Book 8: Awakened by the Moon
Micah's POV
Trying to find three royals who want to stay hidden is a lot harder than I thought. For months, I’ve scouted national parks, forests, and any place I can think of that would be perfect for a wolf to hide. I keep hoping I’ll find myself in the right place at the right time, but so far, no luck. So, after searching through Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon, I figured I’d head south to northern California to visit Chase Maheegan and his Timberwolf pack before I traveled back toward the east through Nevada and Utah. As soon as I see the sign for the Timberwolf Winery up ahead, I slow down and make my turn. The road is about a half-mile long, winding through Chase’s award-winning vineyards until you arrive at the Timberwolf Winery and Bistro. Just past the restaurant and up on the hill is Chase’s house, overlooking it all.
I pull up into the circular driveway just as Chase strolls out onto the front porch, dressed as usual in a pair of slacks and a nice shirt with his ash-colored hair perfectly coifed. A beautiful blonde with striking blue eyes follows him out and I can only assume it’s Kara, who I’ve been informed is his mate. I’ve never met the infamous Kara Channon, but I heard all about how she used to be my older brother’s lover a couple of centuries ago and how she wanted revenge on him. She lost the battle and paid for her sins, and in the process, found her true mate with Maheegan. It’s crazy how things work out.
Shaking his head, Chase grins when I get out of my car. “What the hell, man? What are you doing here?”
He extends his hand, and I shake it before pulling him into a hug. “I was in the area. Is it all right if I crash here tonight?”
Chase slaps my shoulder. “Of course.”
My eyes turn to Kara, and I can sense a hint of nervousness inside of her. She’s taller than any other female I know, but she also has on a pair of high heels with her jeans and mint-colored sweater. Chase slides his arm around her waist. “Micah, I’d like you to meet my soon-to-be mate.”
I hold out my hand. “I heard everything about you. I got an earful last night when I called to check in on my brothers.”
Kara groans and shakes my hand firmly. “I promise I’m not as bad as you’ve heard. At least, not anymore.”
Chuckling, I release her hand. “I know. You’re all good.”
Chase nods toward the inside of the house. “Come on in. Do you want something to drink?”
“Of course.” I follow them into the kitchen. Chase pours Kara a glass of wine and grabs a couple of beers from the refrigerator.
“Any luck finding the others?” he asks, handing me a beer.
I take a swig. “No. I’ve been looking for months now.”
Furrowing her brows, Kara glances back and forth between Chase and me. “Searching for who?”
For the first time since the search began, I can feel the tiredness in my bones. “Three royals from the Royal pack. After being attacked all those years ago, we split ways for a while. I kept in touch with them, but not long ago, they disappeared.” Chase’s head jerks toward Kara, his eyes serious as he stares at her. “Am I missing something?” But then it hits me. They can hear each other’s thoughts.
Chase sets his beer down and holds up a hand. “You’re going to want to hear this, Micah.”
I turn my attention to Kara. “Is there something you know?”
Kara shrugs. “I’m not sure, but I did see three royals when I was in South Dakota. Do you think it could be the ones you’re looking for?”
Heart racing, I step toward her. This is the best news I’ve heard in a long time. “Tell me everything. Where exactly were you? Did you talk to them?”
She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out her phone. “It was October, just four months ago.”
Kara scrolls through pictures on her phone until she finds what she’s looking for and then hands her cell to me. There are tons of pictures. Some are of the cabin she stayed in, and the rest are photos of mountains. Then, at the end of the album is a picture of three white wolves. A bush is in the way, concealing parts of them, but I can tell it’s three royal wolves.
Kara leans closer so she can see what I’m looking at. “I was staying at a cabin in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I know it’s not a popular place for wolf packs, so I didn’t think I’d run into anyone there.”
Over my shoulder, Chase peers down at the phone. “What are the odds of that? Did you talk to them, Kara?”
I stare at her, and she shakes her head. “They had their energy hidden. I was doing the same when I came upon them, so they didn’t see me. I hid and watched, wondering who they could be, but I never approached them. It’s been so long since I saw another royal.”
“Was it just the one day you saw them?” I ask.
“No. I saw them the entire week. There were two females and one male. Now I wish I would’ve spoken to them.”
Handing Kara back her phone, I grin with unabashed excitement. “That’s exactly who I’m looking for; one male and two females.” I finally have hope, and it feels damn good. “Thank you, Kara. Hopefully, they’re still there.”
Kara beams. “Glad I could help. I hope you find them.”
After finishing off my beer, I pat Chase’s shoulder. “I know I asked to stay the night, but I think I should get back on the road.”
Chase takes my bottle and tosses it in the trash. “I understand, brother. We’ll walk you out.”
They follow me out onto the porch, and I rush down to my car. I have a twenty-two-hour drive ahead of me. Before getting in, I turn back to Chase and Kara. “Thanks again, you two.”
Chase nods. “Anytime. Be safe, my friend.”
Once in the car, I press on the gas and stop at the top of the road before turning onto the main highway. After sending a quick text to Zayne and Sebastian to let them know I have a lead, I end up calling Colin. I kept in touch with Stark every now and again, but Colin was the one who spoke to him last.
“Hey, man. How’s it going?” Colin answers.
Pulling out onto the road, I begin the long journey. “Well, a few weeks ago, I’d say pretty shitty, but now I have a lead. I stopped in to visit Maheegan, and it just so happens that Kara saw three white wolves in South Dakota four months ago. It has to be Stark, Dany, and Rae. Do you think they’ll still be there?”
Colin blows out a breath. “Possibly. You might as well check it out. Do you want me to go with you?”
“No. You’re busy with Kami and juggling both of your work schedules. I got this.”
“All right, man. If you change your mind, let me know. And don’t forget to keep me posted.”
“I will. Talk to you soon.” We hang up, and I plug the Black Hills into my GPS. I have a long drive ahead of me.
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