Chapter 10 | Meatballs
*Isadora’s POV*
I have been wet since I saw him leaning against his Maserati. Fūck, he is the finest man I have ever laid eyes on.
That’s why I was livid when that bītch touched what was mine. He doesn’t know it yet, but he will be mine.
I glanced over to find his leg bouncing up and down like he was nervous or something.
“What are you thinking about, Padrino?” I asked him in a seductive voice. What? Can you blame me for putting all my cards on the table when it came to him? I wanted him in my bed pronto.
“Nothing.” He mumbled, making me laugh wholeheartedly. “I’m beginning to wonder if something is wrong with your head.” He told me as his leg stopped bouncing.
I quickly switched hands to place my left hand on the steering wheel as I placed my right hand on his thigh. “Usually women are the ones that insist that nothing is wrong and they aren’t thinking about anything when, in fact, something is wrong and their mind is going a million miles a second.”
“Well, I am really not thinking about anything.” He said in annoyance, looking away as my hand inched upward on his thigh.
“I don’t remember much when I was younger, but were you always this cranky?” I asked him, biting my lips to keep from laughing.
“Isadora.” He said, taking a deep breath. “I don’t want to be a dīck to you, but you know which button to press to make my mood change.”
I continued rubbing his thigh, inching closer to the outline of his dīck. Would I get so lucky? I could always say it’s an accident since I’m facing the road.
“Where are we going anyway?” He asked me suddenly, making my hand freeze.
In the beginning, I had no clue where to take him because he was raised here. It’s not like he’d be interested in the colosseum or other things tourists usually love.
So I started thinking about what was something I really wanted to do with him besides fūck him. Nothing was coming to mind until I thought about what ways I could get him naked and, bingo, I got it. I remembered this beautiful waterfall I had discovered that was completely hidden. I don’t even think anyone knows about it.
“Somewhere special.” I replied with a smirk. “But first… I’m hungry.” I told him, making him chuckle.
“Good because I’m fūcking starving.” He said before closing his eyes. “What do you want to eat?” He asked in slight discomfort, making me suppress a laugh.
I’m sure he wants to eat exactly what I want to eat. Well, not exactly because I want his dīck and I’m almost sure he wants my pūssy. Unless, that’s my wishful thinking.
“Balls.” I replied, causing his eyes to shoot open. “Spaghetti and meatballs.” I said, batting my eyes at him, making him sigh.
“You?” I asked him.
“Same.” He replied as I bit my lip.
“I knew you liked balls too.” I joked, causing him to pull my hair back roughly before leaning closer. I swear every time he touches me I’m done for, but every time he pulls my hair, I cūm, imagining him pulling my hair back as he rams his cōck into my mouth.
“That little joke back there and now is going to cost you.” He muttered in my ear, making me shiver and close my eyes. “Pay attention to the road.” He growled as he released my hair.
“I’m sorry, Padrino. I just wouldn’t know if you, you know…liked pūssy.” I stated innocently.
“Not that it’s your business, but I do love pūssy very much.” He said, clearing his voice.
“You had me fooled. You don’t sound very convincing.” I told him as he gripped the hand that was still on his thigh tightly.
“One of these days, I will have to do what your parents never did.” He said as he flipped my hand over, rubbing my palm roughly before smacking it hard. “And spank you until you learn how to respect.” He said, making me squirm in my seat. If I was fūcking wet before, fūck that shīt now.
“Sometimes I wonder how that would feel.” I whispered, making sure he heard it and that he did.
“Isa.” He panted just as I put the car on park.
I turned to him, making his breath hitch. I have a feeling that I will make him fall very very soon. “This is one of Dad’s restaurants. We aren’t here because it’s his but because it’s delicious.” I told him before grabbing the handle and climbing out.
I took a deep breath of fresh air, hoping to calm some of this sexūal tension. You know how many times I contemplated stopping the car and riding him? One hundred times too many.
Alberto grabbed my arm before I could make it in the door, making me turn to face him with brows furrowed. “Lascia che i miei ragazzi controllino prima il posto.” (Italian for “Let my guys check the place first.”) He said as one of them squeezed between us.
Not only did I have to deal with my father’s men, now I had to deal with his. At least his men were more discreet when following us.
“Tutto bene, Capo.” (Italian for “All good, Boss.”) The same guy said as he held the door open for us.
“Let’s get you some balls.” I winked at Alberto as I grabbed his hand, pulling him inside with me. Dio, I hope this time it actually earned me the spanking.
After the three-course meal and a few glasses of moscato, we exited the restaurant, heading back to the car. I wasn’t drunk, but I can admit that I was a happy medium. Alberto wrapped his arms around my waist, making me look at him over my shoulder. He literally drank a glass of whiskey. No way he was drunk.
“You aren’t driving in that state, Angel.” He whispered in my ear before digging in my front pocket for the key.
‘Dammit! Go lower and touch the kitty.’ I thought to myself. Not even in my state was I going to beg for it. I can tease and all, but I’m not going to beg. No matter how desperate I am for him to touch me, to feel him thrust inside of me, and for him to make me cūm.
I thought that once he had the key in hand, he would let me go, but no, he held me in place. “Walk.” He commanded, releasing his hold a bit, but maintaining his hands on my waist as he led me to the car. This whole damn time I could have pretended to be drunk to get him closer and I never thought about it. Alcohol has just become my new best friend.
I put my best act together as I stumbled in front of him. “Careful, Angel.” He kept saying as we reached the car.
I grabbed the handle, opening it quickly to climb in. As I was getting in, I heard him speak again, making me groan. “Maybe we should go home. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“You should live a little.” I said as I was sitting down, facing him, while I grabbed his arms, pulling him closer.
“Angel.” He panted as my hands reached up to his hair in amazement. I was sitting, legs open with him leaning into the car between my legs. This alone had me wet and ready.
“I want another nickname.” I said with a pout, making him chuckle.
“What does my angel want?” He asked as I pulled his lips closer to mine.
“Call me Naughty Girl or Slūt when we are alone.” I told him, making him gulp as his frown disappeared.
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