Falling For My Best Friend's Twin Brothers - Chapter #2 - Free To Read

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I couldn’t help but laugh along with her excitement. “You’re right! I can’t wait to see the look on his face,” I said, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation building up inside me. I wasted no time. I quickly slipped out of my clothes and carefully put on the bright red lingerie. The moment I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t believe the transformation. The lingerie hugged my curves perfectly, and I felt incredibly sexy and confident. Bless my mom for passing on her killer body to me.

Everyone always comments on how much I resemble my mom. We share similar facial features, with captivating eyes that reflect warmth and kindness, a well-defined nose, and a gentle smile that lights up a room. My hair is flowing and radiant, adding to my overall charm.

“You look absolutely stunning, Lily!” Cher complimented, clapping her hands in delight. “Leon won’t stand a chance!”

Taking a deep breath, I nodded, my heart pounding with excitement. “Okay, I’m ready to surprise him,” I declared, determination evident in my voice.

Cher smiled warmly at me. “Go get ‘em, girl! You’ve got this,” she encouraged, giving me a reassuring pat on the back.

With newfound confidence and a touch of nervousness, I left Cher’s place and headed home, ready to surprise Leon.

Leon and I have been living together for a few months now, and it has been an incredible experience. We’ve grown so much closer and have become like a little family. Sharing our daily lives, and experiences, and supporting each other has been truly rewarding. Living together has brought us even closer and strengthened our bond in ways we couldn’t have imagined before.

My heart skipped a beat as I approached the front door and heard faint moans coming from inside. My excitement quickly turned to confusion and concern. I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be in the house. My mind raced with thoughts, wondering what could be going on.

Cautiously, I unlocked the door and tiptoed inside. The moans grew louder, and now I could also hear giggles mixed in with them. My curiosity intensified, and I quietly made my way toward the source of the sounds, trying not to alert whoever was there.

I took a deep breath and gathered all my courage before pushing the door open. My heart was beating fast in my chest. But what I saw inside shattered my world. There was Leon, the man I loved and trusted, in a close embrace with another woman whom I recognized as Bella, one of the most famous actresses in Hollywood.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. It felt like a huge wave of shock and disbelief crashing over me. It was as if my heart sank to my stomach, and I couldn’t find the right words to express the pain I was feeling. I felt completely betrayed.

“Leon!!” I called out, my voice trembling with a mix of hurt and anger.

The two people separated from each other. They looked guilty, reflecting the pain I felt inside. When Leon saw me wearing lingerie to surprise him, he panicked and tried to explain, but the hurt from his betrayal was too strong.

I couldn’t hold back my tears and asked him, “How could you?” My voice was filled with sadness. The pain hurt deeply, and it felt like the trust we had was falling apart. Bella was long gone. She grabbed her clothes that were scattered on the floor and ran out the moment I called Leon’s name out.

Leon apologized and asked for forgiveness with remorse in his voice. He didn’t mean to hurt me, but the damage was done.

“I didn’t mean to, Lily,” he said, his voice shaking. “Come on now baby. We haven’t exactly done it lately.”

“You were busy so I gave you space! You’re such a piece of shit!” I felt torn, but I knew I had to be strong. “We are done, Leon! We are fucking done!”

Leaving the broken love behind, I felt a sense of freedom. It was hard, but I knew I deserved better than a love tainted with betrayal.

As I walked away, tears streamed down my face. I couldn’t help but question myself. “Why did this happen to me?” I asked, feeling sad. I wondered if I was unlovable, doubting myself and my relationships. The pain of rejection and self-doubt weighed on me, leaving me searching for answers and understanding.

Feeling hurt and broken, I found comfort in my best friend, Cher. She sat beside me, calming the chaos in my heart. I needed to talk to her and share my pain.

Taking a deep breath, I mustered the strength to tell her the hard truth. “Cher,” I began, feeling sad and angry, “Leon… he betrayed me.”

Cher looked concerned and confused, encouraging me to keep talking. I tried to find the right words to explain how devastating it was. “I… I found him in bed with another girl,” I confessed, my voice trembling with the weight of the truth.

Cher’s expression changed, showing shock and understanding. She reached out to offer the support I needed. “Lily,” she said softly, with compassion in her voice. “I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine how much that hurt.”

Tears filled my eyes as I remembered the painful moment. It felt like it was tearing me apart inside. “Cher, I… I can’t believe it. I wanted to show him the lingerie, the one you told me to wear as a surprise. And there they were, betraying me.”

The room was silent after I spoke. The betrayal felt overwhelming, like a cruel twist of fate that left me struggling to breathe.

Cher broke the silence with caring and determination. “Lily, you deserve better than this,” she said firmly, supporting me with her gaze. “You deserve love, loyalty, and respect. What Leon did shows his true character, and it doesn’t reflect your worth.”

I thanked Cher and agreed with her. I knew I deserved someone who loved and respected me.

But the pain of the betrayal still weighed on me, and I wanted to escape it. I thought about drowning my sorrows in alcohol, but I knew it wouldn’t help. I didn’t want to ruin Cher’s important event with my troubles. Instead, I decided to drink alone. I ended up in a dimly lit tavern, surrounded by laughter and clinking glasses. Each sip of alcohol gave me a brief break from my pain. Cher was there, supporting me and gently comforting me.

As I sat there, feeling overwhelmed by my emotions and thoughts of betrayal, Cher’s phone suddenly beeped, and she looked worried. Something unexpected had come up, and she had to leave urgently.

“I’m really sorry, Cher,” she said, sounding regretful. “I have to go. I can’t stay with you tonight.”

I was surprised by the sudden change of plans, but I understood that she had important things to take care of, especially on the eve of her special event. Even though I felt disappointed, I managed to smile weakly and told her that it was okay, and I’ll be fine.

Cher hesitated, showing concern and care in her eyes. She didn’t want to leave me alone and vulnerable. With compassion, she offered me help in the midst of the chaos.

“Lily, I can’t leave you like this. It’s not safe for you to go home alone in this state,” she insisted, determined to help. “Please come to my room and rest there for the night. I won’t be there, but at least you’ll be safe.”

I was touched by her genuine concern and nodded gratefully. Her kindness was like a lifeline in my darkest moment.











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