Faithless - Chapter #2 - Free To Read

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"No, not kidding," he grinned at me toothily.

A dramatic groan escaped my lips. His golden-boy looks were not enough to subside the immense irritation that suddenly filled my body. I gave him a flat stare which he only returned with a lope-sided smile.

"Go find somewhere else to live."

"Sounds like you need me, just as much as I need you, sweet cheeks."

"Don't call me that." I snap in annoyance.

"Those little dimples," he cooed, stepping forward into the house and prodding me in the cheek.

Instantly, I slapped his hand away and frowned.

Who did he think he was? Who just barges into someone's house after ramming into their car, might I add, and starts treating them like a child?

This could not be the person who is my potential roommate...

"Well hello!" Dad greeted cheerfully, hastily wiping his hands on his jeans. "Xavier, is it? Nice to meet you in person."

"Likewise," he smiled back charmingly, and I scoffed without meaning to. Dad swivelled his eyes warningly to me. We often could communicate just through a look and I could tell he was begging me to be civil right now.

"Do you know each other?" he asked cautiously, looking a little frightened.

"This," I ground out, waving my hand at him dismissively. "Is the idiot who ran into my car today."

"Because you stalled. How long have you had your license?" he questioned, cocking his head to the side. He was speaking slowly, as if addressing a young child. Again, speaking to me like I was immature beyond my years. I may be small physically but my personality was big enough to fulfil my physical lacking. My mouth snapped open to retort but dad's nervous laugh silenced me. He slapped me on the shoulder, his fingers biting into my shoulder, signalling me to watch myself. I physically bit my tongue, exhaling slowly.

"Alright, alright. We've clearly gotten off on a bad foot and let me tell you Xavier, Faith can really hold a grudge when she wants to but you were the one who hit my daughter's car. We've already discussed the insurance, so there is no need to say things like that. You need a place to live, we need someone to rent, let's just focus on that, shall we?"

"I completely agree with you sir," Xavier replied, a little taken back at dad's words. A charismatic smile stretched across his face and I saw my dad physically relax. Rolling my eyes, I threw my hands up in a peace signal and turned, striding to the kitchen. I didn't want to be there for the interview, I knew dad would approve him anyway. We were desperate.

"Not sticking around?" Xavier murmured to me, snaking up to me from behind. I jumped in alarm, the bottle of milk in my hands almost slipping. Spreading my lips into a thin line, I turned, narrowing my eyes as I stared up at him.


I scanned the room for dad but he must have left, to go get the forms Xavier would need to fill out. Leaving us alone. Unfortunately. I know I should have drool unattractively dribbling from my mouth and should be jumping with joy at the fact my new roommate was drop-dead-gorgeous, but I knew he was going to be a pain in my butt the minute his shiny Subaru Forester slammed my Lancer. I wasn't going to let his God-like appearance muddle up my thoughts as I'm sure many other girls before me have. If something bad happened between us and I was forced to live with him for the next few months, I would go insane. This was my house and I wasn't going to let this guy come in and take over.

"This," he murmured, and if I wasn't over thinking it, huskily. "Is going to be fun."

I spun on my heel and slammed my vacant palm into his chest. "Listen here-"

My threat came up short as dad began talking once more, entering the room. Xavier smirked, wrapping his hand around my wrist like he had earlier today.

"We'll have to finish this later, sweet cheeks."

He stepped back from me and turned toward dad casually. Slamming the milk carton down onto the bench with more force than necessary, I exited the room.

This was going to be a long six months.


As I expected, Xavier was moving in. Wednesday. I had just over a day of my sanity left. Dad edged toward me and I knew what he was planning, but was powerless to stop it. He successfully cornered me and I pressed my back against the wall, arms folded across my chest.

"You don't like him?"

"I don't like many people."

"Is this just your regular hostility towards the human race or do you actually not like this guy? If you feel uncomfortable in any way, I need to know before it is completely finalised."

"He seems like a royal pain but not anyone I can't handle. If he's really the only candidate, what choice do I have?"

"I can make another choice."

