“Is that really her? What the hell is she doing all the way down here?” Cedric asked.
Bailey had turned back into her human self almost immediately after subduing her. She was too weak to keep hold of her magic, which was why she was limp in my arms as I carried her through the woods to the ranch. The rest of the pack followed closely behind in wolf form. “I don’t know. The last I checked she was still in her territory.”
“What are you going to do with her?” he asked.
“Hell if I know. She looks at me like she has no fucking clue who I am. I don’t get it.”
“Are you going to tell her?”
“When she wakes up.”
“Why do you not sound happy about that? All the guys in the pack would give their left nut to find their mate.”
I snorted. “You don’t know Bailey. She’s an alpha female. Need I say more?”
“Have the visions started yet? You drew blood when you bit her.”
And I could still taste her on my lips. Even if I didn’t know she was my mate, her blood would’ve been answer enough. “No, they haven’t, but I can feel the connection. Her mind is starting to open up.”
“What’s going on in there?” he asked, excitement in his voice.
“Not that I would actually tell you, but right now it’s nothing but quick flashes. I can’t tell what they are.”
“Man, I bet she’s going to be pissed when she wakes up.”
“I have no doubt.” I was going to have my hands full. Even when I met her years ago, she was a spitfire.
Cedric slapped me on the shoulder and laughed. “Better you than me, bro. I doubt she’ll put up a fight for long though.”
“I wouldn’t bet on it,” I grumbled. We finally reached the ranch and I made sure the pack kept their distance.
“Do you want me to get the council together? They’ll want to know what’s going on.” The council was simply the alphas of each pack in the surrounding areas—my allies.
I looked down at Bailey. “Send word. It shouldn’t take long for them to arrive. They’ll want to know if trouble’s coming. I have no doubt Bailey’s pack will come looking for her.”
“And what if they attack?”
Stopping at the door, I sighed. If they came looking for her, they’d fight to get her back. “I’ll kill them.”
I carried Bailey inside and went straight to my bedroom to lay her down. Now that I’d drank her blood, I could get in her head. I wanted to know what made her run from her pack, but all that was showing in her mind were flashes of me and the woods. It was strange seeing myself through her eyes.
Tucking her platinum blonde hair behind her ear, I leaned down close, breathing her in. “Bailey, wake up.”
She stirred with my touch but her eyes stayed closed. One of the first things about the bond was that we could see visions of our future. I thought it would’ve happened as soon as I’d tasted her blood, but it hadn’t yet.
A few hours later, I could hear a couple of the other alphas approaching. Sliding off the bed, I grabbed a T-shirt and jeans out of my closet and threw them on before making my way out to the living room. Thankfully, with the bond, I didn’t have to worry about Bailey trying to escape.
There were five alphas, including myself, but only two had shown up, Ian and Tate. The others had a longer distance to travel. Cedric nodded and disappeared out the door to stand guard.
“Thanks for coming on such short notice,” I greeted as they entered.
The Northwestern pack alpha, Ian Randale, came forward and shook my hand. He was my age and an unmated gray wolf who was tall with light brown hair and green eyes. In fact, all of the alphas in the council were unmated. Ian, however, was one of the youngest alphas to ever receive the title. He defeated the original alpha at only fifteen years old, through combat no less. The alpha before him had been a fucking Machiavellian douchebag. We were all ready to see him go.
“No worries.” He bent his head in greeting. “I’m here to help.”
“Me as well,” the other alpha agreed, shaking my hand. His name was Tate Grayson, leader of the Great Plains pack. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes; the exact imitation of his father who had stepped down as alpha and made him their pack’s leader.
My story was different; I was chosen by the entire pack.
“Thank you. And you know I wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t important.”
Ian’s brows furrowed. “What’s going on?”
I glanced at them both. “I found my mate.”
Their eyes went wide. “But no one has found their true mate in years,” Tate remarked.
“Until now. I’ve known who mine was for years. I could just never get to her because of her pack. Now she’s here.”
“I’m happy for you . . . but what does that have to do with us?” Ian asked.
I blew out a heavy sigh. “I’m pretty sure her pack is going to start looking for her. There could be other wolves coming into your territories asking about her. I want you to be ready.”
His muscles tensed. “Are we talking a simple formality, or war?”
“There won’t be a war unless they come here demanding her. If they do, I can handle them on my own. I just want you both to be prepared.” They both nodded and it was a huge relief.
Out of nowhere, visions from Bailey’s mind blasted into my head. They were vivid and not the simple flashes from before. Not only were they full-on dreams, but in them I was claiming her. I could hear her screams and feel her nails down my back as I plunged in deep. It was as if I was actually there experiencing it. Holy fuck, I was about to explode.
“You okay, brother?” Tate asked, zapping me out of my thoughts.
No, I wasn’t okay. I had a raging hard on. Clearing my throat, I put my hands in my pockets to cover the bulge. “I’m fine. The visions seem to be starting up.”
They both chuckled, knowing very well what I was referring to. Ian spoke first, “I know what that means. My grandfather told me stories. He said he couldn’t leave the house without jacking off at least twice during the bonding phase. But you know, that was when they were made to wait until the full moon to bond.”
“I doubt she’ll want anything to do with me at the moment. I only got a taste of her blood during a fight. She wasn’t exactly willing.”
Smirking, Tate shook his head. “Something tells me you wanted to bite her though. Am I right?”
As much as I wanted to deny it, I couldn’t. She bore my mark and every male who got near her would know she was mine, mated or not. “What can I say?”
Ian patted me on the shoulder. “Good luck with your hand tonight.”
“Thanks,” I grumbled.
He started for the door with Tate behind him. “Oh, and if her pack does come for her, I’ll stand behind you.”
I gave my appreciation and then glanced at Tate who nodded.
“My pack will too. I never thought I’d see the day when the magic returned to our people. Maybe I’ll even get lucky one day.”
Once they were out the door, I headed back upstairs and it took every ounce of strength I had not to get on the bed with Bailey. “Fuck me,” I groaned, salivating over her smooth, naked skin. All I wanted to do was spread her wide and fuck her senseless. I’d wanted to do that every day since I saw her in college. It enraged me to see her around human men. I didn’t like them touching her or breathing around her, but there was nothing I could do at the time.
The blankets over Bailey’s body slid all the way down to her waist when she moved. Moaning, she arched her back off the bed, her nipples inviting me to taste them. In her mind, I had my mouth wrapped around them, sucking hard while I pushed inside her. It was like a fucking porno movie in my mind. There was only one thing I could do.
Unzipping my jeans, I pulled my cock out and wrapped my hand around it. It was going to be one hell of a night.
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