Chapter 1
Olivia Blake
I stumbled behind Sara, giggling like mad.
“God, Liv, we are going to be late!”
“No, we'll just sneak in the back!” I panted, trying to catch my breath from my constant giggling.
“I told you it was stupid to light up before the meeting.” She snapped as we rounded the hall towards the back of the pack house. It was a big house, I often referred to it as an overdone charade of white walls and marble floors.
“At least now, it'll be a bit bearable... oh holy new Alpha!” Waving my jazz fingers in the air, Sara finally let out a laugh. It was true, we were stoned. My interest in drugs had peeved off my parents more than enough times but with my graduation around the corner, no one could stop me from my college degree: pizza and beer, oh I was pumped.
We through the back glass sliding door to a crowded backyard function, housing all our pack, little pups to big ones.
“Oh my gosh, there he is!” Sara pointed across the lawn to our new alpha, who, in my opinion, was a beef-cake with a big Beta reputation. He'd led more than a few winning battles for his blood-pack but in the end, apparently his own pack wasn't enough – no he had taken the offer of Silvermoon.
I cocked an eyebrow with little interest. “Jeez, what a big bad Beta...”
“Shit, Liv, he's not a Beta anymore.” She ogled him and likely the way his hair swept off his forehead from some light mousse – she had a thing for guys with styled hair, it was pathetic. “Thank god, we got here in time.”
I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. Let's hope he gets challenged soon and loses--”
She cupped my mouth and we both stumbled into the near fence. “Liv, what's the matter with you!”
“He's a walking beefcake!” I exclaimed through her hand.
Sara sighed, letting me go. “You're hopeless. We're lucky to have him.”
“You got a little drool.” I wiped her chin in pretend. “And yeah, I guess, if we're ever going to war...”
Sara glared at me as a high whistle cut through the crowd spanning the lawn, it was a signal the meeting was starting – a signal from the new Beta; everyone had jumped positions with the new King in town. I stumbled forward in order to see him – no, not the Alpha - Johnathan, he made me cream like no tomorrow. My flip-flops caught and dragged along the lawn and I fell to my own demise.
“Ow! Ow! Ow!”
Sara grabbed my arm, almost losing her balance as well. “Crap...” Her cheeks flushing. “You're so embarrassing,” she mumbled as she helped me up.
“I'm embarrassing? You're the one who...” I stopped as my mother saw me from across the lawn and gave me a look of disapproval. She was excited like everyone else to meet the new Alpha. I grabbed Sara's hand to save myself the embarrassment of my mother cooing over the beefcake and dove into the crowd towards the front – to say hi to John, of course.
“Ow, Liv!” Someone complained as I elbowed and pushed my way through.
“Hey, Liv!” Someone else cried, not that I cared in my inebriation.
I waved my hand in greeting to the new Beta and found a patch of untaken grass. He'd always been my friend, much before he was ever mated and that still didn't stop me from looking now. I'd always found him rather trim but next to the Alpha with his back turned, he looked small. I pulled my sunglasses from the top of my head and sat in the cool grass, leaning back and crossing my legs.
Sara followed suit and we waited for the welcoming ceremony to start.
“Told you we wouldn't be late.”
Sara rolled her eyes again.
“Johnathan looks useless.” I giggled before he cleared his throat to speak.
“Thank you all for coming,” he said. “As you know, last week Alpha Burns decided to step down and he's elected our new Alpha... Caleb Wyler.”
I heard the story a hundred times in the last week. Yep, it was so sad that Alpha Burns had never found a mate.... blah blah.... now he'd taken one of the seemingly best Beta's in the country and made him our Alpha – it should have gone to Johnathan but hail to the good lord it went to some beefcake we hardly knew!
I lied flat to my back in the grass and I could hear Sara hissing her disapproval. However, the clouds were more interesting than listening to the new Alpha introduce his high and mighty self. I'd heard he was a super ass.... hole. Maybe he took it up the....
I started to giggle and Sara slammed her hand down on my mouth.
Johnathan's voice somehow echoed back into my head. “So, please welcome; Alpha Wyler.”
I stayed lying in the grass as people around me clapped. “Yay!” I called out with a less than enthusiastic voice, I had at least put in the effort.
The wind picked up in that moment and something pungent and yummy hit my nose.
I licked my lips, it was that good, and brought on the munchies in the wrong way. I'd never smelt something that good. Not even my mother's baking or the smell of sharpie markers was that good. I sniffed again and it mixed with my inebriated brain.
“What's that smell?” Slowly, I sat up.
“What smell? Oh my god, we smell like weed....” Sara lifted the hem of her shirt and took a whiff.
“No, not that smell.... the other one. It's freaking good.”
“There's no smell, Liv. You're just high.” She brushed me off.
I wrinkled my nose at her. “Whatever--” His deep voice cut me off and the crowd around us silenced in an instant.
“Hello, thank you for the welcome.”
My eyes shot to him and I took in the six foot four, dark haired man that we now had the pleasure of calling Alpha.
Alpha Wyler....
He stumbled with his next sentence, like someone invisible had shoved him. Clearing his throat, he tried again and I tried not to giggle. “I appreciate the position Alpha Burns has....” He paused again.
Alpha Wyler.... I listened to him, cocking my eyebrow as my vision started to double from too much a good time earlier.
“Uh...” He pulled at the collar on his shirt.
Sara leaned in to whisper, “why is he so nervous?”
“Alpha Wyler.” I said aloud with glazed over eyes.
“What?” Sara shot as I swallowed the salvia building in my mouth and then.... My friend slapped me on the forearm. “Shut up, Liv! You're going to get us in trouble.”
Alpha Wyler snorted and continued. “I appreciate the position greatly. It means a lot that I can continue my blood line as an Alpha.” His speech was quick and rushed, almost robotic.
Alpha Wyler! I giggled at his name in my head, the alpha with six arms was hilarious too!
He then turned and his sight fell right on me.
Our eyes became fixed together, my heart pounding just as the wind picked up and even in my high-minded-state, I figured out the smell in that moment. It was him. I liked the smell of him... I...
“Shit!” I exclaimed.
Sara stared at me as I got up running towards the pack house.
Yes, I was high.
Yes, I had just attracted a ton of attention and yes, Alpha Wyler I was ninety-nine percent sure.... was my....
“Come back!”
I heard his voice behind me and I ran faster. I was supposed to go to parties, travel the world, and I had this erotically nice dream about hooking up with a gypsy wolf-boy and just enjoying my time, no pressures of a pack.
That had been my plan, ever since I was twelve and my massive crush on Johnathan had dissolved into a permanent friendship when he'd found his mate. Yes, Johnathan was four years older than me but he was hella gorgeous... and would never be mine.
I got out the front door and shifted, running straight for the woods as fast as I could.
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