"It's okay." I assured him despite my mind screaming otherwise. "It will be fine."

"Are you sure?" he asked, his eyes staring intently into mine.

"Yes, yes, now leave me alone." I laughed, shooing him away. "You need to finalise your packing or you'll be late for your flight again."

"Aw, look at you coming around." he grinned, pinching my cheeks. The movement reminded me of what Xavier did earlier and I cringed.


"I love you."

"And I love you." I rolled my eyes, pushing off the wall. "Most of the time."

He turned back, frowning. "Heard that."

"You were meant to." I called over my shoulder, disappearing into my room.

My room was my sanctuary. It was coated with dark purple walls and collaged with various posters of my favourite bands. My bed had black cotton sheets and a crimson dooner over the top. Clearly when I last designed my room, I was in a bit of a "gothic" faze. It suits me, I reckon.

Dooms day was here and dad was flying out tonight. After sitting in silence for a few moments, I realised I needed to be with him. Dragging my feet, I wandered into his room and sat on his bed heavily. I watched miserably as he continued piling clothes and more clothes in his suitcase. We didn't have to communicate right now.

Clearly feeling guilty, he had left some pretty awesome food left for me. Frozen pizza, Nutella, my favourite cookies... he knew that would keep me satisfied for a while. Suck up. Too soon, the time came around where he was departing for good. He gave me a tight-lipped smile. Leaning down, he brushed his lips to my forehead.

"I love you. I'm sorry."

"I want to talk to you all the time." I reasoned, the tears I've been holding back finally swimming to the surface. One escaped, falling down my cheek. He slid this thumb across, wiping it off gently.

"You don't get a choice."


"Don't cry." he pleaded. "It's not long."

"It's a long time to go without my best friend."

"Stop." he sighed, closing his eyes. "This is hard for me too. You think I want to leave any more than you want me to go?"

I exhaled shakily. "Go before I start blubbering like a baby."

He laughed, ruffling my hair much to my annoyance. "I'll see you soon."


With one last hug, he turned and strode from me. I sat on his bed for a while, just letting myself sit in silence. Eventually, I rose to my feet and grabbed some essentials from the kitchen. These essentials included my Nutella jar and spoon. Slowly, I dragged my feet to my room and placed the first disc I saw into the DVD player.

Cheers to the last day to myself, I thought bitterly.


"Get up sunshine."


"It's a beautiful morning!"

"Not with you here it isn't."

"Come on, help a roommate out?"


"Are you always this enthusiastic about life?"

"Yes. Go away."

"If you get up I will."

"I'm going to push you down the stairs."

"Good, you'll have to get up to do that."

"AH!" An enraged scream tore from my throat. Throwing back my blankets, I clambered to my feet. Xavier stood there proudly, smirking at me. He had a victorious gleam to his eye as he got what he wanted. His eyes rested on my face and he physically cringed at what he saw, making me narrow my eyes into slits. I must look beautiful from my injuries. It was Wednesday, aka the day my life turns to hell. As expected, he did not hesitate to bombard me as soon as he stepped through the door of my house. "I'm going to call dad and tell him this arrangement isn't going to work out."

"You do that." he challenged, his smirk continuing to grow. "Now come on, let's go move some boxes."

"Why on earth would I help you?" I questioned him incredulously. "After you so rudely intruded my sleep."

"Because you're a kind person?"

"Clearly you don't know me very well."

He frowned, staring down at me. "Please?"

"No. I'm going to go shower." Shoulder barging my way around him, I stomped into my bathroom and slammed the door. I leaned heavily against it, burying my face into the palm of my hands. This was going to be a nightmare living with him.

As soon as you move into a place, why would you go disturb your roommate that you hardly know? Who in their right mind would do that? I grumbled, disgruntled at my not-so-nice morning awakening.

I glanced at the mirror and cringed at my reflection. The colouring around my stitches were a disturbing yellow and there was black bruising around my nose and partly across my left cheek. Despite cringing away from me, I'm surprised Xavier didn't make any snide comments about the fact I look like I got robbed by a gang. Maybe he felt bad. Maybe.

