And That Is How You Throw A Punch.
I stared at both of them. Shock filled Silver's face, while relief filled Sean's. The shock on Silver's face was soon replaced by anger. She glared at him.
"What are you doing here?"
Sean looked stunned at the snappy tone. "I... I didn't know you were here."
"You didn't answer my question, Sean," she spat out his name. I wondered for a moment if I should give them some privacy. It was obvious that they needed it right now.
"I'm going to--"
Silver looked at me pleadingly, almost. "Don't leave me with this man, Khloe."
"Silv," Sean started to say, but Silver cut him off.
"It is Silver."
"I'm sorry."
Silver let out a harsh, forced chuckle. "You are four years too late."
"I didn't --"
He got cut off when Ian walked into the room. He looked at Sean with a frown, then at the glowering Silver. Finally his eyes settled on me.
"Hey man. What's up?" Ian asked.
"Uh... Ian," I softly said, walking next to him.
He raised his eyebrows at me.
Silver turned to Ian. "Where's Caleb?"
"Watching TV."
"I'll call him. We'll leave."
"But why?" Ian asked, more confused than ever.
"Silv," Sean pleaded. "Atleast hear me out. I didn't intend to leave! I lo--"
He couldn't get one more word out, as Ian moved across the room and punched Sean straight in the jaw. My mouth dropped open, and so did Silver's.
"You fucking asshole!" Ian yelled at him. "You left her in college?"
"Look, it wasn't like that," Sean tried to say again, but Ian punched him again.
I couldn't take it anymore. "Stop it!" I almost yelled out. "Hear him out, for god's sake!"
Everyone suddenly looked at me, their faces showing different emotions. Ian looked surprised, Silver angry and Sean looked grateful.
"Sit." I pointed out to the couch. "All of you. Sean, start from the beginning. No leaving anything out."
"Silver, I am sorry. I really am. Remember that day when I told you I had to go home for an emergency?"
He waited for her to answer. She finally nodded. "Yeah."
"My grandfather passed away. You know that I coma from old money. My grandfather was a knight. I had to come back here."
"But you couldn't call me?"
Sean looked away. "I didn't have the guts to call you. Once I got here, I was so caught up with sorting out everything, his funeral, will, family, I didn't realize that I didn't tell you. And when I did try to call you, your number no longer existed."
This time Silver looked away. "I changed numbers after two months, Sean. Don't tell me all that took so long to sort out."
"It didn't. But something else did. My grandfather had made a contract stating that I was going to marry Jane, his best friend's granddaughter. And the worst part was that she already thought I was her husband."
All of us sucked in long breaths. This was unexpected.
Sean continued. "I convinced her that I was all wrong for her. I told her I already had someone who I was engaged to. Boy, she threw such a fit then. But finally, my parents intervened when they saw I wasn't going to budge."
"Wow." I whispered.
Sean's eyes were wholly on Silver. "I couldn't come back. I couldn't, not after the pain I put you through. I love you, Silv."
"Mom!" Caleb came running into the room. His eyes stopped on Sean, widening. Then he looked at Silver. She just nodded.
"Mom?" Sean sounded devastated.
"Caleb is my son," Silver said, stating the obvious.
"Oh.. Uh.. I should--"
Silver looked almost torn to say the next words."He's four."
"He's... mine?" Sean sounded happy. A grin lit up his face, surprising me.
"His name is Caleb," Silver said.
I think my respect for Silver shot up just then. She didn't deny it, she didn't go bat-shit crazy on Sean, like most of us would. I know I would. She understood what Sean said. And I was happy for Sean. He found a family.
"Caleb," Ian said. "This is Sean. Your dad."
Ian didn't like it. It was clear as day on his face. He had been betrayed by his parents, but I knew that he wouldn't take them back. I smiled at him, squeezing his hand.
"I think we should leave," Silver suddenly said. "Sean, do you want come with us?"
Ian started to say something, but I quickly spoke. "Sure guys. Call us for the wedding."
Silver and Sean blushed, while Caleb started clapping. As they left, Ian glared at me. "Why did you say that?"
"They need to sort things out."
"That ass--"
"Stop it, Ian."
Ian narrowed his eyes at me. "Don't tell me you're still stuck up on him. "
"No, I'm not."
Ian suddenly grinned and pulled me close to him. "That means you'll be my girlfriend?"
I grinned. "Well. I have to think about it."
Ian grinned, bending down and pecking my lips. "I'll give you five seconds."
I almost sat on him, straddling him. "What perks will I get?"
Ian laughed, "Say it, kitten, and its yours."
"I'll be your girlfriend," I grinned.
Ian kissed me hard, but before I could respond he pulled back. "Now I have to punish you."
My eyes widened, but my heart picked up pace. "Punish?"
"We can count your misdemeanours as we go along."
"Starting with?"
"Your little comment, ofcourse."
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