The Bar Scene - Chapter #1 - Free To Read

Chapter One

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Chapter One

Chapter One

The ice-cold beer soothed Drew’s jangled nerves as he leaned against a carved wooden column at the Oakwood Tavern. Tonight, she’d say yes when he asked her out, unlike last time. Terese…

Behind the giant oak-slab bar, the bartender clanged a bell, indicating last call.

Time to act.

As if on cue, Terese Brock wandered over to the waitress station, depositing detritus from several empty tables. Her tight, black jeans and lacy, green tank top accentuated her perfect body. Wooden chopsticks pinned her black hair back into a messy bun. Even after a long shift, her soft lavender perfume tickled his nose. Closing his eyes, he leaned forward and drank in the delicious scent.

Wiping his palms on his jeans, he counted to ten. “Hi.” The space between them was sufficient he didn’t trap her against the bar, but she’d have to push past him to leave. Terese’s eyebrows raised as he leaned in. Pressing her lips together, she lowered her shoulders and narrowed her eyes, the epitome of cool and calm.

“Hi,” she said, polite, careful.

Drew swallowed hard. Every cell in his body screamed run. He’d never been so close to her, and he froze, unable to form words. Her eyes glowed soft blue. Her full lips, purple-red, shone with some sort of glossy lipstick. But she didn’t smile.

Lips pursed, she laid her hand lightly against his chest, probably to lever him out of her way. He didn’t want to come off as one of the usual drunk pick-up artists. He’d waited weeks to build up the confidence to ask her out. Backing down wasn’t an option.

He held his ground. Her body tensed, like the night he’d watched her toss a rowdy drunk without any help from the bouncer. Clearing her throat, she broke his trance.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. Pushing in closer, he kissed her—a full-on, no-excuses lip-lock. He poured his pent-up desire from the past few months into it. He brushed her cheek with his finger and barely restrained from crushing her into a tight embrace. He yearned to pluck the chopsticks from her hair, letting her locks spill down around her face.

She didn’t move or didn’t kiss back.

At first.

Then all at once, she melted into him, parting her lips, inviting him in.

Drawing her closer until their bodies pressed together, he lost himself. It was everything he imagined— hot, hungry, and wanton. Restraining so as not to rush, he slowly deepened the kiss. Their bodies pressed together closer. His cock stood at attention, aching for the woman in his arms. He shifted slightly. Accidentally poking her would send him out faster than that drunk. Terese’s other hand slid up to his chest. He finally caught her attention.

She shoved him backward, hard. Reality crashed over him like a wave as the kiss broke, leaving him feeling lesser somehow. Straightening her shoulders, she dressed him down. “You only get one, mister.” She patted his arm, grabbed a tray of drinks, and sashayed off to a back table.

Drew stood dumbfounded. Words failed him as he watched her lovely backside sway, the tray poised in her hand. Blood throbbed in his cock.

She’d kissed him!

No way he’d let her get away now. He stepped toward her when a tap on his shoulder halted him. Eric, the head bartender, smiled as he polished a glass.

“Pretty neat trick,” he said, the corner of his mouth twitching up.

“Huh?” Drew asked, his brain scrambled from the kiss.

“Let me give you some free advice, pal.” Eric concentrated on his glass polishing. “Don’t mess with Terese. She’s not some little coed you can bed and forget. She’s a lady. Step off and come back when you aren’t wasted.”

An image of Terese bouncing the drunk spun in his head. She’d grabbed the guy’s wrist, spun, and twisted his arm behind his back. The move was all fluid grace, subtle, draining the fight right out of the guy. Effortlessly, she dragged him to the door and tossed him out. The effect was awe-inspiring and deeply erotic.

Drew blinked at Eric, then watched Terese serve drinks, chatting with customers. The tray balanced on her out-thrust hip as she spoke, transforming her simple silhouette into a Greek goddess. Lust fired in his gut.

“So not drunk, Eric,” he said, matter-of-factly. No amount of alcohol had ever made his head spin like her lips on his.