Unwrapping my wrist-brace and quickly ditching my pyjamas, I stepped into the shower. I wasn't really a morning person, if that wasn't obvious. The hot water felt awesome against my skin as it unwound my muscles. I inhaled a lungful of the steamy air. Showering was the best part of my day. Stepping out, I wrapped a secure towel around my body. I emerged feeling much more human and almost screamed when I realised Xavier was still here. He was sprawled across my bed, staring around like he was in a museum.

"Are you emo?" he questioned seriously.

"Get out of my room!"

He finally turned his gaze to me and his lips parted slightly. "Well you just gave me a reason to stay..."

"Get. Out. Now." I ground out, my teeth clenching painfully. I suddenly felt insecure about how I looked. My hair was wet, hanging limply down my shoulders. My face... was disgusting right now with the bruises and whatnot. I felt over-exposed in my own house, which I really did not like.

"Is your red hair symbolic of your fiery attitude?" he asked with a smirk. I didn't reply, only death staring him. "Okay, okay, not a morning person clearly. If I leave your room, will you come help me move in to this extraordinarily large house?"

"Yes." I snapped, just wanting him gone.

"Well that was easier than I thought." He leapt to his feet elegantly and I wanted to roll my eyes at his energetic nature. "See you soon!"

Thankfully he removed himself from my room. I shut the door loudly behind him and made sure it was securely locked. Dropping the towel, I browsed through my walk-in closet for something to wear today. I could already feel it was cool, so I decided on some darks leggings and a cream, long-sleeved top. As I hung my towel back on the rack, I stared at my reflection again.

My vivid red hair trailed down my shoulders and contrasted strongly against the cream top I was wearing. My smooth, pale skin was clear (not including the hideous bruises and freakishly yellow stitches) and my eyes bright. I often didn't wear makeup and if I did, it was only light foundation and mascara, maybe some blush if I could be bothered. I didn't really go into my appearance, unless I was attending a party or another significant engagement. Then I would go into the eyeliner, eye shadow, hair curled and so on. I was too lazy to do that on a daily basis.

My wrist was still a little sore, much to my annoyance. These stupid ligaments were going to bother me the rest of my life. I re-wrapped the brace back on and sighed. I haven't missed wearing this. Reluctantly, I made my way down the winding staircase where Xavier already had some boxes spread messily across the floor.

"Oh. I forgot you were injured." he said, his eyes focusing on my wrist. "Did I do that?"

Absently, my left hand began to trail over the brace. "It was an old injury. Hitting you caused it to become agitated again."

Now that I wasn't seeing red in my vision and was actually calm, I noticed his jaw was slightly puffy on one side. Laughter escaped my lips and I slapped my hand to my mouth, trying to control the giggles.

"What? Something on my face?" he asked.

"Yeah, just your bruised ego." I smirked, still trying to hold in my laughter. "It was a good punch, wasn't it?"

His lips spread into a thin line as he remembered. I suppose he wasn't used to have his 'flawless' face not-so-flawless. His skin was like marble, begging me to run my fingertips across it. His jade green eyes were bright and entrancing. The fact that he was so stunning made it ten times funnier that I made his jaw swollen. I think that definitely earned me some cool points, if I do say so myself.

"Good wouldn't be the word I would describe it as."

"Oh." I replied, the sarcasm heavy in my voice. "I see."

"Can you just help and stop being so difficult?"

"I haven't eaten yet though." I stated, knowing I was getting on his nerves. I tapped my finger on my chin. "Maybe later."

He sighed. "Fine."

"Oh and then I have to do the washing, the ironing, get stuff ready for school... in fact, I don't think I have much time to help you at all."

"Faith." he said through gritted teeth.

I paused for a second, confused at how he knew my name. It then occurred to me dad would have told him and Xavier probably would have had to fill out paperwork at the hospital. Speaking of, when he wasn't preoccupied and I was in a calmer state of mind, I would need to organise the insurance of my car.

"Yeah?" I asked back cluelessly.

