Chapter 2
*Jade's pnt. of view *
After being deserted in the hallway, I headed to the main office to retrieve my schedule.
1. Dance Preparatory
2. Human Anatomy
3. AP English
4. Pre-calculus
5. AP Spanish
6. US Government
7. Chorus 3 Honors
Not bad this year.
I sent a picture to Daphne and she did the same, and sadly, we only have one class together but we had the same lunch which is good.
After getting my information, I headed towards my locker which just happens to be in between Daphne's and his locker, so I wasn't surprised when I found the couple making out on my locker door, not caring about the passing on-looking who looked at them in awe, and me and in curiosity.
I mean, I was literally standing there watching a couple make out.
"Eh hem..." I cleared my throat in attempt to get their attention, but failed miserably.
"Excuse me!" I said louder. Still, I get nothing.
"Hellooooo!!!" I yelled in the hallway that's now empty.
"What do you want?!" he snapped.
"You're standing in front of my locker." I point out the obvious.
"Come back later, we're busy." He waved me off.
"What the heck?! I need to place something in my locker." I said getting slightly irritated and fed up by his attitude.
"And I need you to go away. I'll give you two options: you walk away on your own, or I make you walk away." He said in a threatening manner, although his voice sounded real sexy at the moment.
No! Get a grip!
Daphne sent me an apologetic smile and look, but remained silent. I bet she likes kissing him, well I bet I would too, and I would jump at any opportunity to kiss him, but dang, she's my best friend and she won't defend me against her boyfriend? Mmh... now I know who my true friend is, NOT DAPHNE! I thought in an imaginary childish tantrum.
"Ugh whatever! I hope you choke while kissing her you son of a biscuit." I said out of anger.
"Whatever." Was his slick remark, as he went back to kissing Daphne, who gladly kissed him back, just as I imagine myself in her shoes.
I wanted to argue some more, so he could have his attention on me, but I swallowed my pride, and with a huff, I walked away.
I wish he was mine, and not Daphne's.
But then again that would never happen, I'm not as stunning as Daphne, with her long raven black hair, that she says she inherited from her mom, and her oval face. She had a slim figure, and some curves here and there. But I didn't want to compare myself to Daphne, and so I put those thoughts aside, and walked to my 1st period.
Dance prep. was very entertaining. Our teacher, Mr. Paris is quite charming, yet down to earth.
When the bell rang for us to transition to 2nd period, I was hunted down by Daphne, and she apologized over and over for his behavior, which I accepted, although the jerk should have been the one apologizing.
After she left I walked to my human anatomy class, and my eyes instantly met with his grey ones when I stepped foot in the classroom.
Oh great! Now I have a class with him. Awesome! Note the sarcasm.
"Good morning, please locate your name on a desk and that will be your assigned seat until further notice." At My teacher's words my breath got caught in my throat, just as a smirk took place on his perfectly handsome face.
Why is he smirking? Why is he pointing at me? Why is he pointing to the seat next to him?
My legs absent-mindedly led me to the table he's sitting at, I looked at the name tags on the desk, and to my unfortunate luck, I was his partner.
I reluctantly sat down avoiding eye contact with him, which earned me a scoff from.
Seriously man, like what is his problem?
"All right everyone, let's start with introductions, I want to go first. My name is Mr. Peters, I am over 30 years old, married with two children, and welcome to my anatomy class. Now let's go to you." He said pointing to him, "and then your partner will be next." Mr. Peters concluded.
"Alright," he said standing up, his voice deep, smooth, and silky "My name is Dean Thompson, I am 17 years old, and I have no children." He said with his signature smirk, causing chuckles to erupt from a few people in the class.
"Alright, settle down class, looks like we have a comedian here. Now you." Mr. Peters said pointing at me.
I stood up clearing my throat as I said "hello everyone, my name is Jade Christina Reaves, I'm 17, and I live with my parents." At My words, he scoffed again, but this time it pissed me off.
"All right what the heck is your problem?" I snapped facing him.
"What are you talking about?" he said with a smug look.
"Ugh! Whatever!" I said walking out with my stuff.
I was fed up with his BS, and even worse no matter what he did, I still found myself being attracted to him.
I took out my phone while I walked outside to the schoolyard in an attempt to call my mom, except it was ripped from my hand by none other than Dean.
"Give it back!" I said aggravated.
"Why?" he asked as if nothing happened, as if he has not been a jerk since he laid eyes on me this morning.
"Because I need to call my mom, I don't want to be here right now. I don't want to be near you!" I said pushing him, but all in vain. He did not budge.
He looked at me and cocked his head to the right as he observed me.
When he spoke up, his voice dropped to a lower level, which caused certain parts of my body to do certain funny things.
"You know that's not true, in fact you want to be with me." he said as the shade of his eye color turned darker.
"Wh-wha-what are you talking about?" I stuttered.
Dang it! I stuttered.
He suddenly walked up to me cornering me to the wall of the school building, then he lifted his hand and caressed my cheek softly.
"Admit it Jade, you want me." He said, as he stared lustfully into my eyes.
"I-I-um-I uh" I tried to say something. Anything! But I know as long as he was close my brain would turn into mush.
He ran his thumb on my bottom lip and I slightly opened it in form of an invitation.
He leaned down not sparing a second before connecting his lips to my own, and fireworks exploded. The butterflies in my stomach were stirred aroused and the tingling Sensation from my lips traveled throughout my entire body.
I started kissing him back, as the feeling intensified but he pulled away as a slight whimper unintentionally escaped my lips.
He smirked and said "I'll kiss you only if you admit it."
"I-I don't-" my words were cut off by a gasp as he pinned me to the wall and whispered "stop denying it." He said.
He feathered his lips on my ear and kissed my ear lobe.
"Admit it." he said sensually.
"I- Oh God!" I said as he started sucking on my neck sending my hormones into a frenzy.
I tried to keep my mouth shut, I didn't want to give in, but then again I couldn't hold it in, especially not with his actions.
"I- I do." I said finally giving in.
He pulled his lips back from the sweet torture on my neck, just to place them back on my lips and this time I kissed him back without wasting a second.
He slowly pulled away leaving me in a daze, and then he walked away not before saying "I suggest you wear a jacket. Wouldn't want mom and dad to see that." With that, he walked away.
What is he talking about?
I used my phone screen just to see that he gave me a freaking hickey.
But worst of all... I kissed my crush Dean Thompson who's also my best friend's boyfriend.
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