The Alpha's Triangle - Chapter #3 - Free To Read

Chapter 3 Isabella

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Chapter 3 Isabella

The noise from the party was deafening. I stood in my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. My mother had a professional makeup artist cake on a bunch of stuff. I didn’t need all that crap so here I was washing a fortune off my face. Definitely going to piss her off which is usually my agenda when she throws a party.

My mother was relentless. She always thought she knew best because she’d “been there” before. Whatever the hell that meant. I couldn't care less. I knew this whole party was her way of butting into my personal life. When I find my mate, I’m making sure I get the hell away from here, from her.

“Isa, come on. You’ve been in there for half an hour now. What are you doing,” Zira asked, knocking on the door.

Zira, my girl, my best friend since we were fifteen. Heck, the first day we met we were stuck together like glue, much to my pleasure. I remember the first day I saw her at school.

We were all in the gym getting ready for dodgeball. She stood in the corner scanning the room. She looked as if she was trying to shrink herself and disappear, but she stood out from the others with her dark caramel skin and light hazel eyes. When our eyes met, I could feel my heart jump with excitement.

I just knew she had to be mine. She smiled and I swore it lit up the whole room until she shyly looked down at her feet. The next thing I heard was Isaiah screaming “WATCH OUT!”

Zira looked up right when a ball hit her square in the face. She hit the ground fast but to me, it was the slowest fall I’ve ever seen. I immediately ran to her side. I took a closer look at her face. Her eyes were closed with tears building up at the corner and there was blood trickling down her nose. Jimmy and his stupid friends were laughing on the other side of the court. Jimmy was supposed to be a senior this year like us but he was held back because of his grades. I growled at them and it only made them laugh louder. My growl didn’t pack a punch like I wanted, besides I didn’t have my wolf yet.

“Are you ok,” I heard Isaiah ask as I helped Zira sit up.

She didn’t speak, just nodded while running her fingers through her curly hair. For a second, I imagined myself doing the same thing but I shook those thoughts away. Isaiah was gently moving his fingers around her face making sure nothing was broken. He was always trying to take care of people. I guess that was the Alpha in him. I heard her gasp when he touched her nose and she opened her eyes.

Then I saw the way she was staring at him. The same way I was staring at her a few minutes ago. Of course, she was staring at him. Every girl in school wanted my brother, so why did I think she was any different? Then her eyes broke away from Isaiah and she looked at me. It wasn’t the same but still, her eyes held me in place. She looked away trying to hide the blush creeping on her cheeks as I helped her to her feet.

“Thank you. I seem to always find myself in these situations,” she laughed and winced from the pain.

Her voice. So sweet and gentle. If I was a cat I would’ve purred but for now, I just smiled and stared at her. Isaiah cleared his throat, breaking my trance.

“I’m Isaiah, this is my sister, Isabella.”

“But you can call me Isa. All my friends do,” I quickly interrupted. I wanted her to know where she stood from the beginning.

“I’m Zira. I’m new here. Nice to meet you.”

She reached out her hand and I shook it. Holding on a little longer than needed, Zira giggled and held out her other hand for my brother to shake. I don’t know why I thought that was the cutest thing. I dropped her hand as soon as my brother did. I didn’t want to be a weirdo.

“Girl you took that ball like a champ,” Hunter boasted, coming in between us. “I’m Hunter and you call me whatever you want.” He grabbed her hands and gave them a kiss.

I scoffed at his display and then punched him in the ribs. “Back off you rabid beast. Give the girl some room.”

Zira giggled again which made me smile. If punching Hunter was the reason, I would gladly do every minute of every day.

“Don’t be jealous, little Bella. It’s enough for me to go around.” Hunter smiled. I made a gagging sound before I was interrupted by another ball flying past us. Zira was shocked as it barely missed her face.

