His - Chapter #3 - Free To Read

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Camilla Cortes’ Point of View:

I left Williams Corp with a huge grin on my face. I can’t believe that I got the job. What is even more unbelievable is that I thought the CEO was some wise old man. Oh, how wrong I was. Luke Williams was far from old, he looked to be in his late twenties, and I must admit he was ridiculously good looking. His pitch-black hair and beautiful blue eyes attracted my attention the second I walked into the room. I would say that he was a very eligible bachelor, but his arrogant attitude was not something that I wanted to put up with. I don’t even think that he had any interest in me, at least that’s what I gathered from his indifferent attitude towards me.

With a deep sigh I banished him to the back of my mind. I picked up my stride and made my way to the supermarket around the corner from where I lived. Since it’s a Friday and I’m not expected at work until Monday it’d be nice to surprise Alex with a night out to the club. I’m not a big fan of clubs but for the first time in a long time I have something to celebrate and I have lots of energy and feel like dancing.

I smiled brightly at the security guard as he held open the door for me. I grabbed a basket and made my way down the aisle. I picked up a box of milk, some cereal, bacon, and a chilled bottle of cheap white champagne. I went on the aisle with the different types of bread and went to get mine and Alex’s favourite. I looked all around on the lower shelves, but it was nowhere to be found. I finally looked up and there it was on the very top shelf. A groan escaped me as I tried to reach it but to no avail, it was out of reach. Setting the basket on the ground I made a jump for it and luckily, I was able to grab the bread.

“Yes!” I shrieked in delight.

“That was quite an impressive jump,” a deep voice behind me said.

I turned around quickly to find a handsome blonde staring at me with eyes full of amusement.

“H-hi,” I mumbled feeling slightly embarrassed. “I didn’t see you there”

“Yeah sorry about that, I saw you searching for the bread and when I saw you about to jump for the kill, I had to see how it would play out, wouldn’t want you breaking your neck or anything like that”

“That’s actually quite sweet,” I stretched out my hand “I’m Camilla Cortes, what’s your name?”

“Oh, I’m Nathaniel Williams but you can call me Nate,” he said as we shook hands.

We let go of each other’s hand as I bent down to grab my shopping basket “well it was nice meeting you,” I was about to walk away when he called out to me.

“Are you free tonight?”

“I’m going to surprise my friend with a night out to a club”

“Ever heard of Club Electric?”

“Are you kidding me everyone who’s anyone have heard of Club Electric”

“Awesome, let’s make it a fun night out, you can bring your friend and I’ll bring my brother who happens to need to let loose a little”

“Are you sure we’d get in?”

“Don’t worry about it,” he said to me “we’ll get in, just be prepared to have some fun”

He glanced at his watch and groaned “I have to go but let’s exchange numbers so that you can let me know when you arrive at the club”

After exchange numbers we said our goodbyes and I continued shopping. I made my way up to the cashier and payed for the groceries. I grabbed the bags and made my way to the apartment. I climbed the steps and entered the lobby of the apartment complex. Heading straight towards the elevator I pressed the button to open the elevator and stepped inside. When inside I pressed the button for our floor and waited. As soon as the elevator stopped, I was out and on my way to our door. Taking out my keys I pulled the door and went in closing the door behind me.

“Alex, I brought groceries!” I yelled hoping she heard me over the music that she was playing. She often played music whenever she was working on a painting. I knew where to find her, but I was just honestly too lazy to move.

I knew that she heard me when the music suddenly stopped.

“I’m on my way!” she yelled in return.

“I pulled one of the many chocolates that I bought out off the bag and started unwrapping it. By time Alex walked into the kitchen I was halfway through with it.

“So?” she asked as she put everything where it was supposed to be.

“How was it?”

“I got the job!” I shrieked totally surprising her.

She smiled and clapped her hands in glee “that’s amazing, we should definitely celebrate”

“I’m way ahead of you,” I smirked “I was thinking we could go clubbing tonight”

“That’s an awesome idea, which club?”

“Club Electric”

“Wow, are you sure we’ll get in?”

“The guy who invited us, who may I say is totally your type, said we shouldn’t worry about it”

“You met a guy?” she smiled from ear to ear.

“Yeah but I’m not interested, besides I think that you two could hit it off”

“Whatever you say,” she laughed with a smirk on her face.

“Anyway, let’s get our outfits ready!” she squealed with delight.











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