HER MONSTER HUSBAND - Chapter #2 - Free To Read

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2


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Luca's probably knew that she was glaring at him because he turned and for the first time in thirty minutes, he looked at her.

He looked angry but in a way, it was obvious he was trying so much to conceal it.

The moment he read her expression, he quirked his brows and tilted his head a bit like he was daring her to do something about his the way he was acting.

There was some kind of aura that screamed authority about him.

His poise, his looks, if she was the little girl she used to be, I would probably be cowering right now.

He kept his gaze on her and she started getting uneasy.

Now, she totally preferred he didn't look at her because she was gradually getting nervous with the way he stared directly at her with that frown.

She couldn't know what went through his mind and it made her more uneasy, knowing she was just probably the center of it all.

" I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now kiss your bride"

The priest's voice boomed throughout the cathedral, calling her out of my trail of thoughts.


You may now what??'

She had totally forgotten this aspect of the wedding rituals.

She looked up at Luca in nervousness and he was slowly descending down to my level.

He didn't close his eyes but he stared directly at her.

Her heart beat hiked up.

She panicked looking I him, figuring out a way to get out of this predicament.

He had just pecked the side of her lip, claiming it was a kiss and he retreated.

The whole congregation of people burst into a fit of clapping and hooting, all rejoicing with the newly wedded couple.

To worsen it all he gave everyone a smile, for the first time he smiled, a fake one of which she wasn't included so they could actually buy the act he actually kissed his bride.

Alvira looked at him so confused.

If he could be so cold on their wedding day then how bad was he going to be in their actual marriage?

She knew she had never bought the idea of them getting married but there was nothing they could actually do, so the thing now was to make it work out.

Even if they just ended up as just friends, It was fine.

He walked away to their reserved seat, leaving het on the altar and she just had to follow immediately behind him if she didn't want things to look awkward while he couldn't care less.

Every other thing at the ceremony went in a blur.

Alvira was bored even at her own wedding.

Luca had continued from where he had stopped in ignoring her and she had no option than to sit where she was beside him.

No communication, no nothing.

Finally, they closed in the church. A lot of people had left and they had to go home too. No, scratch that, his house but right after they took some photos.

She didn't have it in me to follow her.

To her, he was a complete stranger and he didn't relent in reminding her every single second that passed by.

There was no reception.

Her father scratched that out.

To him it was waste of money.

To him also, they just needed to go straight to the point and they had just done that by doing the church wedding.

She wasn't in total agreement though. Like they were in the twenty first century. Who did a wedding without a reception??

She sighed.

They had taken pictures already.

Luca had it few while Alvira took most of it with her family.

They made her feel alive.

About an hour later, they were done with everything.

Her family were all seated in one of their family cars and were about to take off.

Seeing them leave her with him was something she wasn't about accepting.

For the first time, she tugged on Luca's suit to get his attention.

" Please can I spend the night at my family's? I will head to yours first thing tomorrow morning. please"

Her request came out as more of a plead.

Seeing his scowl directed at her made it turn to a plead.

'Like what on earth did he have on her?'

He narrowed his brows and frowned deeper.

" No. That is not happening on my watch" his really deep voice sent chills of fear into her.

She swallowed..

Thinking maybe he would change his mind but then he turned around and walked away.

Tears pricked her eyes but she quickly blinked them away.

He was so mean.

Alvira tried walking to another direction, away from him but an aggressive car honk startled her and she spined around to see where it came from.

Luca looked at her from the window of his black car with a questioning look.

It then dawned on her that they were actually supposed to be going to his house right now.

She slowly walked till she got to his car.

She climbed into it and sat on the black soft leather of the seat.

He was driving.

She wonder why

She rolled her eyes.

She knew that he has had tons of drivers working for him, so he driving at all, especially on his wedding day was definitely a deliberate action .

She stared out the window all through the ride.

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" Get down."

She noticed the car had stopped.

Luca had parked his car at the parking space in front of his house.

Alvira got down and slowly looked around her new environment.

His house was exquisite.

Couldn't say it was a mansion exactly but it was superb, coupled with the fact he probably built it for just himself.

He left her and walked inside, not like she was expecting something better anyway.

Alvira finally got inside and he was standing in the living area, staring right at me.

" Come. I will show you to your room." He said.

He went ahead and Alvira followed him.

He showed her to her room, he went ahead and showed her the kitchen, the dining, living area and that was all.

He left her and went wherever he was going in his house.

'How was I going to live my whole life with someone like him?' She asked herself.

She entered into the bathroom, turned on the shower and stood under it.

She needed to cool her head from all the wedding stress.











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