her front door an impossible task. As she struggled with the lock, she heard a throat clear behind her. What now? Had the IRS guys followed her home? Or maybe it was Drew? Keys slotted in her fingers, she spun, prepared for anything.
“Whoa.” Hank Jarvis, her landlord and super, backed up a step, hands in the air. His big frame, though intimidating, housed a sweet guy. “Sorry to startle you, Terese.”
Dread filled her gut at the sight of her handsome, nice landlord. Rent was due, and she was behind for the first time in forever. Why now? She hadn’t seen the man in months. Grumbling, she pushed her guilt and anxiety to the ground. Her plate was already full.
Glowering at Hank, she kicked herself for letting him sneak up on her. Usually, she was very aware of her surroundings, being a single female in a small city. She covered her emotions with snark. “Finally coming to fix my sink?” Instinctively, she knew that was not the reason he was there, but she could hope.
Hank scrubbed the back of his neck. “Well, actually, I did swing by to check the sink but also to remind you…” He let the words trail off as he broke eye contact. His gaze roamed the landing. He was a good guy but not very assertive.
“Spill it, Hank.” Her mood darkened by the minute. She was tired of being tired.
“Okay.” He rubbed his hands on his jeans. “Your rent is late.” He licked his lips. “You’re never late, and well, I wanted to make sure everything was okay.” One side of his mouth crooked up in a half smile.
Terese snorted. “I’m like, what? A day or two late?”
“A week.” His tone hardened slightly.
“A week? Please,” she squawked. “I’m never late, Hank. Give me a break.” Embarrassment collided with her exhaustion. The impulse to flee almost overwhelmed her. She turned back to the door and fiddled with the lock again. Rent could wait for a few hours of sleep, couldn’t it?
“Hey,” Hank said, placing a hand on her shoulder. Her instincts kicked in. Grabbing his hand, she spun, twisting his arm behind his back. “What the hell?” The kind, understanding landlord voice was gone. Shocked at her behavior, she dropped her grip and stepped back.
“I’m sorry, Hank. I wasn’t thinking. A lot happened today. I’m just…” She shook her head, tears burning in her eyes. Lack of sleep always made her irrational and jumpy. She’d managed to hold it together at work, but now the dog-weariness pulled at her, making her a crazy lady. “I’ll have the rent soon. I promise.”
His eyes narrowed. “Okay. I know you’re good for it, but don’t wait too long.” He dipped his chin. “Sink?” he asked, the word like a stone.
“Later?” She blinked back tears, and he relented.
“When I get the rent, then.” He shifted his toolbox, metal clanking on metal. Terese slumped back against the door as Hank descended the stairs.
Just what she needed, pissing off the usually super agreeable landlord. Grumbling, she managed to get the key in the door and hurled herself inside.
In her room, she set her alarm for a nap, giving herself enough time to prep for Sunday night’s shift. The IRS, her money woes, and her stupid choice to bring a guy home weighed on her. She needed a pick-me-up and soon. Her gaze drifted to the closet where her favorite outfit shone bright crimson. A smile lingering on her lips, she pulled it out.
The red dress—exactly what she needed to face all her troubles.
She hung it on the closet door in sight of the bed. Curling under her covers which annoyingly and not-so-annoyingly smelled like Drew, Terese gazed at her dress as she dozed off for a cat nap. The red dress could fix anything.
Drew waited until evening to visit the Tavern. At first, he didn’t spot Terese. Maybe he’d missed her. He stared dumbly at his phone, regretting never asking for her number. Or another date. Stupid move. One night in paradise and it was over. Disappointed, he slouched over to his usual seating area and ordered a beer from a passing waitress.
When the server returned with his drink, she lingered, smiling, asking if he wanted something more. Trying to be polite, he thanked her, poised to ask if Terese was available. Before he even formed the question, the crowd parted, and Terese walked through the open aisle. His breath caught in his throat, his lungs screaming for oxygen.
The red dress.
She strolled through the bar in the fifties-style get-up, with her hair piled up, red fabric flowing. The dress hugged her curves and bared her shoulders. His mouth dropped open. She looked as if she’d stepped out of a pin-up calendar with the narrow waist and poufy skirt.
“So I guess that’s a ‘no,’ then?”
Drew’s attention snapped back to his server. Her lips pressed into a thin line, her head tilted to the side.
“What?” he asked, trying to watch the goddess in red.
“I guess you aren’t free later, then?” The waitress pouted.
“Uh, no…sorry. Thanks.” He fished money out of his wallet for the beer and shoved it at her without glancing back. He only had eyes for one woman. Pushing past the waitress, he tried to follow Terese.
Wandering through the bar, vibrant, she left a trail of smiles as she passed. The Sunday patrons were usually older, remnants from the morning’s brunch perhaps. Terese always played for the crowd with her demeanor and clothing. On a Thursday or Friday night, she dressed as a club girl, with shredded tops, tiny skirts, and tall boots. But here on Sunday, she became the sexy housewife, and the crowd ate it up.
