Chapter 17
Camilla Cortes' Point of View:
We've been back from Germany a day now and I haven't been feeling well. I rolled out of bed and made a quick dash for the bathroom. I was so thankful when I heard Alex walk into the bathroom and held my hair as I threw up my guts.
She ran a soothing hand down my back as she tried to comfort me, "you okay love?"
I slowly rose up off the ground and headed for the sink. I opened the cupboard and took out my toothbrush and toothpaste and got ready to brush my teeth. I hated the taste of vomit in my mouth, it was terrible.
"I don't know what's wrong with me?" I muttered tiredly.
"Did you eat anything unusual?" she asked me.
"No," I sighed as I quickly brushed my teeth. I washed my face and patted my skin dry with a towel.
"Come eat something," she spoke as she headed towards the kitchen.
My feet moved slowly behind her as I followed. My stomach grumbled loudly as I took the plate that she offered me. I practically inhaled the food she gave me. The bacon and eggs were particularly tasty for some reason and I couldn't be happier.
When Alex set a cup of coffee in front of me I immediately reached for it. I haven't had my coffee yet for the day and I am not ashamed to say I am in desperate need of it. I took the cup from her and took one big sniff of it. That was a big mistake. As soon as the smell hit me I felt the need to throw up, setting down the cup I quickly slapped a hand over my mouth and ran for the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet. I was thankful that Alex didn't follow me this time because I was so embarrassed at what just happened. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I throwing up so much?
I went back into the kitchen where Alex was currently sipping on the coffee that she had just given me. I knew there was no way I would be able to drink it when I couldn't even stomach the smell so I left her to it.
I grabbed the dishes from off the table and walked over to the sink. I started washing the plates so that Alex wouldn't have to. It's only fair since she did the cooking.
"How are things with Nathan?" I asked curiously.
She grinned at me as a lazy smile settled on her face, "things are great, he treats me like a princess"
"He must be since you're already mentally planning your wedding," I mused a laugh escaping me when her eyes widened in surprise.
She rolled her eyes at me before speaking, "as if you aren't doing the same"
"I'm not," it was my turn to roll my eyes at her.
"What are you doing today?" I asked her as I dried the last plate and put it in the cupboard.
"I think I might go shopping, I need to get started on my Christmas shopping anyway"
"Christmas is in two months Alex"
"Exactly," she grinned "you know I like to get this out of the way because I always forget"
"Do you want some company?"
"I'd love some but don't you have work today?" she questioned me.
"Luke said I should take the day off since he won't be in the office today"
"Did he tell you where he was going"
"He said he was visiting his parents," I shrugged.
She nodded her head as if just realizing something, "I think Nathan said he was going to do that today too, oh well when the men are away us women shall play"
She had an evil little grin on her face as she walked out of the kitchen. I'm already regretting this.
It's two hours later and after visiting over five stores Alex finally decided to let me get some rest and something to eat.
"Oh thank God," I mumbled as I crashed into a chair.
"Stop being so melodramatic," Alex hissed at me as she waved over one of the waiters.
Unfortunately for me he had a pot of coffee in his hand when Alex beckoned him and I'm guessing based on the look on her face he thought better of putting it down. As soon as the smell of coffee hit me I had the sudden urge to throw up. Alex stared after me in shock as I slapped a hand over my mouth.
"Get it away from me," I shrieked a little too loudly for my liking but luckily there weren't a lot of people inside.
The waiter's face showed growing alarm but I couldn't even focus on the fact that I was probably confusing him.
"The coffee," Alex gestured to the pot in his hand "she can't stomach the smell"
A look of understanding washed over him as he quickly walked away from me. Alex used the menu to fan me and I was so grateful for that. After a couple seconds I felt better and my stomach was at ease. Well except for the fact that I was hungry but that was about to be remedied in a minute.
The waiter came back over without the coffee thankfully and took our order. Surprisingly Alex was quiet for the most part while we waiting for our food. We made small talk but she was typing away on her phone at the same time. After we got our food I immediately dug in. I don't remember food tasting this good. I swear it’s like I'm having a foodgasm right now.
I looked over at Alex and saw her gently set her phone on the table. Alex is always eating so her not doing so right now even though theirs food in front of her is alarming.
"Is everything okay?" I asked her as I used a napkin to wipe my face.
"Everything is great," she smiled a little too widely for it to be genuine but I didn't question it. If something was wrong I'm sure she would tell me. When she started to inhale her food I assumed everything was okay.
After we stuffed everything into the car Alex said she needed to make a quick stop at the pharmacy. I waited in the car for her because she said I didn't need to accompany her. I didn't question it because I was exhausted. Shopping with Alex is not for the faint of heart. That woman could shop for hours on end.
I was glad when I saw her finally exit the pharmacy. I started the car so I could drive off as soon as she got in because I was in desperate need of a nap. After arriving home we carried in the bags and I went into the kitchen for a glass of water. I grabbed an apple also just because I was feeling a bit peckish.
"We need to talk," Alex spoke as she walked into the room.
"I feel like we have a lot of deep talks in the kitchen nowadays," I laughed.
My laughter died down when Alex didn't laugh along with me. That's when I noticed she was hiding something behind her back.
"What's up?" I asked her "and what do you have behind you?"
She moved her hand in front of her to reveal boxes of pregnancy test. I was frozen in place. I didn't know what to say or what to think. Alex thought I was pregnant. Now that I think about it Luke and I haven't been using protection which was very stupid of us. What if I was indeed pregnant what was I going to do?
"I did some research and you have pregnancy symptoms going on right now, it explains why you're throwing up and why you can't stand the smell of coffee"
"You love coffee," she went on to plea her case, but she didn't need to because I could already tell she was right.
"Give me those," I reached out a hand to her and took all four of the pregnancy tests. I drank the rest of the water and locked myself in the bathroom. I know Alex wouldn't mind being there for me, but I was too lost in my thoughts at this point.
"I'll be here when you're done," she said softly.
Tearing open the first bag I got to work on taking all four of the tests. After ten minutes passed and I was sure that it was enough time for the tests to load I looked at the results.
"Oh my God"
"What is it?" Alex asked knocking on the door.
I opened the door and looked at her "its..."
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