Terese’s back tingled where the blond’s gaze bored into her. Ignoring the impulse to face him, she served up drinks to the last table of the night. Maybe she shouldn’t have let Angelina leave early. Or maybe shaking her ass as she walked away was not the best idea. But she needed to do something with the heat he poured into her. It’d been a long time since she’d been kissed like that. Licking her lips, she tasted him and wanted more. But bringing home a frat guy never worked out.


Pausing to talk with a couple of customers, she wondered how to avoid the yummy thing at the bar. She had an itch that demanded to be scratched, and tall, blond, and handsome was the perfect way to satisfy it. But ugh, such a bad idea. She strolled toward the bar, scanning for Tom, the bouncer, just in case.

The blond appeared in front of her. In a rough, sexy voice, he said her name, “Terese.” Her toes curled inside her designer mini boots at the sound of it. “Come with me.”

He tried to wrap his arms around her and steal another kiss. Oh, these drunk college boys. She held a hand out to keep him at arm’s length. “Sweetie, I can’t.”

He shifted toward her, disregarding her protest. Normally, she’d have an aggressive guy like him on the floor, squirming in pain from a pinch hold, but there was something about him. Something in those dark eyes called to her. He gazed down at her for a split second before pressing his lips against hers again. Terese folded under the passion of his kiss. The decision easy—she wanted him.


She broke the kiss, drinking him in one long look. That handsome face, the wild, blond hair. He was what she needed. She shifted her gaze to Eric, who sported a huge grin. She nodded and he returned it. A male bartender saved her from spending hours justifying her choice.

Absently setting down the tray, she linked her free hand with the blond’s. “I’m Terese,” she said, leading him to the front door.

“I know…” He hesitated. All that bravado and he wasn’t sure now? I don’t think so. Pausing, she popped her hip out, cocked her chin, and stared him down. His expression relaxed, and he pulled her to him, confidence seemingly restored. “I’m Drew.”

She examined him. Lust, desire, and want reflected back to the nth degree. Much better.

“Your place or mine, Drew?”


Terese didn’t bother to think. It’d been forever since she’d enjoyed the pleasure of a man’s touch. The dry spell left her dying for whatever the tasty blond offered.

Drew, most likely an underclassman and a virgin too, must’ve been dared to hump the bar hostess. With the level of hormones thrumming through her veins, she only cared he was male, in her apartment, and soon to be naked.

Once inside her tiny bedroom, she ordered him to strip.

He raised an eyebrow. “Uh…” He trailed off, his lip caught in his teeth.

Placing a hand on her hip, she tapped her foot on the faux oriental rug. “You heard me.”

With an unfazed shrug, he jerked his shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor. Arms out, he stepped closer but paused as she frowned.

“I said ‘strip.’” Her breathy words hardly concealed her desire. She didn’t care. College man needed to be naked and on his back.

Right. Now.

She marched forward and tugged at the button on his jeans. “Did I stutter?” His eyes widened, but his luscious mouth formed a grin.

After his pants dropped, he kicked them backward, leaning in to kiss her in one smooth motion. His mouth, hot and delicious, and his tongue teased, promising dark and sensual things. A moan bubbled up from her throat. He wrapped his arms around her, deepening the kiss and crushing her body against his. Apparently, he was as happy to be here as she. As he ended the kiss, a shudder of red-hot desire shook her body.

She raked her hands through his hair, fisting the curls, tugging him down. She pressed her hips against him again but only enough to give him a taste. Breaking away with a pop, she shoved him toward the bed.

Mouth agape, he staggered back, his knees hitting the edge of the double mattress. He sat down hard. Smiling slyly, she bowed her head and plucked the two chopsticks from her hair. As she flipped her head up, the long, dark hair flowed down her back like a river. She shook it out, loving the feeling of silk on her back.

Drew groaned, leaning back on his elbows, his boxers tented. She strode toward him, yanking her tank top over her head. Halting at his feet, she placed her hands on her hips. His gaze leisurely strolled up and down her body. But he didn’t move an inch.

