63: The error of trust
Hours later,
Xavier cracked the door to the study open and stepped inside. He would carry on with the day as if nothing happened. Something did. His heart was crushed, but he had to hold his head up and move on from all of it. It would be for the best.
He gave the guards instructions to not bother him unless the matter at hand was an urgent one.
He picked a new book from the shelf titled: You And The Three Stars. It looked like an interesting book, and he needed to keep his mind preoccupied. If he succeeded in clearing his mind, then he would try to figure out what to do with the threat letter he got.
He flipped the pages open and took a seat to read the first page.
It was a brilliant book, but sadly, it was a romantic one. He didn’t put it down, though. He kept reading how Ivan lost Tomi to the three stars. It was a pure case of negligence and he wished he could see Ivan and tell him how dumb he was for not seeing all the signs Tomi left.
He was much invested in the book three hours later that he didn’t hear the study door open.
“Oh, I see. You’ve been caught up in the web of the three stars..” humour lingered in Edward’s voice as he spoke.
Xavier glanced up and saw Edward with an annoying grin on his face. He had a brown ball in his hand and a white glove in the other hand. Xavier rolled his eyes, finally understanding what his words meant.
He had given instructions to not be disturbed and Edward decided he meant the opposite.
Since his return with alpha Koz, Edward had spent most of his time travelling and when he returned to the capital, he spent more time staying at Robb Ainsworth’s estate than the palace. Xavier didn’t like that. He wanted Edward at the Palace. He needed Edward at the Palace, but Akor, his listener, had said something about being controlling three weeks ago and he didn’t want to be a controlling person. He wanted his brother to do whatever he pleased, but living with their father seemed to be what he yearned for.
At first, it hurt Xavier. Edward was one of those he trusted in the kingdom and his brother had chosen the company of Robb and Elliott, the two people he hated the most. However, since he received the threat letter, he hadn’t quite found out where his brother stood.
He wanted to believe Edward was on his side, but every day he spent at the estate made him rethink his stance.
“I don’t think the study is the right place for that,” he pointed to the ball Edward kept bouncing on the floor.
“I need to perfect this before giving it a name,” Edward said, as if he didn’t hear Xavier’s warning. He twirls the medium-sized brown ball shaped like a sphere in his hand.
“I’m certain you’d find one as soon as you step out of the study with it.”
“No fun,” Edward said, tossing the ball in his hand to Xavier who had his head bowed and eyes buried in the book in his hand.
Xavier’s head snapped up as the ball got close to him. He caught it and tossed it back to Edward. “Says the brother who had never jumped into a fountain.”
His reflex baffled Edward. “Nice catch. Father asked after you.” he caught the ball on the white glove he wore over his hand.
“I see no reason why he should. He has never cared about me before and he hopes to disgrace me someday, just like he’d done in the past. Except for this time, he’d dethrone me, too. I wonder what kind of father would do that to their own son?” he asked, pain lingering in his voice.
“One that is scared the kingdom might be in the wrong hands.” Edward answered.
Xavier shut the book in his hand and glanced up at Edward, a look of disbelief written all over his face. “You believe I want to destroy this kingdom?”
“It doesn’t matter what I believe.” he shrugged.
“It matters to me, brother.” he needed to know if the man in the study still had his best interest. If he could still trust him or if he’d add him to the list of those to be careful around.
Edward pressed his lips together. “I don’t believe you want to destroy this kingdom. I believe you have its best interest at heart. You have proven that time and again. However, our father believes it and that’s why he’s taking all the steps needed to keep Wahala safe. He also cares about you a lot, more than you think.”
He rolled his eyes. He could bet a hand that Robb didn’t say those last words. The old man would cut off his own tongue before saying them. If he’d called him a disgrace and a sorry excuse for a son, Xavier would have believed.
“You don’t have to sugarcoat his words! I hear them loud whenever he visits. He wants anyone but me as king and I want anyone but him alive.”
“You’re both stubborn headed and need to be locked in a room until you sort out your differences.” Edward bit out, his frustration showing on his face, and he leaned his body against the shelf.
Xavier rose to his feet. “A war is coming, Edward, and I want to know I can count on you when it comes.”
His brows narrowed. “Have I ever given you a reason to doubt my loyalty to you, brother?”
Xavier’s eyes looked to have plenty of reasons. “No, but you helped the queen run away months ago. And you’ve been staying at your father’s estate more than the palace. So I ask again, can I count on you when the time comes?”
Edward’s teeth clenched, but he ignored them and stay calm. “I helped your wife escape because you made plans with your mistress to have her killed.”