His cheeks were growing red and I couldn't help smirk at his reaction. I loved toying with people. His jaw clenched but he exhaled.

"Okay. Guess I'll let you get on with your 'busy' day."


Turning on my heel, I marched up the stairs.

Maybe this arrangement wouldn't be as bad as I originally thought.


I was going to kill him.

Slowly and painfully, with my bare hands. In fact I am probably going to google the most pain a human can endure and practise the method on him. I clamped my palms over my ears as his death metal music blared, loud and clear. I was currently perched at my desk, attempting to do some of the homework I had been assigned and Xavier seemed to think destroying his ear drums was a reasonable pass time. Apparently, he wanted to ruin mine too.

Honestly, I had been trying not to react. I actually had been, but I was getting really close to going down there. Just breathe, I told myself. Relax, breathe and focus.

I tried to finish my essay but I just could not concentrate with that playing. If anything, it was only getting louder. Letting out a growl of anger, I leapt to my feet. I stomped down the hall and down the winding staircase. My mouth fell open as I saw about five shirtless boys moving his furniture around. I recognised some of them from the football team from my school. How on earth did he know the popular boys from my school already? I suppose he does seem young enough to be the same age as me.

"Enjoying the show?" Xavier yelled out to me from the bottom of the staircase. "Since you were too busy, I thought I would bring in a few friends."

"That's fine," I yelled back, trying not to pop a blood vessel. Go for the mature approach and ask him nicely. "Mind turning down the music?"

"What was that?"

"Can you turn down the music?" I yelled, my patience getting thinner by the second.

"Sorry, can't hear you, the music is too loud."

"Yeah you could hear fine a second ago, dimwit." I growled, marching down the stairs. "Turn it down. Now."

"Turn it up?"

"DOWN." I screamed in exasperation.


If possible, the volume went up. My teeth were clenched together to the extent it was actually painful. Lucky I didn't have any really close neighbours to call in any complaints. Actually, I would have welcomed the complaints.

"Want another punch to the jaw?" I screamed, completely furious.

One of the boys, Oscar I think his name is snorted but covered it with a cough when Xavier glared at him. He began mouthing incoherent words to me, pointing at his ears, indicating he 'couldn't' hear. I face palmed myself. Attempting to threat or negotiate with him would be pointless. I made my way toward the iPod dock, ready to rip the cord out myself, but he stood in my way.

"Where are you going, sugar?"

"Quit with the stupid nicknames and quit annoying me. This is my house so my rules apply. Turn down the music."

"What, you going to go run to your daddy? Get him to make me stop? He left. He's not here to help you. This is my house now too. My rules also apply. Deal with it."

My mouth fell open as I stared at him incredulously. What he said was true, which I hated to admit. This was his house too now. Well, technically, he only rented it but the bottom half technically was his now. The part about dad leaving was definitely true, which still hurt to think. Frustrated tears burned at my eyes but I wouldn't let any escape. I was not going to be weak, especially not in front of him. I made a mental note to scream into my pillow later and write a vent text to my best friend.

"You're a pig."

"So I've been told."

"I hate you."

"Been told that too."

"So you're not going to turn down the music?" I asked him levelly, my voice eerily calm.

"Nope." he said, popping the 'P'. He folded his arms across his chest and smirked down at me challengingly. I wanted nothing more than to wipe that distasteful smirk from his face.

I nodded slowly. "Okay."

Turning my back to him, I made my way out the glass door, leading to the patio. I went through the back door and out to the power box. I was suddenly grateful growing up with dad. I knew the ins and outs of the house and knew how to turn the electricity off. A disturbing squeak filled my ears as I pulled the latch open. Flicking the switch, the deafening music came to an abrupt silence.

Smirking to myself, I returned to the house where the boys just stood there, staring at each other helplessly. I know I can't leave it off for very long, with the fridge and all that, but I needed to teach him a lesson. Xavier turned, his eyes narrowed into slits.

"You've started something now." he said in a slow, threatening voice.

"Yeah. Two can play this game." I replied back starkly, arms folded across my chest, mirroring his former position. "Bring it on."











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