MARRIAGE TO SECURE HIS HEIRS - Chapter #3 - Free To Read


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Casey shrugged."We'll be fine."


"Okay,let me go and get ready."Sage took a bath by the time she was done Casey was playing with the boys she kissed both of them before leaving luckily they didn't cry for her,the drive over was about thirty minutes and at five exactly she reached Kim still wasn't there when she arrived taking her access card she went inside most of the employees has already left for the day the place was quiet beautiful black and white marble tiles was laid out the entire lobby Sage saw the receptionist desk was empty,above it was the name of the company a seating area was not far from reception,two black couches and a wooden table in the middle,a plush grey carpet was under it fresh flowers decorated the center,there was also a fireplace with an italian marble mantel.


There was an elevator that goes up to the other floors eighty percent of the building consist of glass even the elevator too,one can see outside but cannot see from the outside in.Sage went to sit on the couches while she waited for Kim,she poured herself a cup of coffee that's on the drinks cabinet. Everything in here was of the best money could buy,one cannot even come inside without having an access card security was tight even using the elevator requires a password before it takes you to whichever floor you need to go.


Ten minutes later Kim arrived and so did the rest of the staff that would clean out the entire building.Sage noticed they were short staffed and if so they gonna take longer than usual to finish up,this building is massive.


"Sorry for making you wait."Kim said joining Sage on the couches the rest followed."Well let me debrief you all about who's taking which floor."


Kim talked to them for the next fifteen minutes about their posts Sage just heard she got the last floor and the boardrooms Kim gave them each new cards that go to their floors along with the passwords to use the lift.After the meeting she pulled Sage aside."The executive floor uses two codes the other is private because it's the big boss's floor after the last company they changed all the passwords no one other than us should know about it and if you punch the code in wrong twice the alarm will go off.


I'm giving you this job because I trust you and I know you'll do a good job in cleaning and organising everything,a little birdie told me Mr Romero is allergic to dust."Just like her boys Sage thought."He loves his space spotless and clean,I know you'll do a good job with all the corners plus you can relate to his allergy,I understand Liam and Logan is allergic to dust too."Sage nodded."Let me not keep you."


Sage immediately went to go and change into her uniform,afterwards she took her cleaning equipment,supplies and headed upstairs to the boardrooms her first task,she'll clean Mr Romero's office last,she'll have to be extra vigilant when it comes to cleaning his office,actually the entire floor Sage thought as she began her work of sweeping,mopping and dusting the area.


Bruno can hear from his office that the cleaning staff are here,he hadn't expect for them to be here so early it was only six,but he's glad he likes efficiency people who take their job seriously unlike the last company he'd fired for not doing their job properly,he's allergic to dust the second he breathes it in he'll sneeze and cough none stop he loves his office to be spotless from top to bottom and he hopes the new cleaning company his HR department has hired will do a better job than the last.


He walked over to his bar fridge and took out his insulin shot both him and his brother had been diagnosed with diabetes when they'd been seven months old,it was genetic and with their genes they can pass it down to their kids,something he doesn't want that's why he's decided not to have kids anymore he wouldn't want any baby of his to live off injections their whole lives it wouldn't be fair.And this has been passed down from his father's generation for decades a illness that can't be cured.


He never ever forgets to use protection with any women he doesn't want to risk a pregnancy just like diabetes even twins runs in their family,he has heard that


Maya is pregnant and it's twins him and Hugo's relationship isn't so good despite Hugo's attempt to reach out and mend their relationship,he needs time alot more time before he'll forgive them.At family gatherings they are civil with each other and it ends there,nothing more.He can hear the vacuum machine was nearing his office he better finish up and leave cause all the noise will drive him crazy.



Sage shut the door to the boardroom as she turned she saw someone going into the lift it shut before she could see who it was.A shiver rushed through her she had this distant feeling of knowing the person shrugging it off she made her way over to the boss's office upon entering she caught a familiar scent in the air it made her froze as it washed over her.A scent she remembers very well,that her body knows too.Her mystery man.It's like he was here close to her around her,could it be....


No she shook her head she must be imagining it she stepped further inside and saw the table lamp was on,they must've forgotten to switch it off.She glanced around her it has a masculinity about it one can tell who ever's office this is loves to be in charge a man who dominates and was always in control of everything,the whole office had floor to ceiling glass windows, it was bigger than the boardroom dark wooden furniture surrounded her a leather chair was behind a huge desk,two chairs was before the desk,everything on the desk was neat and nicely organised not a pencil was out of place.


On her left side was three flat screens that shows the latest market figures,four clocks with different time of other countries,on the other side of the room was a whole coffee machine with a bar fridge and other refreshments you might need.A fireplace with a whole seating area was there too,black couches,glass table in the middle with magazines and newspapers on it she went about cleaning the place,next came the bathroom in the office a closet was in there aswell Sage saw a few clean shirts,pants and dinner jackets a man who loves himself and is prepared for anything.


When she was done scrubbing and disinfecting the restroom dusting and polishing the woodwork followed,Sage made sure not a surface was missed,as short as she was she made sure to reach every corner when she was done she switched off the lamp and left all the girls must be downstairs in the cafeteria drinking coffee.She'll go and join them before continuing her work there was still alot to do before it was time to go home and she's missing her boys terribly.Her cute sons.



"Your aunt has organised a get together to celebrate Maya's pregnancy."Bruno looked at his uncle when he spoke,he's been avoiding going there for a month now because he knows where the conversation will lead now his uncle came to see him at his office."She expects you there."


"I can't come.Pass on my apologies."His father and uncle had been twin brothers.


"When will forgive your brother.He and Maya love each other I don't think they meant to hurt you on purpose."


"Then they should've told me unlike sneaking and sleeping together behind my back two people whom I trusted the most stabbed me in the back."




"No uncle I don't want to discuss this further and I'm sure neither you or my father would've betrayed each other like that."


"Please come."His uncle pleaded."Do it for your aunt she misses you,so does Camilla and Camille."Those were his twin cousins.His uncle stood."An hour or two won't kill you it's this Saturday.Plus Lana is coming too the two of you can announce your engagement."He only nodded.


Bruno walked his uncle to the door."Thank you for stopping by and send my regards to aunt."When his uncle left he got ready for the meeting he was about to go into in fifteen minutes.His uncle is right about one thing Hugo and Maya do love each other,he's seen that never before has he seen his brother so happy than with Maya,maybe he should let go of the past and forgive his brother it's been long,so long that they'll be having their first kids.


He'll be an uncle himself in a few months and his parents wouldn't want them to continue this way he was the oldest,when their father had passed away a few years back Bruno had to take over the company at age twenty-four,Hugo didn't want anything to do with the business his brother loves music it's his passion and all these years he's been making a living out of it.


Despite every thing that transpired between them he's proud of his brother and loves him, Hugo is all he has it's time he sits down and talk to him.Maybe marrying Lana is a good idea,she'll make a good trophy wife besides he will never fall inlove.



Kim looked at her friend from across the table."Thank you again Kim."Sage said."For giving me this weekend off."


"No problem.You put in alot of over time this whole month."Kim sipped on her latte."Not to mention Mr Romero is very impressed with our work, especially in his office their HR team called and said they'll be giving us a permanent contract after three months."


"Kim!"Sage exclaimed."That's great news.Now I know why you invited me for lunch."


"It's to say thank you for all the hard work you've put in.I know it must be hard to work full time and look after these two cuties,being a single parent is hard I saw how my mom worked three jobs to keep us afloat,it's tough and yet you doing it as if it's nothing."











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