“Welcome, my friend,” Richard, Ellie’s father, warmly welcomed his friend of ages, they were about to establish a lifetime bond with. With the intermarriage of children, the Riccaford and the Riccafortes would be forever bound. Each name a mark in society on their own in terms of wealth and power; marriage was just added advantage. But it was more important than the money and energy that made invincible. It was the formation of The Riccas clan. Two influential and wealthy come together to form a blood connection. It was the happiest day for both .
“You are looking too good for your age, my friend. Better share the secret with me.
Look at me,” Mr Riccaforte teased, delineating his finger on his sharp jaws. He ’t looking bad either. Actually, to say that he didn’t look bad was an insult to the -heeled demeanor that he exuded and his physically strong personality. But this is they rocked and rolled as long-time buddies. “I have a wife yet I look so old . I am jealous of you, you know,” Mr. Riccaford continued teasing.
Richard laughed at his friend’s hoax. He always laughed at how Riccaforte balanced cold demeanor with his jovial side.
“Are you reporting to your friend that I am not taking good care of you?” The elegant beside Riccaforte spoke, glaring at him in a seriousness that blended with in her eyes. Her adoration for the man couldn’t go unnoticed. She was Mrs.
Riccaforte. Born and raised in a rich family, her high-class portrayal could be well . More admirable was how she humbled herself to her husband and the . This could be why she had found herself a spot in Mrs. Richard Riccaford’s , who was known as the most noble woman in society. They had so much in that they ended up being best friends.
Her husband hugged her shoulders, kissing her cheek as he spoke, “Why would I want insult you that much, darling? You know you are the best wife in the whole world.
You are the woman described in the bible.”
And there, they shared a kiss. They were an old couple, but their love was like that of sweet sixteen couple and they were not afraid to show it. They relished every single of their lives together. And they lost no single chance to show their love and to each other.
Richard cleared his voice and spoke, “I was about to ask the same. If I remember , we were the most favored by God and blessed with the best wives in the . My Hellen was the best gift I had in my entire life. No one can compare to her.”
The old couple snapped out of their love mood and looked at Richard. Beneath his eyes, sadness could be seen. They both felt guilty for having triggered that . “You miss her, don’t you?” Mrs. Riccarfprte asked with empathy.
“And why would he miss someone who is no longer here?”
All the faces around turned to Martha as she magically catwalked and took a stand Richard, perhaps trying to make a point. That she was the one Richard adored ? But the antagonistic glares she received from everyone made her cower beside
Richard. Nobody seemed to appreciate her or the miniature who was standing beside .
“Every single day of my life. I will miss my Hellen!”
Silence befell the area, as Richards declared. Everyone gave a smile mixed with , loving the fact that Richard had his noble wife at heart even then. For Martha Nelly, they bowed their heads with shame and humiliation.
‘You will pay for this dearly, Richard! It is okay if I can never come close to your Hellen, but humiliating me this way is unacceptable!’ Martha swore inwardly.
The ground was filled with people. Everyone had arrived. The rich-screaming place’s beauty was now doubled with an uncountable number of wealthy filling it, the chattering-like melody, and the buzz of love in the area.
“Umh, Richard?” Mr. Riccaforte called his eyes restlessly, scanning the whole area in of something.
Richard felt a tinge of fear skint down his backbone. They might have been where the betrothed was. And he didn’t know either. It was already too for her not to be at her event, and the fact that no one was able to talk to her was a red flag that scared Richard.
But then he also realized something amiss in his friend’s company. His son. He was with his parents. “Yes? By the way, where is the young Riccaforte?” Richard , opting to dodge the bombardments that were about to ensue about Ellie’s .
Mr. Riccaforte’s search stopped abruptly, and he banked his curious-filled eyes on
Richard. “He is not here?”
Not here?
Richard took a minute to process that, then asked, cocking his head to the side, “Here?
Why do you suppose he would be here?”
“Well, he didn’t arrive at the time we expected him, and he hasn’t responded to any of calls either. We thought that he perhaps decided to drive straight here from the ,” Mr. Riccaforte explained.
What an event, huh? Both betrothed were not present. And incommunicado too.
Something was surely wrong somewhere. People were even starting to get restless.
The night was wearing on so fast.
“Well, he isn’t here. At least I have not seen him,” Richard responded with a faint .
“What a day, huh! It seems like your children screwed you all!” Again, Martha spoke, the people’s attention and curiosity.
“Why?” Mrs. Riccaforte implored, looking at Richard, who looked like he was about murder the gross woman beside him. “Where is Ellie, Richard?”
“Missing too! She is nowhere to be found, and her phones are off!” That was Nelly.
“What?” Countless voices echoed in unison.
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