He certainly did.
Terese scanned the crowded counter and the overflowing tables before heading back to her office. The little sleep she gained from her cat nap and the red dress hadn’t helped as much as she hoped. At this point on the busy Sunday, she was nothing less than a zombie, running on fumes. Thoughts about the cute blond flitted through her mind often. But as fun as it had been and as sweet as Drew was, it was a one-nighter. Brunch, Hank, and the IRS goons shifted her focus back to reality. Time to put thoughts about Frat Man on the back burner and concentrate on more important things.
Right before she ducked into her office, a head of ragged, yellow curls caught her attention. Pausing, open-mouthed, she almost sought him out but halted after a step. No, he was too young. It was too indulgent. Her tired brain ached from the crazy thrown at her today, and she needed to put her feet up.
The power nap five hours ago hadn’t cured her exhaustion. Probably because her pillows held the sexy aroma of his sandalwood cologne. Not to mention the late payment notice on her cell phone bill. Stop thinking about Drew and focus on your crumbling future. Driving away thoughts of him, she ducked into her office, closing the door firmly behind her.
Frazzled, she plopped into the chair, shucked the uncomfortable bargain-basement Coach heels, and scrubbed the sole of her foot. She never should’ve switched outfits. A calendar girl outfit required much more work. Between the shoes, the hair, and the attitude, the fifties look wore her out on a regular day. And today… She rubbed her sore toes, wanting to crawl home now. Eric would razz her for leaving early two nights in a row, especially after yesterday’s booty-call.
She sank into her leather chair, propping her heels on the desk. Twenty winks, then she’d face the barroom again.
Her eyes slid shut as her weary mind focused on one idea: time for a change.
Eight years on the job, she was no longer some college girl with the whole world ahead of her. Nearing twenty-six, she needed to move into a real career. She loved the tavern and her boss, Alan. But the IRS visit left her with a cold pit in her stomach. They weren’t only scrutinizing Alan and his business partner. Her finances would be examined closely because of her position. Where were her tax records? Did she even file last year? Her stomach twisted as a fine sweat broke out on her neck.
If the bar closed, what the hell would she do? Having worked here for so long, she’d never honestly considered leaving. But now? If the IRS seized all of Alan’s assets, the bar would close for sure. She’d be shit out of luck.
An image of the new conference center and hotel being built by Drake Industries crossed her mind. The architectural firm based in Iverton had recently expanded into construction and renovation. Word on the street said the company was the force behind the downtown restoration. She considered applying a few weeks ago, hoping to put her Hospitality Management degree to work. But the application and outdated resume still sat on her desk at home.
Fear prevented her from sending it. The diploma rusted on her wall. Not that she wasn’t using it at the bar. But getting in with the new conference center could lead to a real career, not merely schlepping drinks. She’d stop playing party girl, be a grown-up, maybe wear a suit. No more drunk college boys puking everywhere. No more trashed sorority girls needing to be saved from a bad pick-up. Moving on and up might be her only option now.
The distinctive creak of the office door forced a weary groan from her throat. Damn it! Usually, they at least knocked. Sitting up, she slammed her feet on the floor ready to blast whoever dared to barge into her personal space.
Blond hair poked through the door, and Drew’s dark, luminous eyes met hers. He grinned. She stared, her mouth forming a perfect O, the barrage of cuss words dying on her tongue. The IRS, her personal money problems, her need for a new job vaporized like smoke.
He slipped into the room, closing the door quietly behind him. Leaning against the door, he sent her a cagey smile, mischief shining in those eyes. “Hey,” he said.
“Hey, yourself.” Thrown, she sat, rooted in her chair, and didn’t know what to think or feel at his unexpected appearance. His boldness, entering her office unannounced, shocked her, but at the same time, thrilled her. Memories of last night fluttered through her mind, and she straightened, attempting to settle her charged nerves.
“The red dress.” His voice husky. He caught his lower lip in his teeth.
“What? Drew—”
He cut her off. “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are in that dress? You make every man want you, every woman jealous.” He stepped closer. A weird rush surged through her, as if he were some predator, hunting her. Heat danced over her body and flashed in down below.
Snapping her legs together, she crossed her ankles demurely and tried to keep her reaction to him under control. It was a futile effort.
He smirked, taking another step forward. “I wanted to see you again. I planned to ask for your number, but the dress…”
He fell to his knees in front of her, and she jumped slightly. He traced a hand over the satin trim, as if grasping the hem of a queen’s gown.
Swallowing hard, she held her breath, gazing down at him. His fingers trailed along her bare leg, his fingertips brushing ever so delicately. Her nerves sang.
“You like the dress?” she asked, voice trembling.
“Yeah.” Both his hands stroked her legs, sliding slowly up and down, sending bolts of electricity through her. “You’re a goddess, and I must pay homage.” Flashing a crooked smile, he edged in closer, pushing up her dress.
