Never Have I Ever.
"Ian..." I gasped as blue eyes met mine. His face masked his expressions, the boy I knew like the back of my hand now grown into a man. Who looked edible. Abso-freaking-lutely edible.
"Khloe," Ian said coolly, as if my presence didn't bother him. Even a bit.
"You two know each other?" Parker asked, surprise evident in his voice.
Before Ian could say anything, I quickly blurted. "We went to the same school."
My eyes darted to Marley who looked like she had just seen a ghost. But knowing her, she was probably already imagining Ian naked and him having his way with her. Jealousy glared through me, as the words 'Mine' popped into my head. I would have to tell her that he was off limits. Forever.
Parker's voice brought me back to reality, "Marley this is my cousin Ian. And since you already know Khloe."
"You didn't tell us that you had a guest," I managed to splutter.
"As I said, I must have forgotten," Parker said, "Anyways, now that Ian is here, he's going to be staying with me for a few months."
Few months? My heart was in my throat. I just stared at Ian who looked at me with amusement. I could clearly remember the day when I had gone to the airport, when he left for Florida, looking at him as he read a brochure he picked up. He didn't look one bit disturbed. Sunglasses on, his hair done sexily, he didn't look like someone who had his heart broken. Of course, he didn't know I was watching him like an obsessed stalker.
It was hard for me after Ian was out of my life. Everything became hard, even eating was more like a chore. I became nothing less than a zombie for a while.
"Its great meeting you," Ian said, his voice smooth. Then he moved his gaze to me. "Good to see you again Khloe. I never thought we would meet again."
A shaky laugh escaped my lips. "M-Me too." Then I added as an afterthought. "Great to see you too."
Not. And the expression on his face told me that he knew what I was thinking. And it scared me.
"Do you want to join us Ian?" Parker asked, "Or I could show you your room, and you can settle in."
"What are you guys doing?" Ian asked.
Before Parker could say anything, Marley spoke. "We're playing never have I ever!"
I gulped, looking at her in utter disbelief. No. No. No. I looked at Parker, only to see that he looked pretty perked up at the idea. Oh god no.
"Sure, I'm in."
"Guys," I said, swallowing before I continued. "I don't have any more alcohol."
Parker grinned at me. "That is why I live right next door honey."
I narrowed my eyes at him, "That is why I'm always out of food and drinks."
"Well, you could always lock your apartment."
I raised my eyebrows. "Like that stops you."
"Maybe you should just get the booze already," Marley sighed, used to such arguments between us. I looked at her with a smile, while Parker huffed away.
My eyes unwillingly went to the gorgeous man in front of me. His blue eyes were filled with anger. His blonde hair still fell sexily on his head, as if he had just taken a shower. His cheekbones became more defined, his scrumptious lips making me want to kiss him. Kiss him senseless.
My eyes moved down his body. He was dressed in a blue shirt which complemented his eyes. His black chinos hung low, showing off the well defined body.
"Eyes up here babe," Ian said, making me blush and look away, only to discover Marley gone.
"Where's Marley?" I asked, suddenly finding my apartment too small for us.
"She went to Parker's, muttering something about how he had horrible liquor."
I nodded. "So... Um... How are you?"
"I've been good," Ian answered easily. "What about you? You seem to be doing well."
"Getting through," The words left my lips even before I could filter them.
"Are you and my cousin dating then?" Ian asked, anger blazing through his voice.
My eyes widened. "Parker? I would never date Parker!"
Before Ian could say anything, I heard Parker speak. "Thank you so much Khlo. And here I thought you love me."
I chuckled. "Of course I do, you dimwit. You are like the brother I never had!"
Parker smiled handing me the bottle of whiskey. I got one more glass from the kitchen, walking into the living room to find all of them comfortably seated.
"I'm going to start!" Marley announced, a smirk on her face.
"Go ahead," Parker said, then added. "Something which you haven't done, by the way."
Marley squatted his arm. "Shut up Park. Okay, here I go. Never have I ever said my ex's name while having sex with someone else."
I glared at her. I kept a straight face as I picked up my glass, taking a gulp. Laughter greeted me, and I almost dreaded looking at Ian.
"Who is this lucky ex?" Ian asked. Closing my eyes, I groaned.
"Her high school sweetheart!" Marley announced.
My eyes snapped open. Instantly my eyes found Ian's. He looked pleased with what he had just heard.
"Can we please continue?" I groaned, wanting to hide somewhere.
Parker spoke. "Never have I ever had a friends with benefits relationship."
Marley and I downed the alcohol. I was sure that by the end of this round, I would be thoroughly drunk.
"Never have I ever," I stopped. What should I say. "Had a threesome."
