He moves slowly in my direction and stops right before me with a slight safe distance us. "Your stubbornness, Ellie, made me do all this and it turns out that that wasn't good for you after all. He slept with your sister without a second thought, on the same bed that he shared with you. He was so undeserving of you, my dear.
A decent man with a bright guaranteed future has been waiting for you for years. You 't just toss such a guy aside for a useless scoundrel who does not even value nor you, my dear. Besides, this was inevitable. Come on!"
He is not even apologizing! And the fact that Leo fell for his ploy gives him the right justify betraying his own daughter? His only child?
"And you pulled all strings just to make this happen? YOU HADN'T ANY RIGHT
AT ALL, PAPA! You are meddling way too much and I am disgusted by this last that you just pulled!" My anger speaks between gritted teeth.
He does not blink as he fires back. "I do have all the rights to meddle in your life,
Ellie, especially if there was a risk of the agreement that we have with the Riccafortes jeopardized! And from the moment you introduced that useless moron to us, I you that he was not good for you. And as the saying goes, a parent will always while seated down what the child can never see even if they climb a tree."
I give him a stern look in his eyes as a tiny curtain of tears starts to form in mine. He never ceases to astound me with his outrageous decisions regarding my and for the first time in my existence, I feel so much resentment for the man in of me. His face irritates me to the core. His demeanor is choking me. I can't he could result in this, honestly. And how he is justifying what he and these did to me hurts me even more. How dare he
Teardrops escape my eyes and fall as I blink. I dry them away and give him a direct . "Well, bravo, Father! You and your accomplices won! You managed to get the that you wanted, as always. I bet you are so happy now to see your only child and humiliated like this, right? You, papa, pushed my step-sister to the man I loved and you let them disgrace me like this. You deserve an award, Father!” A smirk permeated my lips as more tears flow.
He walks closer, stretching his arms to envelope me. But I pull away, leaving his hanging in the air. He takes in a deep sigh and looks down for a fleeting before looking at me again. His face is raw, still maintaining his acold , but I can feel that is feeling a bit awful. Perhaps, pity for me. “I did it all you. If that dog was shameless enough to sleep with your sister, imagine how women he has out there. Ellie, forget him. You are destined to be with...”
“Try as much as you can to justify yourself on this issue, Papa, but I hold you for all the pain that I am feeling right now,” I snap.
“Ooh, for goodness sake! Your father saved you from such a man. The least you can is be grateful!”
I turn to Gracia. She never ceases to amaze me, you know? She and her harlot of a . Always popping where they are not needed. Popping up uninvited like the that they really are. Even their coming into this catsle was not announced.
They just showed up at the door and my father was like, “Sweetie, they will be your family.” The nerve! “Remind me who you are again to budge into my with my father like this?” I snap, and she hunches her head down, just her miniature. Her head has been buried deep in the air for so long. “There, you are better off in that posture. You are nobodies in this house and you will never ...”
“What?” I squeal back at my Father. I can’t even believe I did that.
He cocks his head to the side, furrowing her eyes as he tried to perhaps scan for any of the obedient daughter that he knew. Well, that daughter still is lying with this lady before her. “I did what I had to, for your sake! And you know me, Ellie,
I will do all that it takes to get things on track!”
“Including hurting your own daughter?” I implore.
“That was not my intention. I am sorry, but I am still glad that I thought of this. At you now know that I was right about that boy. And again, I am sure you will me for this when you meet your betrothed today. He is a man of high esteem. A worth what I did!”
Wow! What a superb apology!
I take a step closer and look up to match his tall figure as we lock eyes. “I'm afraid I still think you went way out of line, Papa. This is too much and unacceptable.
But the good thing is, you made it crystal clear that Richard Riccafird will do all it to get what he wants. I stand no chance against you. So, alright, let’s see if the angel you are trading me off to as my fucking husband can make me forget betrayal and brokenness. Maybe then, just maybe, Pa, I will be able to forgive for this!" I put my shades on, withdraw from the stare, and leave him to ponder his misdeeds while I tap my feet on the linoleum and turn around. Away from all madness and betrayal they have served me.
He has all the rights, huh? We will see about that Mr. Richard Riccarford.
Without even sparing him or the vicinity a cursory glance, I hop into my Porsche and away. To wherever this resentment and heartaches take me, I'll go!
Chapter auto-unlock