She struggled to brush back the fabric, crinolines crackling. “No, Drew, not here,” she said with more desperation than she meant to convey. His eyes burned with desire. The flames were everywhere.
He nodded, pushing the dress up again. There was a ridiculous moment of struggle over the hem, each alternately nodding and shaking their heads. Until his lips touched the bare skin of her thigh.
Terese surrendered, no longer caring this college dude had his head buried under her skirt in her office with the door unlocked. Nothing mattered in the universe except the touch of his lips on her skin. She almost didn’t register the scratch of lace as he pulled her panties off, but the dance of his fingers rendered her boneless.
She gripped the arms of the chair, her body transforming into jelly. He was good, way too good for some frat guy. Opening her legs wide, she ceased fighting him. His talented tongue and fingers sent her skyrocketing. Biting her lip to muffle the scream boiling in her throat, she threw her head back and rode the orgasm for what seemed like hours.
Panting, exhausted, she collapsed backward in the chair, bracing her arms to stop herself from puddling to the floor. His head popped out from her skirt, a wide grin stretching his cheeks.
“Worshiped like a goddess,” he whispered, and Terese almost burst out laughing.
“Who are you?”
Standing, he shrugged. He offered her a hand. Leary, she grasped it. As he drew her close, his erection pressed into her hip. He ground into her, ever so slightly, showing her how much he wanted her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, swaying slightly to the music he’d put in her head.
He dipped his head down for a long kiss when a sharp rap struck the office door. Images of the suited men from this afternoon rushed into her mind. Terese broke the kiss abruptly, jerking her arms away. Unfortunately, he still clung to her. She slapped at him, withdrawing farther. The door opened as they finally broke apart, revealing Eric standing in the doorway.
“Uh, Terese…” His gaze raked her up and down. “You coming?”
A single syllable of laughter burst from Drew’s lips, and Terese stomped on his foot. He snapped his mouth shut.
“I’ll be out in a minute,” she said, attempting to keep her voice even. Eric could probably read the situation from her crumpled dress and mussed hair. Damn Drew. He was like an addictive drug.
Eric’s gaze darted back and forth between her and Drew. “You okay?” he asked. His voice tinged with steel. Aw, how sweet.
Her lips curved into a genuine smile, and she angled her head. “I’m good. This is Drew.” The two men nodded to each other in a manly fashion as the bartender introduced himself. Thankfully, they didn’t shake. That was a can of worms Terese did not want to open.
She slung her shoes on quickly. Smoothing her skirt, she boldly walked past Eric as he held open the door. His eyes flashed a knowing look that rankled her. She was allowed to fool around with whomever she wanted in her office. Tossing her head back, she marched off toward the bar.
Setting up glasses, she busied herself as the two men exited her office. Eric passed behind her, saying nothing, but emotions poured off him. He wasn’t usually a protective or jealous guy. They’d talk later in a more private place. Drew hovered by the edge of the bar, his fingers drumming, but his expression held nothing but confidence.
Keeping the counter between them, she crossed her arms, eyeing him narrowly. The crooked smile appeared again, and she yielded. “I’m off at eleven.”
He dipped his head, lips twisting, leaning closer. “How about I pick you up tomorrow morning about noon? Some rock climbing? A picnic?”
Terese couldn’t have been more surprised if he’d donned a clown nose. “What?” she asked, almost rebuffed he didn’t ask to go to her place.
“Like a date.” He fiddled with a water ring on the bar, drawing the water out until the circle became a star. “Hit a waterfall or two?”
The city of Iverton snuggled against the side of a mountain. On one side of the city stood waterfalls, granite cliffs peppered with hiking trails. On the other side, wide open farmland, orchards, and little lakes. Iverton stood right in the center, very cosmopolitan with several colleges and thriving commerce. She wasn’t much of a climber, but most everyone, college students and business executives alike, took advantage of the unique geography.
“Picnic?” It wasn’t registering.
“You know…” Drew said, pouring on the sarcasm. “Walk on trails, see waterfalls, eat sandwiches.” His brow furrowed. “You do eat sandwiches, right?”
“You don’t want to…” She paused before she embarrassed herself further.
“Eat sandwiches with you by a waterfall? Yes, I do.”
Terese was completely unnerved. She’d expected…well, she’d expected him to want reciprocation. Hell, she’d been about to do exactly the same when Eric interrupted. Gazing into Drew’s soulful eyes, she nodded dumbly.
“Cool.” He reached over and grasped her hand. Brushing his lips across her knuckles, he winked and walked out the door.
“Same guy from last night?” Eric asked from behind her, and she jumped.
Composing herself, she decidedly ignored her friend. Sticking her nose in the air, she grabbed a tray and headed toward the tables.
Despite the sexual haze hanging over her, she managed to finish the rest of her shift. Waiting tables without panties proved harder than she expected.
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