“I was never going to kill her.”
“She believed you were.”
“And you did too.”
Edward opened his mouth to speak but snapped it shut. He glanced up at the ceiling and exhaled deeply. “For a moment I did. You were driven with your lust for your mistress and she feared for her life. You would have helped if you were in my shoes. Also, I’ve paid for the part I played in the queen’s escape. You can’t keep holding it over my head for the rest of my life.”
That wasn’t what Xavier hoped to do. He hoped to find out the truth, and this was one way to do that.
Edward pulled away from the door and stepped towards him. “Yes, I’ve stayed more with father since my return, but it has nothing to do with betrayal but loyalty. I don’t trust Elliott. I feel a dark presence around him and the last thing I want is to leave our father, the alpha of alphas, with him. I’m protecting our father from Elliott. Brother, I’m doing this for you. “
“Or for yourself.” He countered.
Edward let the ball in his hand drop to the floor and it rolled away. He didn’t go after it. His eyes remained on Xavier. “No offence, but fuck you!”
Xavier’s eyes flared, and he glared at him.
“I need to add that you’re an asshole for a brother. All I’ve done has been for you. So you can keep this throne and the shitty Palace. I’ve rooted for you since you became crowned prince, despite your shittiness. I’ve also looked past everything because I believe you were hurting, but you’re a fucking bastard. If I wanted the throne, I would have killed you and taken it by now, you idiot.”
Xavier stormed towards him, but he didn’t back away. “Shut up!” he ground out.
Edward wasn’t done. “It’s been impossible for anyone to like you all these years because you never let them. You have doubted me every chance you got and maybe our father is right. You’re not what Wahala needs!”
Xavier threw a fist, only realising what he had done after he threw it. Edward’s eyes shut as he expected the impact of his fist on his face, but he only felt the gush of air that blew over his skin. His lashes lifted, and he saw Xavier’s fist an inch from his face and he sucked in a quick breath.
Xavier’s fist lowered and he unclench his hand. “It’s best you leave, Edward.”
“Best for you or me?”
“I won’t say it again,” he warned, his teeth gritted and his eyes stormy.
He heard Edward start towards the study door, but instead of hearing it open, he heard a click sound. Edward had locked the door instead.
Xavier turned back and found the idiot slipping the key into the pocket of his robe. “On my way back from the North one night, I heard the voice of my brother call to me. This wasn’t his usual yelling, commanding, or controlling voice. This voice was the voice of the brother I grew up to, the one I once knew and I came running.”
“Is there a point to what you’re saying?”
“I’m saying I don’t like you.”
“That’s not news.”
“I saw and heard of the work you did on yourself to become better, and I applauded that step. Now, you seem back to the old douchebag you once were, and I hate it.”
He was right. Something had changed, but there was a reason. Maybe he needed to talk about it instead of running away. “I received a letter a week ago.” he started, moving to the desk and picking up the scroll on it.
“What letter?” Edward asked with a curious voice.
Xavier stretched his hand out, handing the scroll to him and he took it, opened it and read through.
He finished and rolled it close. “Who do you think sent this?”
“Half of Wahala, but if I narrow it down to those with intent I’d say, Elliott, alpha Chike and you.” he turned to stare at him.
His brother didn’t look upset at his accusations. He looked calm. “But I know you didn’t do this.”
Edward cocked a fascinated brow at him. “What makes you so sure?”
He shrugged. “Like you said, if you wanted the throne, you would have killed me already.”
“That’s right, and I would never threaten the life of the queen. I know how much you care about her and I see how much she cares and wants you. I think you got a good thing and you should hold on to it with all you have.”
“I’m trying.” he groaned and slumped onto his chair.
“Then what’s the problem?”
“She doesn’t trust me. She never will.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do, I can read her thought, some of it and that was before...”
“Before what?”
“Before we knew each other as husband and wife. She doesn’t trust me because I’m not safe. I think she doesn’t want to. I shared my vulnerability during consummation. I’ve given myself completely to her and the thought that she won’t because she doesn’t trust me hurts.”
“Maybe she needs time? Maybe she’s not as affected as you thought she’d be. A cold shoulder, however, wouldn’t help you both. If you want her, then don’t stop. Go for her.”
“And if she never trusts me enough to give herself to me?”
“She will. I mean, who wouldn’t want an amazing, kind and generous and caring king like Xavier Ainsworth?”
If Edward was right, all he had to do was wait and remain patient. That didn't sound so hard.
It also meant he needed to see his Luna.
Chapter auto-unlock