A predatory grin spread across her face. This was going to be fun.

Teasing him, she removed her jeans slower than necessary. The sheets rustled as he squirmed on the bed. Tossing the clothes aside, she stepped closer, kicking his legs apart to make space between them. He sat up, settling his hands on her hips.

“Now, Drew,” she purred. “What do you—?” He cut her off, drawing her against him and running kisses up and down her stomach. His hands traced her curves up her back and deftly unhooked her bra. Fire bloomed in her belly, and her nipples contracted into little nubs.

Still tracing kisses over her torso, Drew spun her down onto the bed under him. He knelt over her, his hands exploring, his mouth finally latching down on a hard nipple. Terese moaned as waves of electricity pulsed through her. His mouth was as magic on her breast as it’d been on her lips. God, she wanted him to go south and stay there for a week.

His hand slipped inside her panties, causing her to gasp. Damn, he knew what he was doing. Terese groaned and ground her hips to the rhythm he set, enjoying the center stage. She traced her fingers along his arms and back, wanting, needing to touch him too. The angle was off enough that reaching into his shorts was an impossibility, and a little whimper of disappointment escaped her lips.

Drew glanced up, a sliver of worry creasing his forehead.

“Come here, frat boy.” She laughed, wrapping her arms around him and turning him over on the bed. Mmmm, that’s more like it.

Terese attacked his beautiful mouth, kissing him hard and sucking his tongue. Every nerve in her body sang. His hips bucked at her steamy assault. She pressed her pelvis into him until he groaned aloud. Desire crashed through her veins like a freight train.

She plunged her hand into his shorts and found the length of him. Giving him a tight squeeze, she elicited another substantial moan from his lips. Relenting, she stroked him in long caresses.

“You ready?” she panted, twisting her hand, and he bucked again. His gaze met hers, his blond hair like a halo around his head.

Giving her a crooked smile, he gently ran his fingers through her hair. “Hell, yeah,” he whispered.

Stretching over him, Terese snagged a condom from her nightstand. Drew scrambled under her to remove his shorts. She sat back on his thighs, staring him right in the eye as she rolled the condom down his length. His eyelids fluttered.

No short trips, cutie.

Sinking low, she crawled up his chest, kissing here and there, pressing her body against his erection. Practically trembling beneath her, he ran his hands down her back and cupped her ass, as she hovered over him. Hooking his fingers underneath her panties, he yanked them off. Nothing between them now but a thin layer of latex.

Terese crept forward and sat on his stomach, and her gaze locked with his. Something deeper than merely lust and desire lingered in his stare. He traced her thighs with the tips of his fingers, ever so patient. His little, crooked smile appeared again. She burned to taste him once more.

As she leaned forward, her mouth found his. A yummy burst of heat rushed through her. His tongue rolled with hers, dialing it up to an eleven. Every touch of his lips, his tongue sent her to heaven.

Lowering her hips, she pushed him inside her. Waves of pleasure and lust danced through her body. Damn, he felt good. So good. Her hips rocked and she started to lose herself. The only thing existing in the world was the place where he filled her, giving her what she desired.

Sitting up higher, she rode him hard, guttural noises escaping her lips. It was too much. He was too much, filling her so full, stretching her wide. Her nerves burst with electricity and pleasure. Lost in passion, she almost didn’t notice his finger snake under her. But when he found her clit, she panted and ground herself even harder into him.

A few small, slow circles of his finger, and Terese exploded. The orgasm shook her right down to the bone. Heat bloomed over her skin, and her nipples twisted up so tight, they hurt. She screamed his name as she climaxed, then dropped down on top of him, exhausted.


Drew watched the parade of emotions dancing over Terese’s face as she came. She transformed into a glorious goddess above him, bathed in a halo of light. He’d never seen anything more beautiful. Cresting the climax, she collapsed on top of him, giving him a small squeeze as she did.

That was all he required. He spun her on her back. Their bodies still fused together. He gazed down at her, and a powerful urge swept over him. He thrust into her again and again. His whole world centered on where their skin touched, his and hers. Terese. His entire body tensed as it drove harder and faster until his balls squeezed and he came in a torrent.

