Loving Mr. Cavalier - Chapter #3 - Free To Read

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Alright, so as you can see Mr. Cavalier is not much of a talker, which is okay because you will run into some clients who are a bit on the arrogant side, and some others who are a bit more relaxed and friendly. Anyway, we're going to perform a walk around and make sure he is all settled and buckled in." Chamille explained, and I silently nodded, still trying to calm my nerves.

This would be my first time getting on a plane after the incident from my previous job, and to say that my heart was racing would be an understatement. And a very tall and intimidating Mr. Cavalier was not making it any better.

When Mr. Cavalier entered the plane both Chamille and I greeted him, however he simply brushed past us and barely even glanced our way. I found his actions quite rude, but who was I to tell the client off on his manners?

He simply strolled by us and sat down pulling out his laptop.

It seemed Chamille was used to his character, because she simply went about her day as though his actions no longer bothered her.

As we walked around making sure everything was in place, I pursed my lips as we got closer to him. It was a way to focus on my breathing, and I just hoped I didn't begin to sweat.

I hated being nervous, but given that it was my first day, I had no room for mistakes.

Chamille approached Mr. Cavalier as she clasped her hands before her and addressed him with a smile, "Mr. Cavalier, it my pleasure to introduce you to Liliana, she is the newest addition to our team and will be flying with us today."
"It’s a pleasure." I smiled softly when his eyes flashed to me, and as a result, he simply hummed, and focused back on his laptop.

Rude much.

Chamille cleared her throat softly, then she continued, "We are getting ready for takeoff, and I just wanted to know if you were ready?" And for a moment, he didn't reply, so I sent a quick side glance towards Chamille, who still kept a soft smile on her face.

I tried to copy her actions, but his lack of acknowledgement was quickly getting under my skin, but after typing a quick note on his laptop, he closed it and packed it away, then he leaned back and finally acknowledged Chamille with a firm tone as he said, "of course." Then his eyes flashed to me once more, and my heart dropped.

Sweet baby Jesus, he was a "foreign handsome beau" as my mom would put it.

His well-defined face was shaven and clean. His sharp straight nose fit well in with his square jaw, and defined cheek bones. His hair once again well combed and in place. His eyes a dark shade of brown, only highlighted by the overhead light above him.

His dark eyes simply brushed over my appearance, then he looked away, leaning against his arm, and brushing his fingers against his lips.

I took that as our dismissal.

His gaze was enough to have a heat envelope my skin, and I found my palms getting sweaty quickly. Something about the way he carried himself made me want to run in the opposite direction and quickly.

And I didn't even know the man, but he just seemed like bad news.

Or maybe it was my nerves?

I gulped as Chamille nodded, and we walked away.

As we sat down and buckled in, Chamille turned to me and found my questioning gaze and she smiled and said, "I've flown with him a few times before, you get used to it. So, now that the client is settled and buckled in, we buckle in, and you dial *9112 on that phone." Chamille pointed to a red phone, and I nodded, picking it up.

After two rings, the pilot answered, and I assured him that we were ready to go.

As the plane began to prepare for takeoff, I leaned my head back against my chair, and I took a deep breath, in order to calm myself. I could already feel the dizzying nerves take toll on my body. My heart was already thumping against my rib cage, and every once in a while, it felt as though it dipped to the pit of my stomach.

As much as I loved to travel, takeoff and landing were never my favorite.

"Nervous?" Chamille observed after I let out an audible breath. 
"Something like that." I giggled awkwardly, my hands pressing into the arms of the chair. 
"Well, I can't blame you. It's not a nice feeling, but I just try to think of my family back home. My husband and my two babies. Are you married?" Chamille asked, as she made small talk, which somehow helped me calm down. 
"No, not yet." I chuckled awkwardly. 
"Boyfriend?" She questioned as she turned her face to me. 
"No, I haven't met anyone yet." I shook my head, giggling. 
"What?" Chamille asked, as I kept laughing, though my heart leaped out of my chest as the plane sped up until we were off the ground and soaring through the air. 
"I don't really catch anyone's eye, and even when I do, it's never anything strong enough to become something serious." I explained finally able to breathe as the plane began to level out, high above the clouds.
"Oh so you're one of those girls." Chamille chuckled as she shook her head. 
"What girls?" I asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically. 
"The ones who aren't too impressed with the guys who crush on them, and you wait for a tall dark handsome stranger to come and sweep you off your feet." She explained with a cheeky smile, and I shook my head as I said, "I wish. But that only happens in books so, yeah." 
"Alright, well as you can see, we're now flying comfortably, so at this point, on a long trip like this, you go and check on the client, make sure the takeoff was good, and if for now he'd like to drink or eat anything." Chamille instructed while she pulled out a magazine and sat back in her seat. 
"Oh- w- you mean I-I go to ask him. Alone? You're not coming?" I asked, my nerves spiking my heartbeat. 
"This is basic hostess routine you've done it in commercial flights. Come on, you assured me that this would be an easy training. If you need any help, I'm right here." Chamille pepped, then gave me no chance to answer as she opened her magazine and pretended to get lost in an ad for wrinkle repair cream.

Sighing, I picked up my shoulders and straightened my back as I lifted my chin and made my way towards Mr. Cavalier.

As I walked towards him, I tried to tell myself that he was just another passenger on an airplane. This was my area of expertise. I was performing a routine checkup, and that was it. Not rocket science.

Should have been easy enough.

Once I reached him, he was once again on his laptop. If I remembered correctly, I was not to disturb him until he acknowledged me, so taking a deep breath, I cleared my throat audibly in hopes that he would notice me.


So, I waited. I silently counted sixty seconds before I cleared my throat again, then I plastered a small smile on my face, and yet I received nothing.

I looked over at Chamille who peeped her eyes over the magazine, then she simply shrugged, and went back to reading.

After standing there for a moment and getting frustrated with every silent second that went by, I spoke "Mr. Cavalier, I hope our take off was smooth enough. Would you like anything to eat or drink at this time?"


Not a word, a sigh, not even a blink.

It's almost as if I was talking to a brick wall.

Helpless, I looked over at Chamille once again, who at that point was hiding her laughter behind her magazine.

"Help me." I mouthed to her, and she simply waved then placed a thumbs up as she mouthed back "you're doing great".

Scowling, I kept myself from rolling my eyes.

Was it okay to want to kill your trainer on the first day?











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