Chapter 4
What the fuck was he thinking? What the fuck was she even doing here?
She left him this morning wearing a pair of jeans and a light colored shirt. Now she wore a pair of skin-tight black jeans that showed off her fantastic ass and a tight black shirt, armored vest. He wasn’t sure which was more attractive, the bullet-proof vest or the gun and holster and hardware strapped to her thigh — a standard police officer issued nine mm. He liked a girl who knew her way around a weapon.
What he didn’t like was the way this asshole pushed her shoulder forward so he could follow the coroner in the hut. Dante kept his eyes focused on the dude. He wore a Sears suit, nothing special about the square shoulders and bland clothing, and kept his hands on his face.
The morning sun wasn’t fully up yet but Dante was willing to bet his right nut this redneck was the leading officer on the scene. What was the name his supervisor Cole gave him? Steve Lundy. Yea, that was it. Dante sighed heavily and forged forward.
This wasn’t going to be fun.
“Detective Lundy?” Dante said, walking under the yellow police tape securing the crime scene. The man named Lundy spun around, beady blue eyes looked up at him. “No sir, you need to go back behind the lines.”
“You spoke with my boss, Cole Wentworth. I’m Special Agent Rossi.”
“Damn,” said Lundy, pinching a wad of chewing tobacco between his bottom lip and teeth, “You boys move fast. What’d you do, fly here?”
Wheels were up the minute the picture bleeped across the screen of his phone, but this guy didn’t need to know that.
“The sooner we catch this guy, the sooner I will be out of your hair.”
Lundy made a hissing noise with the back of his teeth then spit out a brown liquid into a coffee cup. “I already patrolled the area, I think it was an accident. These people don’t pay attention, too quick to try and jump on the back of a truck for day laboring.”
These people, Lundy referred to were the lines of Mexicans standing on the side, crying, praying, and twisting their rosaries around their wrists. The south didn’t seem much different than the neighborhoods in New York City. There were the Jewish neighborhoods, Puerto Rican, Dominican and, of course, the Italian. The difference there and here was the fact that up north there was more tolerance. He thought about his new wife.
With Tomasello as alast name, he bet Italian blood coursed through her veins. Chet didn’t give him the rundown of too much other than warning him of Harley’s wrath if pissed off. Really all Dante needed was for his cousin, Chet, to point out which one was Harley. His practical jokester cousin probably thought it funny as hell to omit Harley worked for the police department.
“Allow me to be the judge.”
“Well, there ain’t much here for you to see. Hard to get some identification, ain’t much of his hands left.”
All the more reason Dante suspected Leonardo’s handiwork. Leonardo slept comfortably to the shrill of a scream from a good old-fashioned dragging. It never mattered the distance of a drive. He drove with a person handcuffed to the door until the screams stopped. The whole road ahead needed to be sealed off and hosed down with an industrial strength chemical spray if Dante’s hunch was right.
“Have you thought about getting the road blocked further down?”
Lundy craned his neck down the road and shook his head. “Don’t see any reason to. Look,” Lundy elbowed Dante in the ribs as if they were old friends. “The way I see it, this kid got hooked to an early morning hunter. We hunt in these parts.”
No mistake on the, ‘these parts’. Dante raised an eyebrow. So far two different stories of what may have happened to the body.
“You’re not from around here,” Lundy used his great detective skills.
He could have told him he’d been to Tallahassee so many times he ought to be a tour guide, but right now this redneck needed to know the minimum. Dante bit his tongue to keep from speaking his mind. “No. Mind if I see the body?”
“Be my guest.” Lundy nodded his head toward the lining of the tent and slipped inside before Dante could move, more than likely to prepare everyone in there for the higher-ups who were taking over. He’d heard the speech before and so he gave it a few seconds before entering the space. Lundy’s back was to Dante’s. He fully expected the man to be rolling his eyes right about now. The red headed coroner’s eyes averted from Lundy’s to his, nervously chuckled, and his freckled covered face reddened. Harley stood directly in front of Lundy clicking away with her camera and her back to Lundy.
Getting hitched last night was fun and it was business, but right now he needed to be serious. He didn’t need the distractions of her fawning over him at a crime scene. He needed her to understand this was his business. It would be best for her as well. This jerk of a supervisor she had wouldn’t appreciate her being involved with him and when he left, Lundy could make her life miserable.
“Harley, I would like to introduce you to Special Agent,” Lundy half turned to make the introduction which was just a simple wave in Dante’s direction, “Rossi.”
As Lundy’s body turned, Dante watched Harley click away, dismissing Lundy and focusing on the blood stained body.
“Hi,” Harley said dismissively, still looking away. She’d tossed her dangling badge over her back to keep from getting in the way of her photographs.
“Tomasello, I’m about to go check out across the street.”
The shutter clicked away on her camera as she grunted an audible sound.
“Tomasello?” Lundy said impatiently.
Dante watched with amusement when Harley snapped her head up, eyes darkened with irritation at Lundy. Maybe she hadn’t really caught a glimpse of him yet. He was waiting for her to glance over Lundy’s shoulder and see him. Why did he have a desperate need to want to see her smile again? She did that a lot in the wee hours of the morning. Each kiss he placed on her neck brought out a moan.
“What?” she growled.
“Harley,” Lundy cleared his throat impatiently, “we have a visitor on the crime scene today. I want you to be nice.”
Strange, he thought, the pit of his stomach flittered.
Maybe the coffee had an effect on him? Dante shifted his feet in anticipation of their eye contact. He suddenly felt nervous and unsure of himself. Were his palms sweating?
When Harley looked at him, Dante noted she wore little makeup; a line of eyeliner over her top lid that thickened the look of her long dark lashes and a smear of tinted lip-gloss covered her full lips. A taste test of its flavor seemed good right now. But no, he had to remember to get it through Harley’s head before she said anything, to not acknowledge their meeting.
To his astonishment, Harley’s lashes fluttered up at him. She half smiled and said without any recognition, “Yeah, nice to meet you.”
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