He lay on top of her a moment, catching his breath. When her hand reached up, brushing his curls back, he dared to glance down at her. Her hair fanned on the pillow, her face and skin pink from the exertion, and her eyes…those amazing blue eyes shone with satisfaction. Bending down, he kissed her again, long, slow, and sweet.

Jesus, he was falling in love.

Drew carefully turned to the side, deposited the condom in the trash, then lay on his back next to her. Neither said a word; Drew stilled in the quiet aftermath. Terese’s slow, even breaths lulled him toward sleep. Desperately, he tried to keep awake. He didn’t want it to end, to crash on her like some high-school kid—grunt, then snore.

Fighting the long blinks, he rolled on his side to face her. God, she was beautiful naked. He never doubted it. But finally being with her cinched it. Yeah, probably love.

Terese’s eyes closed, her body still. Maybe she’d fallen asleep on him. That’d be funny. The urge to touch her built up again as he memorized her naked form. Carefully, he traced his fingers over her stomach, making lazy circles. He wanted to caress those perfect breasts but resisted.

As the radius expanded, he brushed her left side. She twitched and giggled.

“No tickling,” she said, her eyes still closed.

Biting his lip, he tried not to chuckle. Instead, his fingers wandered upward, cupping her breast. He stroked his thumb over her nipple, teasing it. She broke into a wide grin. Their gazes met.

“Round two, huh?” she asked, her voice sexy, like smooth whiskey. His cock hardened again instantly.

Smiling but trying not to seem too eager, Drew pushed up to his knees, lingering over her body. She watched him, saying nothing. He dipped his head and found her breast. She moaned, obviously not finished. Not by a long shot, and he’d make sure she slept well.

Sucking her nipple into his mouth, he nipped and kissed, causing her to groan and hitch. She ran her hands over his arms and back before burying her fingers in his hair. She reached for his crotch, but he slid back. He wanted her dancing on air, high as a kite and thoroughly satisfied. His lips traced her torso.


Terese watched him, satisfaction welling inside her. Drew was pretty in tune with a woman’s body, knowing where to touch and when. Not to mention he sensed the fire in her still burned bright. When his mouth closed over her breast, she wanted to grab him and flip him over again. He tormented her and she loved it.

All activity stopped. His mouth withdrew from her nipple with a tiny squeeze and his fingers, caressing her skin a second ago, flared out on her hip. Confused, Terese propped up on her elbows, looking down her body at Drew. Damn, that was hot. His gaze met hers and he winked. A gasp escaped her lips. No, he wasn’t going to…not after… He skimmed down her body.

Oh, God, he was. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she slumped backward. Drew graduated to the “Worthy of a Second Date” category.

He deposited hot, sweet kisses as he descended, until finally, he was between her legs. Hell, if he wanted to go down after sex, who was she to stop him? Opening her legs, she grinned. He said nothing, merely lowered his head and went to work. Terese bit her lip at the first touch, excited and curious about this man and his abilities.

Apparently, he had talent in spades. Terese rocked and panted under the influence of his mouth and tongue. He kissed, he sucked, but when he used his teeth, she flew over the edge again. Screaming, she came harder than ever before, and he stayed right there through it all. Gasping and panting, with black spots dancing before her eyes, she fell back, limp. Drew’s hands ran over her naked body, settling on her arms with a light squeeze.

She lay, pooled on the bed, her head swimming in the wonderful afterglow. Her eyelids heavy, her body limber and warm, she wanted to sleep. But she should be hospitable to her guest, reciprocate in some way. Sighing, she twisted on her side to find Drew sprawled next to her, a wry smile on his face. She caressed his cheek between long blinks. He grasped her hand and kissed her palm.

“You good?” he asked, low and husky.

Closing her eyes, she hummed in agreement. She wanted to return the favor, but her body refused to move. She tried to open her mouth to answer, but sleep engulfed her.











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