That was it. I stomped over to Jimmy and his friends. I was tall for a girl and even though he towered over I didn’t have to strain my neck to look in the eyes. Jimmy’s dad was my father’s Beta which usually means he’s next in line to become Isaiah’s Beta but Isaiah made it clear it was Hunter’s position. Jimmy didn’t like being passed up, so he decided to make my life a living hell. Usually when my brother is not around. He didn’t realize that I was the evil twin in this relationship.

When he noticed I could hold my own, he developed this huge “crush” on me. Granted I knew it was because he wanted a position of power but I was the wrong person. I just saw him as a big bully and I don’t tolerate bullies. I don’t care who his dad is.

“Oh, if it isn’t Bella off to the rescue,” he said, squaring his shoulders.

“You know, Jimmy, if you were half as good at school as you are with throwing balls at unexpected people you could have graduated a year ago,” I said.

“I would stay back ten years if it means I could stay with you, little Bella,” he said, trying to touch my hair but I cocked my head to the side.

I heard Zira behind me. “I think I should help her.” It was sweet that she thought I needed her. Sweeter that she wanted to help me herself.

“No, she’s a big girl. She can handle herself,” my brother stated and he was right.

I was the Alpha’s daughter which means I was a fighter. I had no choice but to train even if my mother disagreed. I train every day with my brother and the warriors didn’t take it easy on us. I’m glad for it.

“Jimmy, I wouldn’t date you if you were the last wolf in the world and the goddess felt compelled to make you my mate. Control your balls or I’ll do it for you,” I said, turning on my heels and walking away.

I could hear his friends laughing at the altercation which only escalated the whole situation. I could feel his anger radiate throughout the room.

“I think you can help me find a place to put them,” Jimmy said, grabbing onto my shoulder. Wrong move buddy.

I caressed his hand on my shoulder and turned my head to look at him. His smile was plastered across his face but it didn’t last long. I held his hand as I spun around and kicked him square in his balls. I think I found a place to put them. Then I used all my might to punch him square in the face hearing a satisfying crunch. A nose for a nose. He fell to the floor and I glared at friends daring them to step up. For a minute I thought they would but their faces turned to fear as they looked past me. I turned to see Isaiah and his signature Alpha’s stare. He just shook his head and the other two ran leaving their friend behind.

“You bitch,” Jimmy tried to yell, holding his bloody nose. He took a step towards me and I took a fighting stance.

“What the hell is going on here,” yelled our gym teacher, Miss Black. She walked over, staring between Jimmy and me. “You know what, I don’t even care. Both of you, to the principal’s office. Now!”

Just great. Now I have to withstand a stupid lecture from my mother about how girls shouldn’t fight. “How are you supposed to find your mate if you keep beating up boys,'' she would say. If only she knew. I walked behind Jimmy keeping my eye on him when someone grabbed my hand. It was Zira.

“I guess I’m a part of this now. I’ll explain it was my fault.”

“No, I threw the”

“No, it was my face that was in the way. So I’m going too,” she said with a smile. Here I decided that from now on it is my mission to protect her. Always.

So here I was, stuck in my bathroom. Hiding from this stupid party my mother decided to throw. Claiming it for celebrating Isaiah becoming Alpha. What bullshit! Parading me around like a big prize around the other alphas. Goddess, I hate her!

Zira’s banging interrupted my thoughts. “Isa! Come one. Do you want your brother to feel you’re not proud of him?”

She’s got to be joking. She should know this party had nothing to do with Isaiah. My mother had her ways of making people see things her way.

“Oh please,” I screamed through the door. “Everyone knows this party is just a ploy for my mother to find me a mate.”

“Is that so bad,” Zira pleaded.

She was supposed to be on my side and agree with me. I opened the door to throw a towel in her face before closing it again. “Come on, Isa,” Zira laughed, “What if your mate is down there right now and you’re losing time to meet them.”

“That’s the thing,” I yelled. “I know who my mate is.” There I said it. It’s out in the open. Now if only I could tell my mother, who I could hear on the other side of the door. I panicked a little, hoping she didn’t hear what I just said.











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