The Alpha King's Ugly Bride - Chapter #22 - Free To Read

22: The agreement

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22: The agreement

“If I own you as you do me, does that mean I also have access to your thought?”

“You don’t. I am the alpha king. Getting into my head, especially since our union never got consummated, would be impossible for you. Even if the union was consummated, it’ll still be an arduous task.”

“But it can be done.” She clung to a little hope.

He nodded.

“I still do not understand why you’re calm through all this. You’ve snapped in the past for way less.” She didn’t believe the awakening of his father could tame him this much. Nothing could tame a man like the alpha king.

He lifted his left hand and there was a ring on his middle finger that glowed red.

She hadn’t noticed it since she stepped into the room. Her mind had been on something else. She wondered if it was what she was thinking.

“It’s a restrain ring,” he said, confirming her suspicion. “My mother made it and gave it to me as a gift.”

Layla Ainsworth was not only the Queen in her time, she was also a white witch. Her magic often had kept Xavier in place. She also used her magic to pacify him whenever he was angry. She had gifted Xavier the ring on his eighteenth birthday after she realised she could no longer calm his anger. He never wore it though and had left the box locked in his drawer ever since. He believed it was another way to tame him. Since her death, no one had used any form of magic on him. Edward had the blood of a witch and had the same power as their mother, but Xavier warned Edward against using magic on him because he wasn’t his mother.

After Mia returned earlier, Xavier knew he had to wear it. He never had much control over his temper. He knew he would snuff the life out of her if she acted rebelliously. The ring was the only alternative he had because he couldn’t kill her or lose control. Wearing the ring subdued his rage and, in turn, caused him pain, but it needed to be done.

“It tames your rage?” her curious brow rose.

He nodded.

It made much sense now.

“As I’ve said, I’m here to offer you a proposal. One that would be beneficial to you and me.”

She stayed silent without interruption, wanting to hear what his proposal was.

“We are different, yet we have a few things in common. We want our freedom back, the one we lost when we got married. You can’t stand me and I can’t stand you either. There’s no way you’re ever going to leave unless I consent to it. I think you already know that by now, and I will only consent to it if you do something for me in return.”

“And what would that be?”

“Stay with me, as my queen, until one year of our union is completed. You will do your duties as wife and queen and I’ll do the same as your husband and alpha king. My father, as I’ve said, has awakened, and a lot has changed since he went to sleep. He needs to see the changes and believe I’m an excellent king. After our one year passes, I will set you free with an abundance of riches as a reward for your corporation and loyalty to the cause. But as part of the role you play, you will leave a note on your departure, detailing an affair you had with a man of your choosing in this kingdom.”

“A confession to cheating on you.”


“But I won’t do that.”

“Yes, but people won’t know and you will be far off the shores of Wahala before anyone in the kingdom would hear of it.”

She drank more wine. “You will make me the villain. My name will go down in history as the Queen that cheated on her husband and ran away.”

“I could also have you erased from history if you want that done,” he suggested.

“I can’t do that.” She rises to her feet, her legs barely holding her up. She felt light-headed and shaky.

He rises to his feet as well, his hands crossed, “This is the only way you will leave this kingdom, Queen Mia.”

“Why should I trust you? What’s the guarantee that after doing this for one year, you won’t have me killed? Why should I believe you?”

“Because I give you my word and swear on my mother’s ashes that no harm will come to you. Not by my hands or order, and you will be free at the end of a year.”

“What would the reward be?”

“Five thousand pieces of gold.”

Mia swallowed and sat back in bed, her legs unable to hold her much longer. The reward sounded too good to be true, but nine more months seemed so far away.

“And if I refuse your offer, what then?”

“Then I’ll make sure your father never sees the light of day again.” his voice sounded too calm for his threats.

She saw the truth in his eyes and knew that despite his calmness; he meant every word. He had his plan all set and one way or another, she’d have to go along with it.

He had sworn to stand by his word of letting her go after a year. He had also taken the option of rejecting his offer away from her.

Doing this would make her name go down in history as the worse queen ever. But then five thousand pieces of gold have made people do so much worse.

“What do you hope to achieve with all of this?”

“Power.” his reply came as if he had expected her question. He strolled towards her, his eyes fixed on her. “I know Robb Ainsworth. The clever old man would want to keep a keen eye on me for the first few months after his awakening. This way he can observe and decide if I’m fit to rule. Doing all this would give me respect and control of this kingdom. Gaining his approval, which is the highest blessing, would seal my name as alpha king for the rest of time.”

He got to where she was and stretched his hand out to her. She stared into it and saw her wedding bracelet, the one she had left behind in it. She picked it up and wore it back on her wrist. 

“Now you know my plan, and your role is helping me achieve it.”











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