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I once more drive through my father's gate. The morning is bright and fresh. I believe the skies are also happy about my audacious choice. Sigh!

I park my white gleaming Porsche and tell my driver to park the jeepney which was behind me as well. I take my first stride with more vigor and confidence than I ever had in my entire life. I am experiencing blissful ecstasy, but I am trying my to conceal it. It's not yet time to celebrate. That I know.

"Mike, pull back the cover while you wait for the items to be unloaded and drive the back home. The rest will be handled by Sherry and Rose," I explain to Mike we are outside.

"Alright, ma'am. What time do you suggest I pick you up from the office?" He asks.

Ahem! About that.

"Ah, that. I may not require your services for some time. I will be spending a few here at my dad's house," I elucidate.

He frowns. "You are not ceasing my services, ma'am, right? I need this job because and my family rely only on it." He inquires in a concerned tone.

Mike is a decent person. The best chauffeur I have had in my life, around ten of them I have had so far. Don't look at me like that. I simply can't stand any level of . You won't last a second with me if you don't provide your services like I anticipated you to. Simple!

"Definitely not, Mike,” I respond, understanding his predicaments. “I can't terminate just like that without a notice. While I'm here, why don't you go see your wife, ? When I return to my house I will give you a call. And you don’t have to worry.

I am not firing you, so you will still receive your salary." I explain.

His face brightens up, making me smile too. "Alright, ma'am," He says.

It is virtually impossible for him to not be elated about such an opportunity given that wife is expecting their first child. Unless he's a jerk, which I highly doubt. "Alright.

Say hi to your wife for me, and," I pause to fish out a small envelope from my purse I had prepared for him, and continue, "here." I hand him the envelope, which accepts begrudgingly. "A small gift for you. Please, take good care of your wife yourself as well."

"Yes, ma'am, I will. Thank you so much for this."

Before my father calls my phone, I give Mike a nod and begin to stroll toward the . I know my father well. He is a gratingly impatient man. If he tells you to meet at eight you better be there at some minutes to eight.


I turn to Mike in a half-turn, wondering what he wants once more. "Yes, Mike?" I .

"Happy Birthday, Ma'am. Have a blast, lots of fun, and blessings!"


Ooh! How weird! The first person to wish me a happy birthday this year is my driver.

Today indeed is different. Wait, has he ever even done this? Nevertheless, I give him smile. This morning neither Rose nor Sherry greeted me. I'm certain they have some bombshells planned for later. poor souls! The biggest shock of their lives them. And I know they will have it rough for a long time.

"Thank you, Mike. Bye." I respond, grinning broadly as I pick my pace again and towards the huge entrance of the castle.

"I was about to call you, my dear," My father's hoarse voice welcomes me the I pop my head inside, a black leather satchel in his hand. I told you. The man is quite strict and punctual.

"Papa." I give him a slight embrace. "I'm here now. Sorry if I kept you waiting for so ." I apologize.

"It's alright. Happy Birthday, darling! Your father is chuffed with the woman you grown into. And you are going to make me much more proud today," he adds grinning widely after we pull away from the hug, while the two witches roll eyes at us. Their acrimony and venom are on a whole other level.

"Thank you, Pa."

That is all I can manage to utter, considering that at the end of the day, he won't feel but profound impairment and complete disgrace rather than pride for me. I'm sure how he will handle such a blow, and I am glad I will not be here to witness it.

I am scared of even that thought itself.

"Shall we?" I inquire before my emotions dominate my cool.

"Sure." He starts to pull me outside, but I halt and gawk at the two witches behind us.

"By the way, I kept my word,” I say to them. “Your gift is right outside, Rose." They intense questioning stares, their posture filled with utter unease. "Come on!

It is not a bomb,” I devilishly giggle and follow my father as the four of us exit the room. Even my father is in bewilderment. We stride outside and match straight the parking with the echoes of silence ringing against out clicks on the floor.

Our hefty footsteps halt in front of the jeepney where the servants have gathered , but maintaining a safe distance from us. All the eyes tumble on the luggage on the floor. On the white sheet covering the mattress, are the conspicuous of their cums from last night. On it is a clear, bold, red writing that reads, "I'm whore who fucked my sister's boyfriend on their bed. Nelly!!! I am the stain!"

I can see my father's jaw dropping to the floor, but I'm not more interested in his . I turn to face this bitch behind me who is lurking behind her mother's back.

She is quivering, her eyes darting everywhere the place but the mattress.

"Nelly, how do you like my gift? Now you can enjoy your wonderful memories of my boyfriend. And ooh, he is all yours now, so you both don’t have to hide ." I mutter, audible enough for everyone to hear.

She tries to breathe, but even that seemingly happens to be a difficult hassle for her . She can’t look at the display of her horrendous betrayal nor face any of us.

Serves her right!











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