From Prisoner to Princess - Chapter #3 - Free To Read

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Thanks Artie." I smile at Aurther the head chef of the prison, a gentle giant of a man who got stuck here after killing a man in self-defence. Everyone loves him. He is friendly, polite, and always helping those that don’t cause him any trouble. The best part is if you are kind to him and help him in the kitchen, then you’ll earn extra desert in this hell hole.

“Not a problem Alli Cat. Also, take this.” Holding out a cupcake to me, I quickly reach over to receive the treat and place it onto my tray, my necklace slips out from under the collar of my shirt and catches the light as I do so.

"You better hide that or someone will try to steal it." Aurther states quietly, motioning to the simple chain with a locket. With his warning, I quickly reach for the necklace and tuck it back into its hiding spot, praying that no one else saw it as the insignia on it is the only clue to my past. That and a photo of me as a baby placed inside with the note ‘my darling, my world, my princess’ written by a feminine hand, one I believe to be my mother’s. After confirming with Aurther that no one saw, I thanked him and his staff once more before taking a large bottle of water at the end of the queue and make my way to the lone table in the corner.

Not many like to sit here with the corner table being isolated from everyone else, but I prefer this table. It gives me the advantage of looking around the room to see who is left here in this Prison and who is new. Of course, not many have left since my last time in solitary confinement, but ten new girls have joined us this morning. The new ones are the hardest to deal with. They are either scared and jumpy, crying at the drop of a hat, or arrogant and thinking they rule the Prison when really that will just earn them a beating or solitary confinement. And they always come for me since I sit alone.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes; three more months and I will be out of here if I stay on my best behavior. If I can stay out of solitary confinement this week, then I will not have to worry about another one being added to my sentence.

"Hey, bitch I like that necklace I saw earlier." Comes a snarky voice before me. The room goes silent, the clinking of silverware on plates stopping as everyone most likely turns to stare. A good show will begin for those watching on.

Slowly I open my eyes and look at the curly-haired redhead in front of me and stop myself from sighing. Prostitute my mind registered, taking in her looks from her slightly bruised and messy body to the arms crossed under her large breasts that the shirt barely hides hickies under. Guards must have had fun trying to break her, so why is she here and not in the plush room.

"The last girl who said that to me ended up in the hospital wing" and I found myself in solitary confinement. I retort with, thinking the last bit to myself. Taking a bite of my cupcake I size up the redhead and her two blonde goons on either side of her. Looking at the first one – a platinum blonde with pin-straight hair and tanned skin - I noticed similar bruising on her and just about rolled my eyes out of my head. After turning to look at the raven-haired girl with pale skin I confirm my suspicions that all three sold their bodies, but it still doesn’t tell me why they are here in front of me. I wonder if maybe they were being kept by a handler and that’s why they were with my group and not in the plush room. The thought alone makes me chuckle as I finish my cupcake.

"What’s so funny?" Platinum Blondie asks, glaring at me as she sizes me up. I ignore her in favor of taking a bite of my sandwich, deciding that if these three bimbos try anything that will land me in solitary confinement, then I might as well go with a full stomach.

"Maybe she is a little slow." Raven girly answers, scoffing as she throws her hair over her shoulder. Red just stands there, trying to look intimidating as her hands move to her hips.

"I don't care what she finds so funny, I just want that damned necklace." Red growls out, surprising me. Who knew humans could growl like wild animals.

“Like I said earlier, the last girl who said that to me ended up in the hospital wing. Now go sit down and eat your food.” I sigh out, feeling like I am talking to children. Actually, scratch that, the children I used to keep an eye on in the Slums listened better than these three idiots. My words seem to be the trigger for their short fuse as if on cue the three move to lunge at me over the table. With quick movements, I lift the table up using the hand I kept under it, flipping it into their faces and creating a nice, lovely crunching sound. It seems these three will need a nose job later today.

Before they can react, I push myself to my feet and move to the right, getting into a fighting stance in case they try anything else, but the sounds of boots on concrete catch my attention and I relax. Guards will be here soon to break up whatever fight has started. Frowning, I feel something touch my foot and jump, looking down to find my water bottle. I take a chance to pick up the bottle and chug the drink. With the Guards on the way, I want to finish the drink just in case I don’t get anything for a while in solitary confinement.

"Can't say I didn't warn you." I shrug nonchalantly after wiping my mouth clean. Guards have entered the room by now, creating a circle around the three ladies and me. I quickly put my hands up, dropping my water bottle as I do and slowly get to my knees. Looks like my fun is ruined and I will be back in solitary confinement. Yippee.

The Guards order the three to their knees, Red seeming to defy them as her goons comply easily. I scoff, enjoying the Guards man-handling Red out of the common area with her kicking and screaming while the other two are cuffed and escorted out with dignity for complying easily. Someone takes my arm and yanks it behind me none too gently, making me wince as cuffs are placed onto my wrists before I am hauled to my feet.

"Move you slut.” The Guard behind me orders, pushing me towards the door. I wince, wanting to glare at the man but I know better. Glaring will get you a smack across the face. I know where I am being taken to though, it’s the same place I am always taken to after getting into a fight I did not want to be in – solitary confinement.

With a sigh, I move towards the path that will lead me to the black room with little to no light inside. But something feels off like a looming danger is just around the corner. With unease inside me, I look back to notice only one Guard following behind me. Usually, there are three, one to keep me in sight and two to shoot me if I fight back. My stomach churns and I am getting ready to run when strong arms grasp the cuffs keeping my wrists together, using the force to push me into the nearest wall.

"You always get into trouble missy.” The Guard begins, pushing himself against me.

“So since you want to act like a tough girl, how about we see just how tough you really are.” He continues, flicking his tongue along my earlobe and causing me to shudder with disgust. I try to struggle as his hands move from my wrist and snake around my body, slowly feeling along my waist as one moves to grope my breast while the other holds me closer to him. I keep trying to throw him off of me, to try my best to get free but the man presses his hips against my ass, and I feel the telltale lump of his erection. I am doing nothing but turning him on further.

Fear takes hold of me as I slowly come to realize that my struggling is futile. That if this man wants to take my virginity, then he will. Nothing will stop him from hurting me and with a silent tear, I pray that some guardian angel sends help my way.

“Unhand her at once!”











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