"I must compliment you both for keeping your forbidden affair such a top-notch . You two were so adept at it that..."
"Ellie, you drowned yourself in work. You just work—work, work, and more work.
Do you remember the last time we went out, even just for a simple dinner? You come completely wasted, and still with some excess baggage of loads of work."
"Did I ever deny you sex, Leo?” I squeal from the top of my lungs with a combo of and hate. How dare he try to turn the tables on me? “Anytime you were , I was always ready for you. How dare you try to blame me for this?"
"That wasn't enough,” he says, hellbent on clearing his conscience by putting all the on me. What a coward! What a filthy jerk!
"And you sort satisfaction from her? How disgustingly insensitive can you be?"
"I'M SORRY, OKAY?” He roars again, furiously. “Insulting me won't change . You drifted off. Your betrothal made me aware that our relationship was at the edge. Ready to break at any given moment. It was certain that what we could only last up to this night, Ellie. I wasn't sure what to do. I was lost and , and hurt, and she was there, ready to listen when I was in need, and..."
"Offer her body to you like the cheap tramp that she is,” I complete the statement for . That is what she is.
"Call it what you want, Ellie, but the fact is that she bridged the chasm you put us."
What a jerk! He is boldly blaming me for their immorality while he justifies it?
Unbelievable! I just can't believe this!
I give him a cold, devil-like glare as I stand in front of him. Right now, I can't even his ugly face. This impression on his face is leaving me puzzled.
I spend minutes examining his features, searching for any trace of the man I once fell love with. I have been dating this guy for two friggin years, and I've known him for goodfucking years. The man in whom I had such high regard and confidence in.
I can't identify the man in front of me today.
A filthy stranger is all he seems and feels to me. A filthy stranger!
After scanning him and failing to recognize him, I take a step back.
I have experienced more drawbacks from being a Riccaford than advantages. My required me to comply with his orders. Since the day I was born, I've let him me what to do and not to do. He had perfectly structured what I did and who I am . He still has control over my future as it is. I disagree with how he treated me, me like a puppet with no autonomy over my life, but there are two things he me that I will entirely be grateful for: self-worth and independence.
This moron was the love of my life. I loved him so much, and God knows it. However, has a limit. I love and respect myself way too much to false myself on a idiot like him. I guess this is where it all ends. To hell with the hopes and we shared, to hell with my clinging to this phony love, and to hell with my that he will be the one to rescue me from my impending doom tomorrow. Fuck the time I wasted with him!
This battle is now mine alone!
"You know what I most regret?” I cut him off. He had all the time in the world to , now it’s my turn. “It is me placing my entire faith in you like a fool, and falling your lies," I say, calmly.
"You know that I did love..."
I snap my index finger to cut him off. "It will take more than simply screwing my or fucking any other useless bitch to break Miss Riccaford, Leo. I will get past the hurt and resentment I feel towards you right now. That was a cheap move for a man! Nonetheless, I will set both of us free. Go and be with or any other bitch that you damn please because I, ELLIE MARRIE
His hazel eyes lose the gleam that formerly lit up his face, which goes somber. He be experiencing ego-related distress. His egotism was constant. It's strange how increased my adoration for him. Nevertheless, I have no time now to stroke his . He can even die for all I care.
It was my pride that he touched. I will never be able to forget that. Infidelity is !
After grabbing his tee and shirt from the floor, he stomps out of my house and my life, me wondering how on earth I'm going to get him out of my heart. And how I gonna face tomorrow now that the only hope that I had is gone.
Life is such a screw!
My tears begin to flow again as I crouch on the floor, trying to stay as far away from awful bed as I can. However, they do not last long as my phone soon begins to from the spot where it had earlier fallen to the floor.
I drag myself towards it. The fact that my father's name is on the screen adds more to despair. Can life stop just fucking me this hard today? It's hurting too much!
"Papa," I greet, striving to contain my sobs.
"Dear, hello! My memory of tomorrow's day almost failed me. Please come over. We to talk about a few things ahead of the party tomorrow."
I knew couldn’t have about anything else.
"Alright, Papa! I am... I will head over there right away," I say.
I drop the call, and close my eyes, reminiscing on how my life is taking a sharp turn.
Do I still need to fight this cursed fate? What for? The idiot that I was fighting for has me like I meant absolutely nothing to him.
Chapter auto-unlock