Nobody drank. Then slowly, Ian lifted the glass to his lips and downed the whiskey. I stared at him in surprise. Jealousy flared within me. His eyes met mine, and I looked away.
"Details," Marley prodded.
"College," Ian said. "We were drunk, and the girl's roommate joined us."
Parker hooted and clapped Ian's back. Ian though, didn't look pleased. His eyes kept darting to me.
"Your turn," I muttered.
"Never have I ever intentionally broken someone's heart." His eyes were trained on mine. Daring me to lift up the glass.
I gulped, reaching for the bottle. I poured some into my glass and gulped it down. Both Marley and Parker stared at me with surprise.
"The guy in high school," I muttered. "I didn't tell him that I was coming to London. I knew that he was going to be shattered."
"What?!" Marley shrieked. "Who is this guy?"
"Just a guy Marl," I scowled. "Your turn."
She thankfully let it go, but I knew I would have to face severe interrogation from her in the near future. "Never have I ever cheated."
Parked took his first swig. I just looked at him in amusement. He had 'dated' three girls at one time, it was pretty much an open secret.
"Is no one going to ask me my story?" Parker asked, looking hurt.
I rolled my eyes. "No Mr. Manwhore. We know."
Parker glared at me. I grinned at him as I spoke. "Never have I ever tried to seduce my boss."
He glare at me as he downed one more glass of whiskey.
Ian said, "Never have I ever gotten drunk."
It was obviously a surprise. All the rest of us took large gulps. I was already border lining drunk. Me and raw whiskey weren't a good combination.
"Never have I ever loved someone," Marley said.
Parker lifted his glass. My eyes widened as Ian lifted his glass. His eyes caught mine. Before taking the drink, he said,
"I'm still in love with her."
Bile rose to my throat. I got up quickly, the speed making my head spin and rushed to the bathroom. I hurled the contents of dinner into the toilet, my head throbbing.
Someone lifted my hair from behind me, rubbing a soothing hand down my back.
"Are you okay Khlo?" Ian's familiar voice asked, concern evident.
I couldn't speak, instead choosing to vomit again. My head spinned. I heard someone speaking behind me, but I couldn't really understand their words.
Once I was done, Ian flushed, helping me get up. I kept my eyes away from him, dreading what I would see there. Would I see disgust or concern?
"Khlo," Ian said, wiping my face with a wet towel. "Take these okay? Maybe you had a little too much to drink."
I nodded, grabbing the pill from his hand and downing it with water. He picked up the tooth brush from the stand and after putting on some toothpaste, he handed it to me.
I gave him a grateful smile as I brushed my teeth. Ian watched me as I brushed, concern evident on his face. Once I was done, I turned around and gave him an apologetic smile.
"I'm so sorry Ian." I said. "I..."
He shook his head. "Don't worry about it kitten. Though I think Parker and Marley are more worried. She said you never puked before."
I shrugged. Ian took my hand and walked out of the bathroom. "Do you want to change or something?"
I shook my head. "No, I'm okay. I'll change after you guys leave."
We headed to the living room, where Parker and Marley almost pounced on me. "Khlo! What happened?"
"Too much to drink maybe guys," I shrugged. "We drank before Parker came over remember?"
Marley sighed, "You okay hon?"
I nodded. Parker kissed mt forehead. "We'll call it a night, kay? I'll pick you up for work tomorrow."
I grinned at him. Marley left, and just as Parker was leaving, he turned around. "Aren't you coming Ian?"
Ian shook his head. "I would like to catch up with Khloe."
Parker shrugged. "Just crash in her guest room. I'll call Ora over."
"Manwhore," I smirked, making Parker glare at me. He banged the door as he walked out, making me cringe.
"Are you okay Khlo?" Ian asked again.
I nodded. "Yeah. You want something to eat? Drink?"
Ian shook his head, sitting on the couch and pulling me down as well. "You know Khlo, I was so surprised when I saw you."
"Surprised? That is an understatement," I giggled. "I didn't expect to see you..."
"I know," Ian said. "But I wanted to see you. You're parents gave me your number."
I looked at him in alarm.
"But I resisted the urge to call you. You made it quite clear that I wasn't needed in your life."
"Its okay Khlo," Ian said. "Maybe I was too serious for you."
"Or maybe I was too cowardly," I whispered.
Ian didn't talk for sometime. I peaked from under my eyelashes at him. He looked down at me through hooded eyes. I didn't have a chance to think as his lips descended on mine.
Pulling me in.
Pulling me back.
Bringing back the addict in me.
Mesmerizing me.
Killing me.
Fulfilling me.
Chapter auto-unlock